Test drive Ford Escape since 2012 SUV

Eastern guest

The test drive of the new SUV Ford Escape, I was looking forward to. Still would! Spectacular brutal appearance, powerful motor, 6-speed automatic transmission. But it turned out that all this is only for the internal, American market, so to speak, for their own. And the old light is offered a slightly turning on the image of Mazda Tribute exclusively with a 4-cylinder engine and with a 4-speed automatic transmission.
I look at the new SUV and I understand that the American Escape, familiar to me from photographs, looks like mine, like a Hollywood star at the veteran of the film studio named after Dovzhenko. Such a split personality is partly caused by the fact that the previous generation of Escape in Europe was sold under the name Maverick (aka Mazda Tribute). Firstly, because the Fords wanted to emphasize the independence of the European version. And secondly, because for Americans the name Maverick is associated exclusively with the sports ford sedan of the early 70s of the last century.
It is interesting that under different names the same car was sold. And now both versions are called Escape, but look completely different, although they are still built on the same platform. In addition, export Escape is now collected only in Taiwan, where its design was actually developed at the Ford Design and Technology Center. Maverick of the 2001 model with its massive plastic body kit frankly sought to be like Land Rover Freelander. No wonder: after all, then Land Rover was part of the Ford concern. Fords and now constantly repeat that Escape, which has replaced, is more likely European than American. Say, he has a supporting body, an independent suspension of all wheels (the rear multi -link with a steering effect) and the controllability of a car.
Nevertheless, the origin gives itself out at first glance an outwardly new Escape is similar to a reduced in the size of Explorer. Although in the cabin from overseas roots, striking in the previous model, they tried to get rid of. The baking cream plastic, wide front seats with electric drives and a rotating handle of control of the regimes of all -wheel drive transmission disappeared. Instead, a button forcibly blocking the center differential. But the powerful central console remained inviolable, in which the MP3 disk player replaced the two-dining radio, and the cruise control buttons on the steering wheel ... Well, of course, the cup holders!
Planting in a driver's seat at first glance seems like a European-based comfortable one. Especially if it is covered with skin. Having drove almost 400 km by car, I never felt tired. The range of pillow adjustments and backs are quite sufficient for a medium -sized driver. But the fact that the steering wheel can be exposed only by removal has become an unpleasant surprise. It is especially disappointing that there is no height adjustment because the lamb rim covered with perforated skin is definitely good: it lies in the hands of a glove.
The main ergonomic blunder in the layout of the driver’s place was discovered almost immediately. I try to feel the site for the left leg in the dark and the sole breaks down from some incomprehensible rib. I repeat the attempt to land and this time I hopelessly poke my toe in the ebbs of convex plastic sheathing. What kind of nonsense? In the light of the day, in the usual place, the platform opened with a width of exactly half a century, clearly not designed for an adult's boot. So all three days I traveled, resting my leg in the edge of the site. It’s good that I have the 40th size of the shoes, and what to do more overall drivers? Of course, to drive a car with an automatic transmission, one leg is enough. But do not leave the left house ...
I gradually understand that the site is not the only thing that is missing in Escape. In general, it is easier to list that in this car there is something that is not. It is clear that the manufacturer sought to save money in order to attract the buyer lower than competitors, at a price. But the spearhead of the Fords sometimes causes bewilderment. How do you, for example, SUV with a leather salon worth a million rubles, but without heating the front seats? It was ridiculous when the frost hit, fumble on the front panel in search of the corresponding key, which was not found anywhere. And, if the car is five -seater, then where did the average head restraint go?
However, Fordovites did not deceive the main one: despite the impressive size and weight, it is a pleasure to manage Escape. Even a fragile girl can easily cope. With the steering wheel, moderately sharp, you can calmly be controlled with one hand. Escape is perfect on a straight line. No steering: just know yourself press the gas pedal. Yes, and the rolls in corners are quite cars. The brakes are good: effective, understandable, ABS is triggered on time. As a result, excellent understanding between the driver and the car! I was pleased with the energy -intensive suspension, which allows you to immediately take bedchants. Escape is practically not reacted to minor and medium defects in the road. As well as the notorious joints of the Moscow TTK. It feels like it passes on an air cushion. For SUVs, even parquet, such comfort is serious advantage.
Eh, what a motor was the previous generation! The two hundred forces of the moment V6 was more than enough to leave competitors far behind, for each press of the Maverick gas pedal immediately responded with a powerful acceleration. Moreover, the remarkable temperament of the motor was successfully combined with a agile and adequate automatic machine. Alas, the current European Escape is a completely different field of berry. Moving in the city stream, I turn on the turnover, turn the steering wheel to the left and sharply push the gas pedal sharply. In response, a vacuum cleaner buzz of the engine is heard, which does not affect the speed of the car. It feels like a clutch beating. And only after thinking for a second or two, Escape begins to accelerate, measured and leisurely. So oversight should be performed in the reverse order: turning point, gas to the floor, and after a pause the steering wheel to the left. But the manufacturer recommends pouring 92 gasoline and promises moderate appetite (the average consumption for the test of the test was about 12 liters per 100 km).
For shooting, we chose a small quarry in the southeast of Moscow. Under the wheels of clay, slightly powdered by wet sand. A great place to finally click on the forced blocking button of the center differential. Despite the obviously highway tires, Escape goes along the unsteady soil like clockwork. The competent distribution of torque between the axes is affected. But the very first attempt to deviate from the horizontal course sobering us up. To make a spectacular frame, I carefully try to call on the right bastard with the right side. As soon as the car begins to roll, the left front wheel goes into the sand and ... alas, Ford with free inter -normal differentials is helpless. You have to carefully get out in reverse.
The updated Escape appeared on the market when the pie is almost divided between competitors. In addition, another Ford Parnish advanced Kuga SUV (see motor No. 11) has just made his debut. Nevertheless, the new SUV has a good argument in its favor. Unlike, say, Nissan Qashkai or the same Kuga, Escape gives the impression of an adult and more spacious car. And most importantly, more courageous. This is clearly not raised above the road, shook even on small bumps. Whether this dignity will outweigh the lack of newfangled electronics and other pleasant little things, we will find out in the near future.
Unlike many classmates, Escape does not have an electronic anti -wings system. In a full -wheel drive transmission, the main role is played by the multi -disc council of RBC (Rotary Blade Couppling) in the rear wheels drive, which works after the front slipping. The coupling can be blocked and forcibly, pressing the button on the central console. In this mode, there is a hard all -wheel drive with a symmetrical fixed distribution of torque of 50/50, as in this SUV.
Dmitry Polikarpov


A source: Motor magazine [December 2008]

Ford Escape test drive since 2012