Test Drive FIAT MAREA 1996 - 2002 Sedan

Memories of the future

The era of timeless in the domestic car industry, associated with the mass release of morally obsolete models, is coming to an end. Unfortunately, it was not able to restore independently to rebuildly. (The reasons for this are a topic of a separate conversation.) And here on the capital AZLK and Nizhny Novgorod gas, large-scale projects on the release, respectively, Renault Megane Classic and Fiat Marea are launched.

Despite the fact that both cars were already guests of the magazine, we decided to re-take them on the test. The meaning of this, as it seems to us. They will be produced, apparently, in large quantities and sold, it is necessary to think at quite reasonable prices. So in the near future, very many when buying the car will stop in the choice of one of these models. In addition, these cars are classmates, more precisely, occupy a place somewhere on the border between small and medium classes. They have a similar layout, almost the same dimensions, and the equipment does not differ much. One way or another, this joint test see us quite logical and timely. The goal, as already noted, is to once again talk about the peculiarities of these two cars and thereby give our readers to think about our readers.

Unfortunately, not all the ideas are destined to be carried out. Cars for the test were ordered in two different firms. Renault managed to get no problem. With Fiat, it turned out not entirely successfully. Likewise, we were not allowed to try the car on the go. Allowed only to examine, feel, well, and, of course, pithography. Not very, apparently, experienced employees of the company seem to do not yet know what it means to give a car to the test. And do not understand what it is in their own interests. Yes, it is not easy with neophytes - they sometimes are so incredulous ... However, they spoke politely with us - already well.

But to business. The 1600-cubic engine MEGANE is square, slightly in favor of long spending, the ratio of the piston stroke to the diameter of the cylinder.

The high elasticity of the engine provides an excellent smoothness of the stroke and allows only occasionally to switch transmissions under uneven movement in a dense traffic. The 4th and 5th transmission are accelerating. According to gear ratios, they are not much different from each other, nevertheless 5th is good only on long, high-speed straight lines. On the revolutions of less than 1500, the torque is insufficient, when attached it was necessary to podgerate. The rawless response to steering manipulations, good feedback and the presence of a hydraulic agent together with the above, fully allow Megane in aggressive-force style.

FIAT MAREA is probably not bad. Engine that in our photos, 200 cm cubic meters. More than Renault, the compression ratio is slightly higher. And the same square ratio of piston and cylinder. All this gave a tangible, in 23 horses, an increase in power and a greater torque.

Salons of both cars are very similar. Plastic and tissue upholstery are pleasant to the touch and practical. Of course, there is no read in the finish, but inside in both cases sufficiently cozy. The seats are moving back and forth, the backs are also mobile and have adjustments in the lower back area, there is also heating on Fiat. Baranki meatysters, elags, with the Klasson button in the center, are pleasantly lying in their hands and do not slide. Both are adjustable in height, quite satisfactory in Renault and not quite sufficient in the Italian car.

Lighting, wipers and washers are managed equally - underwear levers. The sets of control devices are a speedometer with a digital odometer, tachometer, engine temperature indicators and gasoline level in the tank - repeat each other. In Italian, truth, more modern design - scales intersect. The location of the handles of control of stoves and air conditioners - without differences.

The magnetol is organically mounted in the center console FIAT, in Renault, instead of it stands the plug. The front windows are electrical windows, and the rear view mirror electric drive and a transparent hatch in the roof has only Marea. All internal elements of cars are doped rounded forms.

With almost the same dimensional sizes of FIAT, the greatest less than their posesavi and extravagant. Especially unusual round lens of its narrow headlights - so-called fish eyes, due to the lenses they give a powerful ray of light, not blinding drivers of the oncoming transport. Renault gas tank hatch is blocked with a total with door locks key. Wheels of both machines stamped, made of steel, decorated under the alloy wheels with caps.

Of course, the models under consideration there are many versions with various finishes, motors, sets of options, etc. Which of them will be made in Russia, are not yet known. The parameters of the tested cars, including the price, are similar to extremely, and give the palm of the championship to any of them are very difficult. Tastes Differ ...

Alexey Rodkov


A source: Magazine Motor [№2 / 1997]

Test Drives FIAT MAREA 1996 - 2002