Test Drive Dodge Nitro since 2006 SUV

Kum Korol.

For many, the concept of a good all-life is primarily associated with the jeep brand. Dodge Nitro direct relative of famous Americans. A newcomer tried to find a common language Sergey Kanunnikov.
American! Seen for the mile. The stream is not lost, especially the machine of such a juicy red spike. True, the imagination is still drawing a black Dodge-nitro with a brilliant kenguryatnik, and with tonned glasses, but somewhere in the Moscow traffic jam on Sretenka. Just the second day in Spain, and already missed

With the bumper water do not drink
At first looked under the stern. So there is: Hard rear axle relatives the car with a jeep-cherokee. True, transmission without special sophisticated things: By pressing the button, you can connect the front wheels. After all, most of the time, the creators of the car are rightly considered, only the rear should be. This will certainly arrange the overwhelming majority of future buyers. Especially since attentive consideration you understand: despite the combat posture, the car for severe off-road is not designed. Overhead thresholds hang in urban low, swells, though short, but the front again is too close to the ground.

By the way, a strongly discovering, powerful bumper, akin to the electric samovar, is similar to this, but in fact, the kettle. To sit on an easy-to-fit plastic part or, I strongly recommend putting the foot in Cowboy. The bumper will drive, and then return to its original position, making an incomplete sound.

Plastic topic continues salon. In general, everything is good, even elegant, but less rich, which seems at first glance, and harsh. Ejacious, earlier, not characteristic of America, but now more and more common style. There was no handrail over the right front door. The relative of the jeeps, he would not have prevented ...

Behind sit free. Front is decent, but for some reason the transmission tunnel is very wide, although nothing particularly large in it should not be. The foot, removed from the pedal of the clutch, to give it simply nowhere. In general, the version with a manual box, probably not designed for the American market, is made like reluctant: the moves of the lever are too much, the launching of the gear is fuzzy, and the reverse turns on without an error only once and seems to be accidentally. It remains to be rejoiced: only cars with an automatic and a 2.8-liter diesel engine or a 3.7-liter gasoline engine will be lucky. The most powerful 4 liter engine will not be. Hint:

Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian version of Nitro I get incomplete: food in the car with mechanics. However, for such a motor, it is probably not very important.
Diesel does not give a heavy universal crazy dynamics, but pulls great with any revolutions and willingly spin. On overtaking, unexpectedly for myself drove the motor to the limiter 4500 rpm. That's just noise taking into account the tavern, the landing height, an adult voice and holding a terrible view of Dodge, sometimes I seem like a driver of a diesel engine.

Suspension snaps (rather splits irregularities, as if seeds. Despite this, the high car is not bad on the road, does not swing and does not specifically be cubed until you put it in abnormal for high comfortable wagon conditions. Quick occasion in turn, sharp steering steering, in order to disappear on a narrow highway with a slightly falling on my lane with a van of Nitro, leaning greatly, rushes the hood to the right. Then the back of the machine is sharply jumping and something loud knocks on the trunk wall. Now come back to the place of the body and my body, which gathered from a leather chair. Badly? For such a car, rather normal. Sports fun, of course, not for him. What about off-road?

I do not know if it rained the organizers of the presentation, but it was simple in a generally soil track, he made much more interesting and serious. At least now here is very slippery. Despite absolutely not evil, quiet road tires, nitro with connected front wheels confidently goes on the blurred cape. Of course, we need to use the gas pedal with some caution. But it is not at all difficult, even by car with a powerful gasoline engine. Stay on a cool clay lift and start again. Dodge, already starred by mud on the ears, perceives it as an ordination: Want to stand, you wish we will go to this mountain, the electronics will decide the electronics, how many points to submit to the front wheels, how much to rear. Well, now sharply down! The effort on the brake pedal is not difficult to dose, ABS, despite the slippery coating, does not irritate early triggered.

If you know the measure, on the dodge-nitro it is possible to move from the asphalt. That's just on the car provided for the off-road test of the test, there are no external thresholds. By chance?

Heir to direct
To become the owner of Dodge-Nitro, will have to pay from 30,900 to 35,900 euros (41 00048,000 dollars). The amounts are solid, but it's kum king a relative of Jeep-Cherokee, and even with the original, unacceptable design.

On such a car will be turned on the streets. I think, Dodge Nitro, at least in Russia, will not become the most popular sacrifice, will not beat the records of sales. However, for true fans (which the car will certainly appear) exclusivity only plus.

Dodge Nitro on the highway behaves seriously, confidently on the cafe. And at the same time, the lucavit looks threatening than it really is.

Here is such music
The pride of the Creators of Nitro is a MYGIG device, which includes a 20-gigabyte hard disk and displays located on the ceiling and instrument panel. The last with a diagonal of 165 mm. The screens are made so that the image looks distinct, without distortion from any landing place. All this entertainment is an option for Dodge Nitro the most expensive set SXT.
Sergey Kanunnikov

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"