Ford Explorer test drive since 2005 SUV

The Sandpit Generals

Chevrolet Trailblazer and Ford Explorer - impressive appearance, solid possibilities
Compared to the Blazer model, a new (of course, relatively new - the machine has been sold with us since 2002) The Chevrolet medium -sized SUV looks much more solid. In the guise of Trailblazer, the features of the older brother are clearly read - Tahoe: two -story headlights, horizontal false radiator grille, convex wings with wide wheel arches. Explorer also looks more serious than its predecessor, radically updated in the same 2002. The former roundness in the exterior was replaced by rigid chopped shapes, the design of the front was more aggressive. However, the main changes affected the chassis - the SUV received a completely independent suspension that fundamentally changed the behavior of the car on the asphalt.
However, we will talk about the sled characteristics of our heroes below. In the meantime, let's look at their spacious salons. Against the background of the frankly archaic interior, the Ford panel looks more modern and even as if in European. Adapted to the tastes of motorists of the Old World and Trailblazer. Unlike Explorer, the Chevy driver will not have to get used to the steering wheel poker of the automatic gearbox selector - it is located in the usual place next door to the handbrake (Ford has a scabric typical for American cars).
And yet, despite some deviations from the canon, both of our heroes are one hundred percent Americans. Huge leather seats without pronounced lateral support, large buttons and keys, overloaded instruments, a lot of shelves, drawers, cup holders ... Chevrolet steering wheel is slightly thin, but lies in the hands no worse than a slightly more chubby Explorer. The steering columns are regulated only in height, but drivers of any height will be able to quickly find a convenient landing - the benefit of the range of movements of the seats is quite large. Review is not bad (although Chevy has a more successful shape). In addition, both manufacturers offer such a useful option as a pedal node adjustable using an electric drive - a large help for stunted drivers.
There are few complaints about ergonomics. The only steering wheel switch overloaded with functions is inconvenient - this is again a typically American solution on both SUVs. (By the way, the attempt of the creators of the Chevy partially unload the lever, having transferred the rear wiper to the central console, it is hardly possible to recognize: the switch is located in the blind zone.) There are questions for Ford. The transmission mode indicator is almost not visible due to the hub of the steering wheel, you can’t call ideal and electromechanical seats adjustments (only part of the settings are equipped with electric drives). And the person who has placed the switches of the seats heating next to the keys of the chairs settings would like to look into the eyes especially closely: by accidentally activating this option in the process of arranging at the wheel, the author of these lines has long and painfully spinning like in a frying pan, unsuccessfully looking for an unfortunate button around Salon
The back is quite convenient: to the backs of the front seats, the ceiling is high. At the disposal of the Chevrolet passengers - an individual tuner with two headphones for headphones and a ventilation control unit with the ability to adjust the direction of flows and the fan rotation speed.
But Explorer is more spacious. The extreme chairs of the second row are folding (only the back is lowered in the central one), providing access to the trunk, on the third row of seats, where two adults can quite freely accommodate. If desired, all passenger places can be turned into a convenient, almost perfectly flat cargo platform. For the convenience of loading light luggles, both SUVs are equipped with the fifth door lifting glass.
Well, what are our Americans on the go? A powerful 275-horsepower six allows the Trailblazer driver to start effectively from the traffic light and confidently pulls at high speeds. True, the four -speed automatic operates rudely, with obvious deeds when switching down. Unfortunately, not only the box suffers with thoughtfulness. Quite sluggishly Chevy responds to the turns of the steering wheel. In the nearoral zone of the steering wheel is absolutely empty: in order to achieve a sharp change in the trajectory with an extreme detour of the obstacle (decoration maneuver), it has to be rotated with interception to large angles, which often does not remain in critical situations. Yes, and the rolls in corners, alas, are great - to keep a two -ton makhin with a high center of gravity from them not even powerful reptile stabilizers ...
In general, it is better not to dashing the Chevrolet Trailblazer behind the wheel: roll yourself leisurely, enjoying the typically American smoothness of the course. Passengers are concerned only to fluctuations in huge wheels when passing frankly large bumps and holes.
But Explorer turned out to be harsh: Sedokov significantly shakes even on minor irregularities (at the same time, the SUV swinging like an ocean liner on asphalt waves). However, in general, the car behaves on the road very well. Bowing the Chevrolet engine in power, the V-shaped eight Explorer takes excellent coordination of working with the transmission: the delay of the five-speed box is minimized, which favorably distinguishes it from the usual American machine guns.
At high speeds, Ford is not only stable on a straight line, but also allows you to confidently rebuild from a row in a row. The reactions are calm and accurate, and the steering provides sustainable feedback. Of course, Explorer cannot be called absolutely passenger behavior - this is still an SUV. A high center of gravity provokes tangible rolls in corners. Fortunately, in the Ford limit he behaves very correctly: there is no pronounced tendency to demolish the front wheels, or to the drift of the rear, for which you need to thank the well -tuned independent rear suspension.
It is known that the vast majority of owners of SUVs leave asphalt only in exceptional cases. In general, they do the right thing: driving an off -road is a separate science. And not any car is able to conquer a real Off-Road. To find out what the future owners of our heroes can count on, we tried in one of the quarries near Moscow. I must say that sand testing is one of the most severe soils - both SUVs were held with honor. It is enough to simply connect the front bridge (4x4 High mode). At the same time, the reserve remains 4x4 LOW (strictly blocked through a multi -circular coupling all -wheel drive and reducing gear in the handout) and automatic blocking of the differential of the rear axle. Also confidently, the cars stormed the deep ruts of the blurry primer
By and large, we liked both participants in this test. The Americans are perfectly equipped, and they are asking for non -road standards not prohibitive money. The reader will find the scatter of cars for cars in various versions in the table. Well, our Trailblazer and Explorer will cost $ 48 804 and $ 51,720.
Text: Andrey Tsybulsky

Source: Mkobil magazine [23.05.2005]

Ford Explorer test drive since 2005