Test Drive Ford Galaxy since 2010 Minivan
Whole barrel of honey
There were no such favorable offer on the Russian market of minivans.Appearance

Perhaps, never this family bus did not look so athletic and tightened: unusually wide muscular arches, gripping headlights, large elongated fog and stretched underwhelm. On the background of the predecessor-veteran (Galaxy debuted in 1995), even after rejuvenation, six years ago, it looks frankly boring neither to take a fader of beer fighter, abrupt sports clubs.
Note, the newcomer became moreover noticeably longer (plus 180 mm), as well as higher and wider (by 33 and 60 mm, respectively). Moreover, the limit of his sports aggression in the design is not fully exhausted. Together with the new Galaxy Ford released built on the same base, but even more rapid 5-seater ES-Max. This is true, as they say, a separate song.
Interior design, convenience of landing and capacity
Inside the car and has changed to be unrecognizable. If it were not for typically minivan triangular windows at the front racks and more than two cubic meters of air behind his back, you can easily think that it was driving a sports car. A wide central tunnel now clearly distinguishes the workplace of the driver and passenger, and the larger tilt of the steering column allows you to take a completely easy landing. Inserts under aluminum, chairs with pronounced lateral support, and round duct deflectors appeared on the front panel.
Do not, however, think that former family values \u200b\u200bmoved to the background. On the contrary, for passengers the car has become even more convenient. The understated threshold and high doorways did even easier to fit. The seasures of the second and third rows are located from now on the amphitheater so passengers are always visible the line of the horizon, which is meant less. And everywhere it became also spacious.

Galaxy 2000

Galaxy 2006

Galaxy 2006

Galaxy 2000
Galaxy 2006

Galaxy 2000
Galaxy 2006
1. Adjustable steering wheel with amplifier. 2. Airbags. 3. Anntal brake system. 4. CD magnetol. 5. Air conditioning. 6. Power windows. 7. Electric drive heated mirrors. 8. Central locking. 9. Fog lights.
Dynamics and economy

Until 2004, Galaxy was sold with four engines. However, recently it was possible to buy only with one 2.3 l gasoline engine (145 l.). The current alternative is a 2-liter car of the same power. Due to the smaller mass and modern design, such a minivan is 1.5 with faster, it is accelerated to hundreds, more economically in the country speeds, although he has slightly lost in the trap.
In order to find an alternative to Galaxy with Volkswagen V6 volume of 2.8 liters, you will have to buy a 225-strong ES-Max. But the diesel versions received more than a worthy replacement. Even the most weak 100-strong Ford exchanges 100 km / h almost 3 seconds faster than the former 90-strong Galaxy. And on elasticity (overclocking from 50 to 100 km / h on the fourth) it is almost 2 seconds faster than a novice with a single gasoline engine. Other dates Saloary still travelee. A 125-strong motor can be chosen both from 5- and with 6-speed mechanics. 130- and 143-strong diesel engines and completely frank lighters with a spur from 110120 km / h such can adequately resist even machines with powerful V6.
EuroNCAP did not test the previous one or the current model. However, the toughest body and better equipment if earlier in the database there were only front pillows, now there were inflatable curtains for all three rows and a cushion to protect the drivers' knees allow you to call a beginner and safer.
In addition, on request, the machine can be obtained with shock absorbers of the variable stiffness interacting with EPS and contributing to the easier control at high speeds. Galaxy and trumps such as a helping system at the start of the rise, turning bisenon headlights, tire pressure sensors and even active cruise controls are appeared.
The first Galaxy was too expensive $ 33,528 for the base trend-2,3. Much is much cheaper: the owner of the Kor-2.0 version can be for $ 25,900. Given almost the same basic equipment (there is no magnetic, fog lights appeared), it's just a gift. If you compare the cars of one version of the trend, then the difference will be slightly smaller, but is still very significant $ 6748.
As before, the minivan can be bought in the generous configuration of GIA. Such 145-strong beginner costs $ 28,350 at $ 7506 cheaper than the previous one. True, while Galaxy cannot be bought with a machine gun.
But if the last couple of years did not sell for the last couple of years, then they are now for every taste. The most affordable, 100-coile cost $ 26,400. Another 25 forces will cost $ 750. For 130- and 143-strong versions, they also ask for inexpensively from $ 27,660 and from $ 28,050, respectively.

We decided:
Having received an exquisite, bright appearance, a wide range of wrestling and economical motors, the newcomer became safer and spacious. But the most important thing at the same time managed to chef on average for $ 67007500. The only spoon is flying while the complete absence of automatic versions.
Alexey Sergeev, photo Ford
A source: Journal buy cars [14/2006]