Ford Fusion test drive since 2010 hatchback

Winter in a big city

These cars show their best features in sometimes extreme conditions of a snowy metropolis

Do not believe in the word
City wintering for a motorist is still a joy: ice and night snowfalls, zealous courtyards and broken ruts. It is not surprising that people wealthy in the winter are transplanted to all -terrain vehicles, the people are simpler, it happens, puts the car on a joke until the future spring. But you can do without extremes. Recently, a new breed of city all -terrain vehicles appeared in densely populated car jungle. Rather, pseudo -sedencers, because from all -terrain vehicles these little ones, built on the basis of Supermini class cars, are only an enlarged clearance. In Russia, there are three Rover-Stutviz, Suzuki-INIS and Ford FURSE.

Loud words from advertising avenues promise their owners and passenger behavior on the asphalt, and the capacity of the station wagon, and the soreness of the SUV. In a word, everything that is required for a trouble -free urban wintering. It sounds tempting. But before calling the car dealership, let's check what Stritwiz, Ignis and Fuzn are actually capable of. And for this, we put ourselves in the place of a caring and sufficiently wealthy father of the family, selecting a winter vehicle for a wife or adult daughter.

We build everyone in height
As we have already noted, all three were built on the basis of Supermini. The fijna chassis of the fiesta was based, Vagon-R+shared a platform with Ignis, and Stritveiz was a completely slightly modernized rover-25 car, which is 10 years old. The designer team of Peter Stevens well faded the veteran, giving him dough features. A plastic skirt around the perimeter of the body, original cast discs, a stylish anterior optics and a stitching already its own in the company of young and beautiful.


Susuki with Ford are not deprived of curious looks. But if they look at Stritviz approvingly, even pushing the tongue, Ignis and Fuzn are more likely to hurt the appearance of the appearance. Tall, square and slightly stooped, they are like a couple of European tourists, towering in the crowd of Bushmen.

But when it comes to real convenience, the favorite changes. You dive into a strutyise’s salon almost like a hole. The tall passenger, and especially the passenger in a winter coat and a fashionable hat, has to literally squeeze inward. Finding yourself behind Ignis and Fuzhna is not easier for an example, even if the driver is a lady in a long fur coat of black -bitch. A tall and fairly wide doorway allows you to just step into the salon, almost like on compactivens.

Suzuki at a height not only in terms of the convenience of entry-exit. A vertical landing, a short hood, a short rear overhang of dimensions you feel like your five fingers. In addition, from the driver's seat, the events are visible on three or four cars forward, which allows you to confidently maneuver in a dense stream. He saw in his row the stalled poor fellow and took to the side in time, deceiving the beginning cork.

Approximately the same is true in relation to Fusion. Unless, due to a longer hood, visibility in it is a little worse. But Stritveiz in this discipline is so -so. The usual passenger landing, like all supermi. So, beyond your own nose, the hood of that is, do not see anything.

The venerable age of Stritviz is noticeable in the design of the salon and the quality of finishing materials

Ignis pleased, perhaps, ideal for the city with visibility

The interior of Ford is made in a spectacular industrial style, it is only a pity that plastic of frankly budget quality
The tall passengers on the sofa of Stritveiz will have a hard time. You sit, as in a box, and the ceiling presses, and your feet are tight

On the couch with a noticeable stock of air above the head, the legs are not enough space

Fusion is the unconditional leader of the test in spaciousness. Conveniently and freely both on the front chairs and on the rear sofa

An important point: in Suzuki and Ford, all governing bodies are in their places. But Salon Stritviz, like a kunstkamera or a paleontological museum. For example, the automatic transmission mode indicator is in the blind area to the right of the selector! Of course, we are aware that the Rover is English and on versions with the right steering wheel, everything can be seen perfectly. But why do the Japanese adjust to the market with right -hand traffic, and the British do not want?

In the salon of the English car, you can find more from the heels of such annoying trifles, of which a common not too favorable impression is added up. But the stitching seats that are magnificent in shape, reliably fixing your back in dense leather rollers, frankly pleased. But even here not everything is obvious. If your wife is used to it and not to remove the fur coat in the car, then she will hardly taste a hand-chip. The wide and flat pillows of the seats of Ignis and Fuzhna in this case will seem more appropriate.

Truth in the eye
Stritveiz, the only one of the three, can be obtained with a 3-door body. This option is not suitable for a family person, it is more likely for young and perky. However, the Rover does not indulge in the five doors. It's all about the age of the model. In the mid-90s, only science fiction writers dreamed of spacious supermins.

Because his wife for trips for kids to school and girlfriends would best come up. It is not for nothing that he is often attributed to the Mikrovians. A tall roof and a little more vertical than in a regular hatchback, planting provides sufficient comfort even to four healthy men for an eighty -five meter. It doesn’t press on the knees, a good supply of oxygen above the head. Ignis, in principle, is hidden according to the same scheme as Ford.

Hungarian Suzuki has solid height and bus landing. But still inside is not so free. Even in the driver's seat, I always wanted to move a couple of centimeters back to straighten my knees, nowhere.


Mikrovenn without two minutes
Our car will mainly move around the city. However, this does not exclude individual trips outside the city to the cottage, and, of course, without shopping tours can not do in any way. Most stores will be able to travel to Ford. Firstly, the fusion is the best for the minimum luggage volume. For Supermini 335 liters, a very good result. In addition, the rear seats can be folded entirely by both the back and the pillow, expanding the freight capabilities up to 1175 liters. To transport long -breeders, the folding back of the front passenger chair will be very useful. Moreover, in a folded state, it turns into a convenient table for paper or drinks. Of course, by the standards of modern compactwenes, it is not God the news of what, but for Supermini it will do. Moreover, Ignis and Stritveiz cannot offer such amenities.

Large loading height and narrow opening are distinguished by the trunk of the stitch

Ignis's bins are noticeably more convenient. Pay attention to the width of the opening

But only Fuzn allows you to fold both the back and the sofa pillow

They only have the backs of the seats folded, hence the more modest maximum capacity. Although both 1000 liters have overcome the line. Well, the Hungarian Japanese returned a small loss in minimal capacity due to less loading height and more convenient access to the trunk.

Will not lag behind anything
Choosing a car for the dearest half, especially far -sighted husbands prefer low -power models they say, where to chase in winter?! However, in the presence of appropriate rubber and head on the shoulders in a vigorous dynamics there is no harm. And in the case of our wintering ziprodks, even the power of basic engines is enough for confident and quite brisk movement in the metropolis. The most modest in the number of horsepower 1.4-liter Ford has quite adequate dynamics. The motor does not stew on the bottom and is very cheerful in the entire speed range. Switching the programs here is real pleasure so clearly and verifying the drive of the gearbox works.

It is no worse and the temperament of Ignis is that with mechanics (1.3 l), which with an automatic machine (1.5 l). In any case, Suzuki is very peppy small. Moreover, both engines love high revs, which should appeal to the gambling driver. True, with the automatic transmission, Ignis becomes a little stubborn 4-speed box does not always keep up with switching. But for an inexpensive machine gun this is not surprising.

But the 1.8-liter four and the unavailable variator of the Strutizh live the soul in the soul. Intensive and flattering pride, overclocking does not require any effort from the driver. Even in fully automatic mode, Rover reacts perfectly to increasing fuel supply. A delicious pickup begins already with 3000 rpm. It's nice that in sport mode the variator carefully holds the transmission, allowing the motor to get out to the limit. And when discharging the gas, Stritveiz is very skillfully and quite intensively brakes by the engine.

No problem
In the urban movement, an inexperienced driver is unlikely to notice the difference in car behavior. They obey the steering wheel implicitly, playing playfully with the simplest maneuvers. Another thing is that Stritveiz and Fuzn, built on the basis of such outstanding in terms of control of machines as a rover-25 and a fiesta, allow you to take the soul. The Englishman is especially good. He gladly rushes into turns, and calling to go faster. The only remark of the steering wheel, or rather, a hydraulic wrap, which is too zealously returning it to a neutral position. So you need to hold on to the steering wheel in the rover with two hands.

The lack of fusion is high growth. In the city, this does not matter, but on the highway, Fordik is too susceptible to sharp gusts of wind. About the same character is characteristic of Ignis. Unless Suzuki is not so exciting in corners, and the car begins to roll a little earlier.

Who is the last in all -terrain vehicles?
Of course, to evaluate the cross -country ability of almost cars. But we did not try to drown the kids in the mud bath, but just wanted to find out how Stritveiz, Ignis and Fuzn relate to snow procedures.

Ignis is so wonderful! Let's say more, this Suzuki in an all -wheel drive version can be considered a real alternate. Such a recommendation is worth a lot. And even only with the front leading wheels, the car is perfectly adapted to the city wintering. The key to this is excellent for a passenger car geometry pay attention to short overhangs, a solid clearance and a competent bottom layout. That is why Suzuki is not afraid of high borders and he does not give a damn about the icy track. Why are there a border stones Ignis can playfully climb or go down the steps. In real life, such exercises are unlikely to be able to perform such exercises, but this is the best confirmation of the thoughtfulness of the structure.

Not bad as a winter vehicle and Ford. Even visually the fusion with short overhangs looks quite prepared for the assault on curb stones. A highly suspended bumper allows you to climb the steps. But you can’t deceive the light nature, and the short -handed rear suspension clearly limits the abilities of the machine. The wheel is hung out in the most harmless situation.

But the rover of testing the ladder could not stand it. In general, Stritveze reminded the low Hollywood movie star, which, in order not to embarrass, is removed exclusively from the bottom up. On an advertising poster, Stritveiz is striking in a solid road clearance, and in life there is no trace of jeeps of Rover. And it's not only about a modest clearance. Cute plastic bumers in fact greatly limit geometric cross -country ability. So, a long overhang was able to climb onto the stairs of Stritviz rested on the step.

Without music!
Noise insulation of none of the participants in the competition can be called exemplary. In the salon, Supermini is naive to expect more. But if I want to listen to the song of the Rover motor full of sports notes and even make a louder, then the supership screech of Suzuki and Ford is not too musical. True, only if at each traffic light to twist the engine until the limiter is triggered. In the city you should not rush like that, especially in winter. If you go, as they say, in half a man, then the accompaniment of four cylinders and muffler does not particularly bother.

That's just Ignis, like Fusion, is not friends with aerodynamics. The wind walks around the racks already at speeds of 120 km/h. The noise of rubber, too obvious even in the city, also contributes to the oppressive musical background. However, in the end, you can put music louder.

But the harsh suspension will not delight the pampered princesses. In principle, there are nothing criminal and harder. Moreover, the elasticity of the suspension of Suzuki, Rover and Ford is more likely for the benefit. Let the margin of safety in the assault on the tram tracks will be more important.

For himself and that guy
A caring husband and father will definitely worry about a good passive car safety for his beloved. But only on Ford can you let your relatives and friends with a pure heart with a clean heart. Fouzhn is a hard good euroncap tests: four stars, good points both in frontal and side strikes. Currently respecting and equipping four airbags and ABS with a system of a brack operator in the case of emergency braking in the database. As if specially invented for elegant female legs.

Stritviz and Ignis Eir-begs are half as much. But the main thing is that the degree of security can only be judged by indirect evidence of the crash tests of these models were not carried out. True, back in 2000, in the tests of Euroncap, they defeated his brother Stritveiz Rover-25. Only now the three stars obtained do not reflect the real picture. After all, for the front-line hit, the 25th earned only three points out of 16 possible. On satisfactorily, the rover pulled only thanks to good lateral protection. Sounds, admitted, unconvincing.

For Ignis in crash tests, WaGon-R+was blown up. He received an acceptable assessment from the Swedish insurance company to Volks who is engaged in independent tests. We will not argue with the inventors of matches, although doubts remain.

Money is tin
So, our applicants are quite successful with the role of winter city cars. But why then there are so few of them on our roads? Muscovites and guests of the capital will not allow you to lie on the streets only occasionally you will meet Stritveiz, Ignis or Fuzhn. The reason is exclusively financial. Say, the minimum price of Stritwiz exceeds $ 20,000! Even making a discount on a powerful basic motor and decent equipment, it is at least $ 2000 more than the most reasonable level. Well, it should not cost supermino as a well-equipped golf-class hatchback. And if you need an automatic machine, then less than $ 23,000, you can’t approach the stitchyase. It is clear that at such a price there can be no talk of any popularity.

Recently, prices for the model of the blue oval are indicated in dollars. And the fusion immediately became more attractive. The basic cost of the 80-horsepower model in the configuration of the trend is $ 14 430. Add air conditioning and enamel metallic, it turns out $ 15,846. So much is asked for ordinary supermini, not burdened with fusion talents, increased spaciousness and good road clearance. Like it or not, an interesting purchase.

The basic Ignis-1,3 will become yours for $ 14,880. Fortunately, the equipment is very good. But the machine implies a more powerful 1.5 liter engine, and the price immediately jumps to $ 16,680. A lot of way, of course, although not fatal, especially keeping a three -year guarantee in the mind. Ford and Rover have a warranty period of a year less.

Another undoubted plus of Ignis is the opportunity to get all -wheel drive. True, there is such a car as Liana-4x4. And although Ignis wins the older sister on off -road talents in one gate, Liana looks more solid and richer. For which the buyer actively votes his wallet.

The rattling cover of the glove box is by no means commeolfo

The pens of the climate installation with the nature of orders are obviously obeyed and even rest

The digitization of the dashboard seemed small
Standard Supermini set Separate folding back of a sofa and a modest trunk

Purely English solution: Rover automatic transmission indicator is in the blind zone on the right
Excellent geometry for passenger cars, the key to confidence on city streets
Stylish tidy and I want to forgive imperfect readability
In place of the handle for the driver-kamikadze, a wise solution is located

Okay is hidden, firmly sewn the efforts of Ignis's assembly at the height

Holding levers lacks clarity in switching
The glove box is very modest in volume

Dashboard sample of restrained style and excellent readability

In folded form, the back of the right chair turns into a table for paper or drinks
The clarity of the switches of the mechanical gearbox is beyond praise

The sign of time is an additional container for small things in the center of the torpedo

We decided:

The search for a car for urban wintering brought positive results. Ford-fusion (, average grade 4.0) and Suzuki-INIS (, average rating 3.9) fully meet the requirements. The convenience of entry-output, high landing and good geometric patency allow you to not pay attention to the surprises of the winter road.

The difference between Ignis and the fester in detail. Ford is somewhat more spacious, he has the most convenient and voluminous trunk, a high level of passive safety. Suzuki, in turn, seriously claims to the title of this all -terrain vehicle. Given the excellent geometry and long -flowing suspension, Ignis can be safely recommended as an alternative to small all -terrain vehicles. Civilized habits on the road, moderately a spacious salon and a worthy trunk turn this convenient and all -weather car into a serious opponent Jimny or Sportiju.

But Stritveiz (, the average rating of 3.4), our exam could not stand it. By and large, in the winter city, Rover has no advantage over the usual supermini. Limited geometric cross -country ability openly disappointed. No, a pretty and stylish stitching is more suitable for the role of a fashionable vehicle. In addition, good dynamics and controllability will like fans of fast driving. That's just paying for beautiful eyes and a brisk temperament you need too much.
Mikhail Medvedev, photo of Maxim Goncharov


Source: Magazine buy a car [02/2005]