Test Drive Ford Expedition since 2007 SUV

All can be kings

Many cars at different times claimed the title of King Road, but, in our opinion, he can earn it only a huge and magnificent, personifying power and an on-site full-sized SUV, on the American classification - a light truck.

According to the style of movement, it resembles a tank: it is also absolutely stable at any speed, and passing cars prefer to stay from it at a significant distance. With all the enormous engine power, such a car does not seem capable of harsh maneuvers, or rather, any maneuver in its performance makes the impression of non-refinery and unhurried. Even when she trrings from a sink scene, it looks like smooth overclocking - they didn't stick to hurry and fuss. For a long time we wanted to acquaint our readers with an American truck, and now the case has introduced itself.

We were at our disposal two typical representative of this family: Ford F-150 - Pickup and built on its Ford Expedition platform with a classic closed off-road body.

Recall that at the Detroit Auto Show Expedition received the title of a 1997 car in the category of light trucks, the F-150 was awarded the same title a year earlier. And the newly appeared luxury Navigator is just the Expedition version performed by the Lincoln separation.

In America, the demand for both modifications is about the same. Expedition contributes to the creation of a certain image of the owner, and the F-150 is more often purchased for commercial use and is cheaper. In Russia, expedition uses much more successful success, although the pickup looks at least courageously and effectively and everything is clear that firewood on it is unlikely to carry. In addition, customs duties on trucks are less than on SUVs, and the cost of the car is about $ 55,000, which is 10-12% lower than the Expedition.

And F-150, and Expedition turned out to be all-wheel drive (there are versions only with rear-wheel drive) and 5.4 liters were equipped with an automatic transmission and dispensing box, which turns off the front axle, and in 4 Wheel Drive mode has one downward transmission. ABS and air conditioning are standardized, and the leather salon, which is considered for the expedition norm, for the F-150 is offered in the Lovert - Top version. From the additional equipment on the machines, chromed kenguryats and fog lights are installed, and on the pickup - electric winch and four spotlights on the security arc.

Like everything else, the doors of the machines of impressive sizes, and, despite the very high thresholds, the entrance to the salon does not cause special difficulties. A durable wide footboard also helps, running along the entire body from Expedition and only under the cabin in F-150. Pickup has three doors - two on the right and one left. Right - unpaved, and if the full-format for the front passenger opens traditionally, then the second (t. Half), which provides a convenient passage to the back seat, opened towards the movement, and only if you open the main door.

Expedition doors are ordinary, only on the rear glass can be opened separately, or to accommodate long-term items, or just for venting.

Although the pickup cabin is a little shorter, in both machines, passengers in the back seat are not deprived. Threesome can be located very conveniently, if you wish the four-way, slightly sweating, and if necessary, five people will fit, and everyone will be able to breathe at the same time.

The interior of the car is almost the same, the difference is only in the right front seat: in Expedition - this is a separate chair, and in the F-150 - a double sofa.

Once in the luxurious, bright-skinned salon, from the expanser and light, you first feel even a little uncomfortable. But you get used to comfort and luxury quickly. The driver's seat has a wide range of electrical drive adjustments, and it is possible to fit it under a person of any complexion and growth.

Driving a car is a pleasure. Hands comfortably fall on wide armrests - on the door to the left and on the cover of a spacious boxing on the right. Steering column is adjustable in height. Moreover, going to the long road along the highway that does not require active taxiing, the column can be omitted almost on their knees. The ram is covered with soft skin, the cross section is designed for a large palm. A massive steering wheel hub with a built-in security pillow and cruise control keys in any position leaves the ability to keep appliances and indicators under control. And see what. In addition to the speedometer and tachometer, the panels are located four indicators of the engine operation parameters, made in the form of ninety-gradual sectors, as well as a linear indicator of the transmission included and a large number of multicolored light bulbs informing about everything in light - from uncoated belts and unlocked doors to worn brake pads and clogged fuel filter. However, they do not distract from the control of the machine, since it is lit only if not all right.

The right door of the dashboard, on the center console, is the built-in radio, under it - the control knobs of the developed heating and air conditioning system.

To the left of the climatic block, closer to the driver, there is a switch of a transfer box modes with three positions.

It is symmetrically to him, on the right, the passenger airbag buttons - in case you are transporting a child in the front seat. Put such a switch started recently.

The large area of \u200b\u200bglazing and outer mirrors are allowed to review the surroundings on 360, without turning the heads, and from the highly located cabin, at all, you watch everything from above, which is very convenient, because the considerable dimensions of the car are well felt, and navigate the stream becomes easier .

The accelerator and brake pedals are located at a considerable distance from each other. In size, they are small, obviously, the designers provided the likelihood of driving a car in ordinary shoes, and not only in hunting boots or workers boots. The gearbox control selector, along the American tradition, is located on the steering column, moves perpendicular to its axis and ends with a small, neat headband, which is conveniently stacked between large and index fingers. Switches with light fixation. Turning, wiper and washer, as well as a low-light switch on the far light are controlled on the left subwoofer lever.

In general, the salon is similar to a spacious and cozy office, where there is everything you need for work and the most favorable conditions for rest are created.

Gradually begin to understand why the Americans love similar cars ...

Expedition has the classical layout of the cabin with the possibility of its transformation into the double and turning the trunk in a small hangar, in which it seems you can place another car, Ford KA, for example. As for the F-150, the truck, albeit light, it is a truck. In the front of the body there are two chrome-plated safety arcs, having a stylist rather than utilitarian purposes, because the roof of the cabin, no doubt, will endure not one dozen of the coups. The floor of the body and the upper edges of the sides are covered with plastic lining, which are easy to replace with metal or wooden, depending on whether you are going to carry bricks or a pair of riding horses. The back board leans in a horizontal position and is strictly fixed in it, increasing the length of the cargo platform by 0.8 m, or removed at all.

We go to look for a place to test. The most suitable route in Krylatsky appeared, where the pokatushki club 4x4 was held during the day before. The complexity of the track completely corresponds to our goals, which have lost rains and numerous SUVs made it unsuitable for the promotion of the wheel equipment, but since the F-150 is equipped with a winch, and the owners of the cars are not averse to trying them in extreme conditions, we boldly dive into a deep rut. Deep it is clearly not for these monsters. Where the car will immediately sit down on the bridges, Expedition passed with a significant reserve, and the place where, according to our photographer, last year there was a Hummer, it will probably sat down without switching to reduced transmission in a transfer box.

F-150 walked the second, on the suspension so that if necessary, pull out the first car winch. A longer base did not allow him to move the trail into a trace along the steep uhabam more than one and a half meters high, and from time to time I had to leave the rut and waddle at a virgin, then climbing the scorch, then plunging the door to the swamp. When the wheels were on with water-covered slippes, the front led toward a very suspicious quagger, but the sharp turn of the steering wheel and the engine jerk returned the car to the specified course.

Overcoming four special tracks and traveling only a swing from logs, we remained very satisfied with the power and passability of cars. The problem arose only once, when at the very end of the expedition walk, turning out of the rut to the steep rise, found himself in a loose sand, was signed and literally in one second I swung the front bridge in one second. Then I still had to turn on the reduced gear, and the car from the second attempt overcame the slide.

No less confidently feel these cars and on asphalt. At the time of the start with the maximum acceleration, you feel like Munchhausen sitting on the kernel.

Of course, this is not the most dynamic cars, but thanks to the high landing and excellent review, the impression of a flight above the road.

The engine works with very low base sound, transfers switched completely unnoticed, only when using Kick Down, the car shoots with a tangible jerk.

The suspension is very well handled the small irregularities of the road. Neither the F-150 nor a shorter expedition show the tendency to peel the nose on Ughab - undoubtedly, a considerable overall weight and good weighing are affected. Only on long asphalt waves there is a significant onboard pitching. Cars clearly calculated on American roads. For Russia, it would not hurt to make the suspension to the more rigid so that marine sickness seizures arose.

In turns, both cars fit perfectly, while the body rolls not as much as it could be expected after swinging on Ughab. The hydraulicifer does not cause complaints of excessive softness, as often happens on the overseas machines. On the contrary, the steering wheel is enough, requires solid male circulation.

At the outlet of the turn of the wheels, it is so actively returning to the position directly, which accounts for even slightly slow down the steering wheel with palms.

Digure the car did not succeed. With the highest steering wheel and recessed in the floor, the gas pedal was squeezed on the asphalt, but the car clearly draws the radius put it.

The brakes in such machines are required to be super high. They are the same. With all its huge weight, the car slows down intensively, the pedal is very informative and allows you to clearly dose the effort. Before triggered ABS, it never reached.

Despite the impressive sizes, F-150 and Expedition refer to the category of machines to which you do not need to get used to. Driving them, you can calmly relax, of course, not forgetting that you are on the road, and relax. Sitting driving, feel at the height, on the throne, the king of the road.

Evgeny Romantsky


A source: Magog Motor [№8 / 1997]