Test drive Dodge Ram 1500 2008 - 2009 Pikap

Gadian force

I stand at a traffic light, the first row. I do not touch anyone. Suddenly, the xenons are approaching in the left mirror by passing everyone on the counter, smug gelding rolled out almost to the middle of the intersection. A good car, no doubt, but I do not like it. It is because of this behavior. Well, now I'll tear it!
The yellow German flashed the engine with the engine and broke off. I'm in no hurry. For a long time, I give a head start for almost a second. And then I’m pressing the gashter and letting go of the clutch wave of a multi -liter Reeva, reflected from the walls of the houses, flooded the street, found five hundred forces of the giant motor under the hood, froze the feed, trying to overtake the smoke curtain and two oily black traces, my truck rushes after him. Yes, just a truck! In two jumps, more precisely, he takes out a click of a box and bypasses Mercedes and I want to show the language! YESS-SS-S !!! Know ours! However, how does he know? I think he has not yet seen such. In any case, alive. Yes, and no wonder I have literally the first instance of a crazy pickup Dodge-Ram SRT-10 in Russia!
Around five hundred
Can a ram and viper be crossed? Baran in English Ram, this is a full-size pickup Dodge; Viper Viper, a double sports supercar of the same brand. So, if the first to put the second engine, it turns out just Dodge Ram SRT-10.
Many large automobile companies have units that develop extreme versions of cars. For Chrysler, this is Pvo (Performance Vehicle Operation), where models for the NASCAR series are prepared, 24 hours of Le Man and others. Last year, Dodge Ram with an index and a power unit came from here like a sports wiper. It is easy to remember the parameters of the V-shaped ten-cylinder engine, in non-metric USA it is characterized by three almost round numbers: the volume of 505 cubic inches (8.3 l), a power of 506 liters. p., torque 525 pounds per foot or 712 N.M. The engine does not take technical delights, but a giant working volume. The design, by European standards, is archaic two valves per cylinder and a modest specific power of 61 liters. S./l.
The hard worker Pikap has undergone thorough modernization. Of the entire herd of full -sized rams, only light, 1500 series with the shortest base of 3060 mm, a single -row cabin and only in the rear -wheel drive are suitable for remaking. He was strengthened by the frame (this is a truck!), The shortened springs were put in the front suspension, and the springs were changed from behind. Of course, powerful reptile stability stabilizers and hard sports shock absorbers, a new cardan shaft appeared.
The donation of the sports car was not limited to one motor, but the six-speed mechanical gearbox T-56, and ABS, and brakes. The last concern is special to quickly stop two with a ton of iron, rushing at a speed good for two hundred, needed ventilated discs with a diameter of 15 inches in front and 14 behind. Standard Pikapo wheels as boots with a sprinter, and therefore the SRT-10 shoe in the pyrell-scorpion of a giant dimension 305/40R22 on alloy disks. From external signs, a low-hanging skirt will be a low-hobby, and on a hefty hood, the air intake and the inscription Viper Powered is bastard!
Absolute impracticality
In measurements at the training ground, we developed only 241 km/h. Perhaps the absence of a cover on the body played a role, and five kilometers of the dynamometric road was not enough. However, it is already scary already on two hundred, you have to work very accurately with a steering wheel, leading the slightest desire of the car to growl aside possessing brick aerodynamics, it is hard to fly
To accelerate up to 100 km/h against the official 5.5 with a lice, only 0.1 c shifts were spent not highly clarified, and it is difficult to operate quickly with a long lever. By the way, the dregster start with a screech and smoke is effective, but not effective: ordinary road rubber works best on the very edge of the slip. But the brakes showed an excellent result, unattainable for many cars.
The SRT-10 rear-wheel drive RAM RAM is able to demonstrate only on dry pure asphalt. Presumably, such a restriction will not stop the one who decides to pay $ 80,000 for such a wayward toy (twice as much as in the USA!). Managing a racing breed truck, he looks down on everyone. The rushing huge acts on the imagination more than another sports car, whose speed qualities are quite predictable, and the price is much higher.

Andrey Kochetov

Source: The magazine "Driving"