Test Drive Dodge Nitro since 2006 SUV

Test of the Evil SUV

This machine does not just produce a strong impression of Dodge Nitro scares, surprises, shocking. You can bring a number of similar epithets, because there are no SUV on the market and for a long time with such a steep muzzle.
If you look at the Dodge Nitro from the side, then it seems just huge. Yes, and after planting to the salon, this feeling does not pass, because the seat in Nitro is so high that you watch all the other cars. Moreover, not only on the passenger cars, but also for all sorts of crossovers like Honda CR-V or BMW X5, these cars compared to Nitro seem like rickets that were not given vitamins in childhood. But all this is only at first glance. And upon closer examination, it turns out that in the Dodge Nitro there are much more ponts than the size.
After all, the length of the American SUV is only 4584 mm. The same BMW X5 is noticeably more nitro, and the competitors of this American actually turn out to be numerous Honda CR-V PARK-V, Hyundai Santa Fe, Mitsubishi Outlander or Nissan X-Trail. Believe it is very difficult, but it is. That is why Nitro is quite modest for 389 liter trunk SUVs. (If you fold the rear armchairs, then there will be a decent 1994 l.). By the way, he has one interesting trunk, which no one else has anything. This is the advanced floor! Thanks to this driver, it will be much easier to load heavy suitcases into the trunk.
And if with appearance everything is in order here, as already mentioned by Dodge Nitro there are no competitors - then the salon causes much more disputes. And we are talking in this case not about free space and not about design, but about the materials of the finish. In the car, the initial price of which is in terms of $ 43,500 (or 32,000 euros) I want to have no hard and fairly simple plastic, but something softer and more expensive. But, alas, the Americans remain true to themselves in the States, it is not customary to pay special attention to the tactive sensations of the driver. The main thing that is required from the cars in the United States is a large spacious salon, stylish appearance and a powerful motor. Everything else, including the interior, is in second place. In Europe, accents are somewhat different in the old world, the quality of assembly of internships pay increased attention. In many ways, that is why US cars did not fit in Europe. Although if you remember how much the same Dodge Nitro in the USA is, everything becomes in place. And there this car can be bought not for $ 43 500 as we have, but for only $ 20 010. True, it will be a version with rear, and not a complete drive. But still an SUV for $ 20,000 can be forgiven a lot. When the car is sold for $ 43,500, the questions for quality arises much more (and our car with a leather interior, hatch, 20-inch discs, parquet, cost 38 806 euros or $ 53 315).
If you get distracted from thoughts why in the car for such grandmothers such a simple interior, then it can be noted that there is quite nice to sit behind the wheel, there are no ergonomic miscalculations, and the design of the internship is very good. Liked the devices recessed in three wells, a good drive seat, a very decent sound of a musical system, stylish door opening handles (and not only inside, but also outside now almost you will not meet a handle with a huge button on the passenger models).
Now take a look at the technical data. Under the hood of the Dodge Nitro supplied to Russia, there are only two motors of gasoline V6 with a volume of 3.7 liters. (205 hp and 314 nm.) And a diesel engine of 2.7 liters. (177 hp and 460 nm.). The States still sell cars with a 4.0-liter gasoline engine (260 hp), but we have this unit if it appears, then a little later. The gearbox on Russian Nitro is only automatic (in Europe sold cars with a handle).
Dodge Nitro is based on Jeep Cherokee, but marketers decided to make these cars do not compete with each other. That is why Dodge put the most elementary all-wheel drive transmission in standard mode. The torque is transmitted only to the rear wheels, and if necessary, the driver can turn on the full drive mode. No electronic locks (not to mention mechanical), the automatic connection of the front axle or lower transmission is not. That is why it is not worth considering Nitro as a serious SUV, although in the mud this car feels quite confident. Especially if you wear suitable rubber. By the way, you need to ride in Buaerakov, it is necessary not only because of the lack of a serious transmission, but also because of the large front and rear bumpers, which are made of the plastic easily before the arm (although on the other side, the plastic bumper should not cost too expensive).
Riding on Nitro left a twofold impression. On the one hand 205 horses of a gasoline engine, which eats an average of 17.5 liters. A hundred, more than enough machine, even with an automatic transmission, perfectly accelerates and can easily go faster 150-160 km / h. Although no problems in this case are the concept of relative. In fact, a comfortable speed for Nitro is not more than 100-120 km / h. Faster to go already somehow unpleasant. Lack of feedback with the car. This is especially clearly manifested on the road of average quality with small holes, joints and irregularities. In turning, the car begins to swim, requiring constant correction with the steering wheel. Rather, as such a correction of the movement of the car does not occur, but their hands themselves constantly turn the ram for several degrees. In this case, the bunch of body appears, although it is not too strong.
But on a flat road everything is much better, especially if you remember that we have an American SUV with all the consequences that arise. Just immediately it is worth saying do not imagine yourself by Schumacher and never turn off the stabilization system. Otherwise you can easily find yourself in a cuvette.
As for comfort, then with 20-inch wheels nitro does not look a car, which without voltages any pits drives (on 17-inch suspension drives softer). On large wheels, the car even seems tough. Therefore, there are very big doubts about the need to buy 20-inch discs.

In general, Nitro with all its power is still not cars for speed driving on asphalt. Yes, and in the category of serious SUVs, it is also not written cars of the same brand Jeep in this regard much more preferable. Then why Nitro is created, which, notice, is worth more than decent? The answer to this question lies on the surface of the car is made to make an impression. This Nitro succeeds great. That is why there are so many emotional buyers in the Salons for the sale of Dodge, which take this car based exclusively on the feelings and the first impression (here, of course, thanks must be said to television advertising). Are they doing right? It is hard to say. If Dodge Nitro cost with us as in the USA (well, or at least prices were not indicated in the euro, but in dollars), then this car could be bolder to call a very interesting proposal. In the meantime, Nitro seems expensive. Although, on the other hand, look at this car again. And then you will understand why some buyers are ready to pay $ 40-50 thousand for it. After all, no one else has no other appearance. In addition, these cars are now available in the conditions of current huge queues is a big plus.

Denis Smolyanov
Cool machine. It is difficult to make an even more angry SUV. Releaseing Nitro Dodge Certainly risked such experiments with the design far from always bring success. But, it seems, Nitro liked. At least Americans. They will buy this car and in Russia, especially in the face of the growing seven-world steps of the market, the Russian buyer is now ready to take anything, if only there was no queue. Of course, a calculating client who considers each penny and is looking for a better proposal for the price / quality ratio, Nitro will not be taken. But the one who melted on the Nitro design will choose it. Of course, we have no such fashionable and secured people, but we don't say that Nitro will become a sales leader.
Dmitry Gaidukevich
The design, of course, is good, but it doesn't seem to you that soon Nitro will cease to be so fashionable as now? Therefore, I would not buy this car. It costs expensive, but in addition, except for the external entourage there is nothing interesting in it. If I needed an SUV, I would prefer, say, one of the Jeep models that have a more serious transmission. Yes, and the image of the Jeep brand in the world of SUVs is not subject to discussion. If you need just a crossover for driving around the city, then a more reasonable choice is Honda CR-V or, say, Toyota RAV4. Let them look more compact, but in fact the place in them is enough. Although the Japanese will have a less powerful engine, but in this case it is a dubious argument in favor of Dodge, especially given the fuel consumption of a gasoline engine, which is in the city of 17.5 liters. And this is according to passport data! And if you drive, then all 20 liters will go on a hundred. Therefore, the design is by and large the only strong advantage of Nitro. True, here only the front of the car receives an excellent assessment with a plus, but the ass on the background of the muzzle looks like a modest.

A source: AUTO.Mail.Ru.