Test drive Ferrari 456 GT 1992 - 1998 compartment
Italian coupe in the British style

But they are and fit normally into the overall stream - holes go around on equal terms with other cars, dodge the KamAZ too large for the city and too slow for our fast life of the Cossacks.
Recently, we learned that Ferrari 456 GT finally appeared in Moscow. And then we went to meet her, without waiting for an accidental meeting on the street.
Ferrari S.P.A. After a small break, he gathered with strength and in 1992 introduced the public civil model to the public - the 456th. It is addressed to people who value speed, but prone to greater comfort and respectability, which is the usual Ferrari. Outwardly, Ferrari 456 GT is a more traditional machine than any other modern Ferrari. Stylistically, she is closest to British cars. If you put Jaguar KK8, Aston Martin DB7 and Ferrari 456 in front of the uninitiated, then it will not guess that one of the cars is Italian and even more so Ferrari.
Ferrari 456 GT - the car is quite large. The design and manufacture of the body were entrusted to Pininfarina. Looking at the color of a dark blue metallic color in front of you, you begin with understanding of the couturier tradition (and creating clothes and automobile) to choose far from all colors for your products.
Not every costume from Carden can be, say, Salatov. Not every Ferrari is suitable for traditional red. The 456th is good dark. For example, blue. Pininfarina conceived this car very interesting. For example, spoilers made a considerable impression on us. They are located a little unusual - from below. The aprons of the front and rear bumpers, motionless at first glance, are actually coming to come to life depending on the speed, changing the direction of the flows of the air cut by the machine. Electronics spoilers control the position of spoilers, and the driver himself will not have to rack their head over their optimal position.

The basis of Ferrari 456 GT is a spatial tubular frame made of alloy steel, to which the outer body panels made of aluminum are welded. Despite this, the car turned out to be heavy, more than 1800 kg. By the way, welding of aluminum and chromolibdenic steel is a difficult matter, for this Pininfarina had to develop a special technology using a rather exotic material as a layer of quite exotic material - Feran. It is difficult to imagine how it will be possible to weld a new wing in our country in conditions even of the most exemplary car service.
The main thing in any Ferrari is the engine. Let's go watch it. Under the hood, everything is harmonious.
Air intakes, radiator, engine - of course, 12 -cylinder. Some time ago, the company announced its intention to start the release of 6-cylinder engines. This caused the indignation of the fans of the brand. And although the company did not abandon the idea to produce a car with a small engine, it will have at least eight cylinders. But still, the real Ferrari should be 12-cylinder.
Cars of such a rank should not be economical. They are always voracious. At maximum speed, the fuel consumption in the 456th is more than 30 liters per 100 km (AI-98).
The battery was interesting, it was not possible to find it immediately. It is placed under the tank of the washer, and to get to it, the tank will have to be dismantled. It is immediately obvious that the engineers of the company did not expect that one of the owners would have to climb to the battery. The gearbox at the car is 6-speed, from the German partner ZF. The reverse move is turned on the movement to the left forward. But first, the lever should be drowned and only after that move. The rear gear turns on incredibly tight. But all the others switch without much effort and with excellent clarity. A switching pattern is painted on the lever head. Lamborghini did not have this. Ferrari 456 gt drive. The checkpoint is combined with the main program. The differential is self -locking. There is no direct gear. The fifth is almost straight, and the sixth is increasing.
Suspension - with variable stiffness of shock absorbers, completely independent, each wheel on two parallel levers fixed directly on the frame. Front and behind the stabilizer. I remember that Diablo's stabilizer was only front. Electronics controls the position of each wheel. In addition, the Ferrari 456 GT has an anti -tile program in the computer. When accelerating, the rear shock absorbers become tougher, during braking - the front ones.
A total of 23 electronic units for various purposes are installed in the car. The total length of the wires is 1.5 km.
The brake system is equipped with both ABS and APS. By the way, Ferrari 456 GT is one of the few models of the company with the brake discs unvered. Just ventilated. In the cabin deep under the dashboard, there is a disconnect button for ABS. It is located in such a secluded corner that it is impossible to turn it out inadvertently. Only intentionally.
We start the engine. He works surprisingly quietly. Unfortunately, modern requirements were deprived of the owners of one of the pleasures - to hear the motor. But what works loudly is a compulsory cooling system. The fan electric motor screamed so that people who passed by began to look around, not understanding where the noise came from.

The plate with Vin is riveted on the steering column - not the most successful place. But that's not all. You probably imagine the Ferrari steering wheel? This is not just a steering wheel. This is the helm of the pilot of the real Ferrari! The rim, sheathed with black skin, was a success. In the middle, the yellow emblem was also a success. What can not be said about the central part of the steering wheel, where the horn button is located. She looks as if the painter of the second category painted her with a silver. Ours, Soviet, which in the parks painted previously lampposts.
Unlike other Ferrari models, the 456th in the organization of the driver’s place with ergonomics is all right. The pedals are exactly in the middle (they work softly), the ugly steering wheel is also in the middle, the gearbox lever in the reach zone, a wonderful review, a sufficient range of seats with electric drives, on the left (!) Handword of the parking brake. This is one of the traditions of the company, the parking brake on all Ferrari models is installed to the left of the driver. Since the thresholds of Ferrari are wide, there are enough space for a handbrake. In his working position, he does not stick up. In order to put Ferrari on a parking brake, a lever should be pumped two or three times, like on a liaza, and lower down. And in order to remove the handbrake, the lever must be pulled over and lower.

Under the instruments six buttons: adjusting the stiffness of shock absorbers, fog lights, heating of the rear window, opening the gas tank, turning on the backlight for the rear passengers and the trunk opening button. The vertical console passes into a wide tunnel on which the gearbox lever, many different buttons and radio tape recorders Ferrari XTC-F11RDS CD Changer Control are located. The climatic installation is controlled by five handles. Muchnate, but you can master. Behind them are two more buttons: control of an electric drive of mirrors and alarm. The latter is not the usual red, but as nasty-silver as the knitting needles of the steering wheel.
A powerful tunnel smoothly passes into the armrest of the rear seat. It is generally accepted that a car with a body of 2+2 rear seats is children's. In the armrest of the children's seat Ferrari 456 GT - a huge cavity with a cigarette lighter. So that the children have something to do on the road?
Any Ferrari has a glove box of tiny size. Typically, the manufacturer puts a carrier lamp there. And the 456th GT glove is free. Carriage lies in the armrest between the rear seats.
Ferrari 456 GT is one of the few models of a company with a full trunk. It contains three large leather suitcases in special cloth covers. The car is ready for a long trip. In addition to the suitcases in the Ferrari trunk lies another luxurious leather suitcase. You won’t believe it, but it has a great set of tools. Professional, with an extensive set of wounds of all sizes, pliers, screwdrivers and many more useful devices in the repair. Can anyone imagine the owner of Ferrari, engaged in the repair of the car on the sidelines? What should break in Ferrari so that the owner has to repair the car himself, even with such a tool? By the way, neither the jack nor the spare wheel in the Ferrari 456 GT. Therefore, the company prepared these tools in case in case of breakdown.
K. S. Stanislavsky in such cases said: I do not believe!
A source: Magazine Motor