Test Drive Fiat Bravo since 2007 Hatchback

City of Dreams

Its next phenomenon is always an event. But the sixth generation of Volkswagen-Golf for Russia is doubly, because the model we got to the test will be collected in our country. How does the applicant look at Russian citizenship against the background of an international team from Europe? Mikhail Gzzovsky went for the answer to the landfill. Photo: George Sadkov.
Spring this year was late. Two of the four cars on winter tires, it means that measurements of the speakers will have to postpone until better times, relying on the factory data and their own sensations. In terms of power, test copies are selected almost perfect, but transmissions for every taste.
More interesting others turned out to be a 6-speed fiat robot. The first kilometers were pleased: unlike other boxes of a similar design, Fiatovskaya switching transmissions with raven jerks, and delays remain within the limits. But excessive intelligence and independence of the box spoil everything! For example, to switch to the step above, by trying the gas pedal, it will not be released here: the robot stubbornly holds the motor on the upper limit of revolutions. Only a few seconds later, obeying only to him understandable arguments, nevertheless makes the desired transmission. Often patience ends before, pulling the lever itself.
But another adventure. On one of the long traffic lights, he was tired of keeping his leg on the brake, translated the selector into neutral. Finally green. What is: I can not turn on the transmission! Fiat inscription on the instrument display calls to press and release the brake, try again, and behind the hysterics of Klaksons. From the third attempt, we seemed to have found a common language. In general, a box with a secret ...
In contrast with the Italian contrast, Korean is equipped with the simplest 4-speed automaton without sizes like a manual mode. After FIATA, logic is almost perfect. In the city, everything is excellent: very soft and almost imperceptible switching, no thoughtfulness. But on the track of four programs is not enough: to 140 km / h, the motor already presses on the ears, unwinding up to 4000 rpm, and economy suffers. Hyundai is justified with only the fact that such speeds are behind the limit of the rules of the road.
Peugeot is the only one in the test with traditional mechanics that does not cause questions. Almost causing. In the spirit of time here would be by the way another step, economical. The mechanism of selection of gears with swallowed moves of the lever and not the most clear fixation is typical for Peugeot and requires delicate circulation. An attempt to switch to sports quickly meets the protest synchronizers.
Only Volkswagen executes all the wishes! DSG transmission with two clutches and seven steps is a real breakthrough to a new technical level. There is a low fuel consumption with overclocking at the level of mechanics, and switching is invisible, and there are no delays. If necessary, to slow down the engine to the engine to the ventilation petals. There is also a sport-mode in which the box fully implements the tops of the motor and quickly descends to transfer below the gas reset. Reference!
As for the motors, they are divided into two camps. Atmospheric Höndai and Peugeot do not prevent revelations: approximately the same peak of the moment on 4000 rpm and the maximum power at 6000 rpm. T-Jet FIATA and TSI Volkswagen with a volume of 1.4 l are capable of such that the diva is given. Both marks have more forced versions, but also 120-strong great! Secret in turbocharging. The strongest impression of low revolutions. Related sensations are given except 2-liter diesel engines or gasoline atmospheric in the old school. What pickup, what flight!
But Volkswagen with a torque range from 1500 to 4000 rpm is still better than Fiat with a stream of Newton meters by 4,200 revolutions.
Travel routes
Rank to the mountain road? Fiat, passing a rough texture of polygon asphalt on the steering wheel, seeks to keep the trajectory. But it succeeds to him mediocre, even with an amendment for seasonality of tires. The steering wheel is frankly and does not even try to join you in dialogue. It is infantile easy to say about the City Mode, in which, thanks to the diligence of the electric powerful, turn the ram around the axis is unless the baby can not be able to turn around the axis.
It is worse that the steering is not consistent with the suspensions. Despite the average smoothness of the stroke, the suspension is difficult to call sports. The rear axle drift at the entrance to the rotation without traction and other charms of Bravo in excess. Should I turn off the stabilization system? We tried: ESP sometimes really not at the moment when you are waiting, and then there is still a plumbing robot with independent solutions in general, help from electronics accept without special thanks.
With I30 history is a bit different. The steering wheel although it conveys information about the corner of the wheel turn, but the rolls are large. Early skid in an ultimative form interrupts ESP: the limit to go should not be! Höndai illustrates a typical approach to some companies to refine control. Why invest in grinding chassis characteristics, if in situations close to extreme, it is easier to wrap the car with electronics? What, the reason is ...
Once again I present a surprise Peugeot. At the pedestrian speed, the Frenchman seems quite gentle because of a small effort on the steering wheel and the suspension triggering on the bumps. Surprisingly, but, having broken down as it should, the car demonstrates greater collens and endurance, the trajectory ruck is almost absent. Although the force on the steering wheel is less than in I30, three hundred eighth is much clearer, and also on the snake. An ESP is not installed on the test machine, but it is not as an example more confident than Korean and even more so the Italian. The face behind which Peugeot throws the stern, you feel good, and it is not difficult to catch a car.
But all the achievements of Peugeot are faded, it is worth noring golf. The last crumbling of insecurity disappeared within a few minutes. Juicy, pouring with an increase in the growth rate of the steering wheel, will obey any driver's caprise, be it a microscopic fossa drop or a swinging approach. A provocative reset of Gazz golf meets uniform, without a hysterium on the hysterical gliding by all four wheels outward turning, which is easy to pay off, adding thrust.
Gorgeous and brakes: the pedal is moderately long and allows you to very accurately dose the effort, ABS works softly and efficiently. In second place in the brake disciplines, Peugeot, which almost lacks German accuracy. Hyundai upset the pedal with a small move, and Fiat forced the driver and passengers to nod at the last stage of braking.
Locate more comfortable! Fiat is amazing, bright, eclectic, and therefore memorable. It combines completely, seemingly incompatible lines and textures. Curved, trimmed in a carbon fiber-free panel with a bravo logo, almost a racing steering wheel and at the same time soft seats, cheap doors' upholsters. It is a pity, artists managed much more than technologists. Probably, for the same reason, Fiat turned out to be the most close for the second row passengers. The salon presses in the shoulders, but worse than just that it is convenient to grasp the rosh driver.
If it is important for you that three adults can go in the second row, take Hyundai: there is quite a place and in length, and the width and the landing procedure is easier.
Unlike Fiat, Korean looks in European strictly. Nothing amazing model was done with such a calculation. But here is no hope: on the form of i30 more expensive than touch. It pleases only perforated leather on the doors and seats. The promising profile of hard chairs actually refuses to hold the driver. Framing of the central console from cheap plastic.
Another thing is Peugeot! Here you immediately understand who the fashion creates, and who is just trying to keep up with her. The solid front panel with chrome-plated nimbami ventilation deflectors at the same time performs airiness. Salon is full of light and because it seems even spacious than in fact. Of course, the Frenchman is not sinless. For example, the steering wheel is installed in a bus company, getting to adjust the tilt of the back through the narrow slit between the seat and the door is not easy. In terms of convenience for rear passengers, it is a bit, but still inferior to I30. There is less space for knees, though, above your head no interference.
Volkswagen once again makes believe in magic. How is this pretty modest externally and internally car can be so universal? How did you manage to fill the salon in the unique German aroma of prosperity? How many people-hours spent on the fact that after a second you have no longer doubted these tenacious and at the same time comfortable seats in the classroom. Finishing materials in the sixth generation even closer to Audi. Perhaps there is only one contraindication for a golf course only for four.
A tightly shot suspension, oddly enough, turned out to be the most comfortable, and at any speed and type of coating. The golf is also an unconditional leader in terms of sound insulation: this applies equally to noise from rolling tires, and to the motor, and to aerodynamics.
Yes, the German turned out to be almost an impeccable product with whom I do not want to part. When for the car, by that time, the evacuator had arrived, toward her, to take her from the landfill to the dealer, to accompany Volkswagen all our team, including the photographer. But we do not say goodbye, golf!
I foresee that there will be a lot of fans on the protection of each of the models. So it should be! One impresses the bohemian style of Paris or the burned sun slightly sloppy rome. Others will enjoy the mysterious, Exotic Spirit of Seoul. And someone will prefer to be too correct and from being boring, but licked Berlin. In addition, much depends on whether you arrived in Turkuvetka for a week or going to settle in the city of Dreams for a long time.

For Kaluzhskaya Zavaza
Golf with the turbo engine will not be produced in Kaluga. Russian cars plan to equip 1.6 liter engine, mechanical or 7-speed robotic boxes. The price of Russian golf starts from the mark of 590 603 rubles. The test car is released in Germany and has a maximum configuration.



A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"

Video Test Drives Fiat Bravo since 2007

Video crash tests Fiat Bravo since 2007

Test drives Fiat Bravo since 2007

Fiat Bravo crash test since 2007

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