Test drive Ford Expedition 2002 - 2006 SUV

The power of instinct

Listen, John, why do Americans love such cars?
What are these?
Well, these are huge.
Is this huge?

John specifically goes outside to assess the size of our Ford Expedition. Comparing it with the Ssangyong Musso, who had passed it, John admits: really, a huge giddle. Further, the reasoning follows:
It seems to me that ordinary Americans are characterized by hard work and zeal on the way to the goal. This is their difference from Europeans. Therefore, they know how to appreciate things practical, functional, that is, useful. And this car must be quite functional.


Yeah, there is nowhere more practical, I think to myself. The engine is five and a half liters, two meters wide and height, more than five in length. A scope worthy of American farmers and Saudi princes! Common sense on the move celebrates the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying such a monster. Where are you going on such? Bus dimensions will not allow to park in the center, to the limit will complicate maneuvering in a tight parking lot and will not leave a chance to squeeze through a narrow lane. Everything that was not stuck with bumpers will be hooked with 30-centimeter mirrors. Well, the consumption of gasoline twenty liters per day on the route house-work-house will be a real achievement. I have repeatedly faced the fact that the large SUVs themselves create problems, pouring the soil and digging quickly, and digging it quickly. Finally, the last straw in a bowl of absurdity is cheap interior decoration with rough skin and hard plastic.
I suspected that everything would be so. If only because this is exactly the case with the American SUV. How do these mastodons survive in the modern world? Of course, if they are grown somewhere and, apparently, in decent quantities, then they are bought in the amount of equivalent. But who and why? In order to shed a little light on this secret, I persuaded to ride with me John Varoli, an American journalist working in Bloomberg News media holding. John has been living in St. Petersburg for several years, speaks in Russian perfectly and sincerely tries to figure out the mysterious American soul.
Have mercy, John, where did you see functionality here?
Look, adults will sit in front, three children will be located behind them, and a mother -in -law will work on the very rear seats. A suitable option for a large family.
But will it not reasonably opt for minivan? Why is this screaming aggressiveness: high landing, large wheels, chrome muzzle?
You know, Americans seek to stand tightly on their feet. So, to be safe, to feel confidence in the future. In my opinion, such a machine causes a feeling of security at a subconscious level.


Logical. But there is a territory in which the logic is content with a second -plan role. This is vanity, carefully masking under the political correct term image. This is where Expedition sparkles in all its glory! It operates at the level of instincts. As much as it was said about the male thirst for championship, about a difficult desire to demonstrate their success, its strength and power. So, the Ford giant is simply created to indulge in these low passions. In five minutes, even the most modest ego will bite to incredible sizes. Checked on personal experience! In general, from now on there is another effective way to show here to everyone who is what.


John, it seems, the Americans are not averse to show off? To annoy friends and neighbors with a purchase of a big wheelbarrow?
It’s one thing to boast of your achievements, it is a completely different enthusiastic way to work on a cool image, as often happens here in Russia. In America, they are so preoccupied with their image, probably only in Hollywood.
But what about pathos black culture with its luxurious villas, expensive machines, furs and diamonds? She seems to be in demand, she has a lot of fans. Is this not a reflection of moods in society?
Black culture, which it is known for video clips on MTV, is nothing more than a beautiful myth. Yes, it noticeably affects fashion trends, but this does not mean that she has the entire population. On the contrary, ordinary Americans are in no hurry to bring fashion to their lives, choosing the position of the observer. They respect themselves too much to rush at everything new.


That is, full -sized SUVs are an ordinary household item?
And what? The intercity tracks are wide, empty, cheap gasoline costs as much as in Russia. Seven open spaces give rise to gigantomania. And the popularity of such machines can also be explained by the fat complexion of residents of the visits. I remember how my friends and I passed Pennsylvania and stopped in some town. Then I, a resident of the New York suburbs, first drew attention to the number of full people. Toast men, fat women, fat children ... Some kind of horror!
Is everything different in New York?
Oh, New York is another planet. By the way, here is the same: there is Moscow, there is the rest of Russia. In New York, a car like this is nonsense. There, wealthy people often do not have a car at all, hunting for the subway or by taxi. They say that every third car in New York Yellou Cab. Tariffs are almost the same as in Moscow. How much does this Ford cost?
In America or in Russia?
And what, the difference is big?
Judge yourself. In the United States, such an experiment costs exactly forty thousand, we have sixty -one.
Sixty -one? Seriously? There is nothing to do with such a price tag in America!


I do not know how in America, but we have such a price tag. It looks promising. It is necessary to pay tribute and he tries to be better to be better. On the second -generation model, electronic stabilization systems and preventing overstating appeared, a completely independent suspension improved handling. The machine in a lightweight carriage is fervently responding to the steering wheel and gas, it accelerates perfectly, and it is a sin to blame the brakes. In short, you can ride with a breeze.


John, we are all talking here and talk about abstract Americans. How do you yourself?
You know, I am most surprised by the design surrounding the driver: devices, poker on the steering column. I remember old cars and I can’t get rid of the feeling that nothing has changed over twenty years. And there are some second-rate materials or something.


John feels the front panel with interest and makes a verdict:
I still like more refined things.
Doesn't it seem to you that Expedition with its charisma will easily fit into a structure with the name of the FSB or FBI?
Agree. It is still more reasonable to consider this option in an extreme case, when such a technique can not be dispensed with.

Of course, I can easily do without a multi -seater salon and a bottomless trunk. I do not need V8 and all -wheel drive. I am ready to abandon a powerful audio system and climate control. However, damn it is difficult to resist when your primitive instincts play with such straightforward immediacy as expedition does.
Ford Expedition II
Still known as Lincoln Navigator
Predecessor Expedition (1996)
Ford F-150 platform
Premiere January 2002
Body wagon
Engines 4.6-5.4 l (235-264 l.
US production
Expected replacement 2008

The car is provided by CJSC Ford Motor Company.
Text: Leonid Klyuyev

A source: Wheel magazine [No. 93/2005]