Test Drive Ferrari 575M Maranello 2002 - 2006 Coupe

Swimming red horse

Even if you get up next to this car naked, like a boy in Petrova-Vodkina's painting, then no one turns attention to it, because this car Ferrari 550 Maranello.
This car is pink, more precisely, the brightly old dream of almost any person who at least once in his life holds the steering wheel. Although world cinema, cultivating the images of the young playboy, burning dumping condition, or a bare-worker, laundering cocaine money, necessarily puts too pretty heroes on Ferrari. And right here only one thing: this is no longer a car, but a symbol of belonging to a specific class. Or lifestyle and state of spirit.
FINGERPRINTS. The owner ordered this car right at the factory in 1997. Exactly one year after the premiere of Ferrari 550 Maranello public. Then the model was on top of popularity, changed in the Testarossa / 512 model range. And today, the 550th boldly can be considered the flagship of the company - the body from PinInfarina is executed in the classic style of the 70s: Berlinetta sports accumulation.
But back to Modena - checkout the order turned out to be more difficult than getting in the Russian bank credit for the development of agriculture of Chukotka, - the company is closely monitored for the reputation of the company and for those who sell their cars. With absolutely endless persons from the Russian Patriot Ferrari, the factory managers demanded several references: they were not judged in the country whose passport was presented; What was not sitting in prison; What is engaged in the business, not criminal and so on. In general, Pavel Borodina and Vladimir Gusinsky Ferrari for these rules does not shine at the factory ... The order took place only when the Italian partner of the Russian is a large and respected company - wrote a recommendation letter with a full application of its own props.
By the way, in the automotive cabin, for example, in Germany, Ferrari can be bought immediately without being subjected to a humiliating identification procedure. Paid - and drove. But the real connoisseur and connoisseur Ferrari will prefer the factory order - only then it will have the opportunity to specify the configuration of his future machine. And enjoy the holiday expectation - the car will collect at least six months.
The first time always hurt. A man who first turned out inside Ferrari may comprehend a great disappointment, bordering the obeying. The fact is that the firm has its own idea of \u200b\u200bhow it should look inside the supercar. The interior of Ferrari 550 Maranello is like Lenin in the Tale of Soviet times: modesty, modesty and modest times. No tree of valuable breeds, minimum metal parts in the decoration. Polished metal indicates only those details that really suffer from excess friction - the handle of switching gear and pedal. At the same time, however, the entire salon is covered with black skin of the finest dressing, but not immediately notice. Before the driver is a tachometer, speedometer and several round scales that signal the level of fuel, oil temperature, coolant, etc. The classic climate control panel and the original switch of switches above it - are neatly inscribed in more than a modest interior of the cabin .
But how stylishly decorated luggage shelf behind the seats! They climbs a suitcase of medium sizes, certainly from the super-threat Louis Vitton company, and a pair of black belts with large metal buckles is fixed. For some reason, it was thought that in such a car a suitcase should be used exclusively as a wallet.
Under the degree. I am a sober-minded person: I will never have such a car. First, not by pocket. Secondly, Ferrari's management delivered deep disappointment - an extremely rigid clutch and a peculiar, again the very hard stroke of the handle of the checkpoint. In order to squeeze the grip, you have to apply so much effort, how much is enough for a whole equipment. In the conditions of a dense urban movement (not only in Moscow, but also in the same Italy), the management of 550 Maranello turns out of pleasure in visiting the gym.
To completely disconnect from real reality and enjoy the authority over such a machine, it should be ride at least through the speed Mediterranean highway N232. And the point is not what landscapes flashed outside the window. Although in this, too - against the background of our citywide garbage, Ferrari looks, to put it mildly, strange. But Ferrari does not like cold asphalt! Or, if you want, cold tires. And Moscow is not Le Mans, where the tires are warming up before starting for better clutch with the track. Ferrari 550 passes on the asphalt as a grinding machine: from under the wheels with a whistle cigarettes, crushed ties cigarettes and other garbage of modern civilization. Despite the magnificent reverse effort on the steering wheel, there is also quite capricious in turns. And what else can be expected from him - before launching in the production of Ferrari 550 Maranello previously passed serious tests on the Formula race track 1. The engine was developed and brought to mind also in accordance with the racing requirements in the Gran Tourism category: it uses electronic control of variable injection Fuel, hydraulic valve and variable reverse release system. The initial torque is such that with the wrong distribution of efforts on the pedals of the clutch and gas, Ferrari shamefully stalls at the start. Although management is a hiring business.
Capital investment. To this car should be treated as a work of art. Maranello Akin to the Chinese vase of the Qin Dynasty era or the original Pablo Picasso's script is well to show friends and admire at the time of spiritual disorders and life doubts. And what is the sound of the engine at idle! Write to the disk and enjoy them at home by long winter evenings. After all, all the same at this time of the year Ferrari will have to be left in the garage. And, alas, freeze money spent on summer fun and image. But, you see, the image is also capital.
Text Nikolay Kachurin, photo Sergey Scherennikov
The car is provided for the Test Car Autolate, (095) 444-1001


A source: "Autopilot"