Daihatsu Esse (J) test drive since 2006 -

Car without excesses, review of the car Daihatsu Esse

Technical characteristics of the Esse L 2WD model:
Length 3395 mm x width 1475 mm x height 1470 mm.
Wheel base: 2390 mm.
Machine weight: 710 kg.
Drive: front
Engine: working volume of cylinders 660 cubic meters. See, 3-cylinder in order of cylinders, developed power of 58 hp. at 7200 rpm, the largest torque of 6.6 kg/m at 4000 rpm.
Transmission: 3-speed automatic gearbox
Car price: 829, 5 thousand yen
The car is without excesses, that's why I like it.
Imagine a clear winter day. I sit behind the wheel of my car and go to the other side of the Tokyo Gulf, in order to end up exactly on time in the Academic Park of Caadzus. Yes, - I thought on the way, - the last time I participated in the presentation and test drive of a small car as much as 5 years ago. Those memories in me are still alive. Then, by the way, it was also the park of Cazus. At that time I collaborated with the editorial office of Navi Automotive magazine. I got to the destination in the same way, though I had a completely different Renault Cattle model. I remember, upon arrival at the place, I was surrounded by a group of engineers of Daihatsu designers. Of course, they were not interested in my person, but by my car. But, one way or another, but my appearance did not go unnoticed, because, probably, that day was so well remembered!
Incidentally, after the above case, I was firmly convinced that the engineers of Daihatsu are not indifferent to the cars of old models. But this time everything turned out to be somewhat different: for my rarity, Alpharomeo car, no one paid any attention. A little disappointed, I stopped. A few at a distance on the site on the side were several brand new Daihatsu Esse cars.
Cars looked at me with wide eyes - front headlights, just below the hood, the radiator grille attracted my attention, which in shape resembled a horizontal mouth. Because of this, the impression was created that the car was constantly smiling at something. Now among the low -profiles there are a lot of such machines that have a slightly high body. By this, the designers, without changing the essence of the machine, try to make it as roomy as possible. So the height of the new Esse, and this is 1470 mm, should probably be perceived for granted. I glanced at the side of the car. At the shoulder level along the entire body there was a straight characteristic line, just straight. Another observation: small -scale machines, as you know, very often have a cubic body, which allows you to make the luggage compartment more spacious. Here, in the new Esse car, the back panel of the body is placed under a small inclination, which personally seems to me a more attractive option.
So, the Esse car is distinguished by an individual and recognizable silhouette, and at the same time, its characteristic line is completely devoid of jewelry. I believe that many drivers will like this, just as the singer Kuroki Hitomi has touched (watch television advertising!).
The car is far from a cheap template.
Finally I get driving the new Esse car. Of course, I do not do this in such a drawn manner as Mr. Kuroki, but, nevertheless, here I am already in the cabin. The side doors can open 90 degrees, and the seats themselves are located quite high. A woman can calmly sit in such a chair, and no skirt will hinder her. The front panel of the cabin is painted in the color of the body. The interior reminds me of the salon of good old French small -leafers. For example, such as Renault Cattle. The color of the seat upholstery is the same as the color of the machine. The seats themselves are very voluminous. The speedometer is equipped with a white dial. In a word, the interior details are selected in such a way as to avoid cheap perception of the machine as possible.
Simply, but with taste, - I think, and even more so since this is similar to what we have already seen in popular models Rojas and Natural Life. Meanwhile, the modification engine L has already turned out to be started. And immediately an amazing discovery: at idle, the vibration is so little noticeable that I can’t even believe that only 3 cylinders are hidden under the hood. Okay, I act as used to it, and, crushing the accelerator, I touch the place. And again the discovery, now there are two at number: I know exactly what the speed characteristics of the engine of the car entrusted to me the working volume of cylinders are 660 cubic meters. See, maximum developed power 58 hp. And the greatest torque is not more than 6.6 kg/m. That is, nothing special. There is nothing original and that a 3 -speed automatic gearbox is attached to such a small -scale motor - it has already been, and more than once. But suddenly this couple makes the car so briskly rush forward that I, frankly, was even a little confused. And finally, when I got out of the city, where you can let the car show everything that it is capable of, I was overtaken by the opening of number three. It turns out, when you abruptly crush the gas pedal, the engine simply publishes some whistle, and all, no more noise! The fact is that I am accustomed to the fact that a small -leaf in such situations it should be strained to grumble. And then nothing of the kind, despite the increased engine speed. Going out on an empty road, I decided to check the car for stability at the first more or less steep turn. I must say that here I remained satisfied with the wheels of the car held onto the road, as if they were smeared with glue. Then I abruptly throw the car into a turn and give gas, waiting out of habit that the car will lose control. I knew for sure that this should happen, so my entire previous experience of driving small -sumptractions told me. And here again everything is wrong!
I immediately had a question: if a car of the middle category L behaves like this, then what can be expected from the highest category car, which is marked with the letter X? It already has a 4-speed automatic, and in addition to this, it is distinguished by the swivel signal lights repeaters on the back of the mirrors of the hill review. And yet, the machine is shod in tires in size 115/65r/13, which is almost perfect for a car of this class. I am transplanted behind the wheel of a modification of X and in the same manner I try to move off. And what do you think? The car was not as silent as the one that I tried before that (categories L). Where the road forced to often stop in front of traffic lights, it naturally had to often change speed. The gearbox constantly passed from one speed to another, much more often than when it was a 3-speed transmission. Maybe that's why the engine had more reason to break into the growl. On the other hand, when the car reached the 4th speed and then did not change it, the engine speed became not as high as in the case of a 3-speed gearbox. So, if we consider the ratio of the speed of the engine noise, then in a 4-speed version, the machine behaves at high speed more restrained, and the fuel consumes more economically.
  What kind of filling is behind a smile?
So, at first glance, the Esse car is all so good and rustic. But in fact, a well -developed chassis lies behind his smiling appearance, which makes this machine a flagship of Daihatsu brand low -profile. I am not saying this from myself, I was told about this by an engineer who was closely engaged in the development of the chassis for the new car of Mr. Kitao.
If we talk about the design of the chassis and suspension, ”he began his explanations in a somewhat excusable tone,“ then you will not find any significant differences from the basic model of the Mira car. Of course, we faced the task of making the chassis less heavy, reducing its weight compared to the Mira platform, and at the same time try to do it so that it does not affect the running qualities negatively. It was not so simple to do this. What helped us achieve sustainable behavior of the car on corners and a reliable capture of wheels with the road? Of course, a substantial compared to the model row Mira, the reduction of restrictions that were required to take into account in the calculations. And this, in turn, was due to the fact that the same engine was put on all modifications. Yes, and the modifications themselves in the lineup turned out to be much less than in the Mira family.
For all the importance of this information, I was still more interested in something else: how did I managed to achieve a sharp decrease in the vibration of the engine at low speeds? After all, he does not behave at all like a motor with 3 cylinders. The method of reducing vibration is known to everyone this is the most rigid connection of engine and transmission, ”another representative of the company answers me Daihatsu specialist in Mr. Opada engines. This measure allowed to reduce vibration and noise level by 30 percent. However, it should be borne in mind that we faced the task of achieving stiffness, without increasing the weight of the structure itself. That is why it was decided to fulfill a point amplification, that is, to increase the rigidity of only individual sections.
After that, the conversation came into the fact that, despite the increase in power, the engine behaves very quietly, making a whistling, muffled sound. And this despite the fact that the turns are quite high. Probably, this was a consequence of the fact that the piston’s working stroke became longer, and plus to this, we reduced mechanical losses inside the engine, ”followed Mr. Nakad’s answer. Apparently my interested look made the engineer more talkative, and he continued his explanations. The lengthening of the piston’s working course is an increase in the distance to which the piston can move up and down inside the cylinder, and this elongation is observing to the diameter of the piston itself. What does it give? Yes, just that the energy of an ignited combustible mixture is used more fully, one might say, to the end. In general, the engine becomes more economical. In practical terms, this change gives the machine a large dynamics in the speed range, usually selected for driving along city streets. In addition, we began to use pistons with a shorter skirt, and plus the external surface of the piston rings and processed the external surface of the piston and processing using special technology the walls of the cylinders to which these rings are adjacent. These and other measures made it possible to reduce the so -called internal mechanical losses that inevitably arise in any engine. And as a result, the car began to differ in smooth, uniform acceleration, starting at low speed and up to its maximum size.
I confidently vote for a small car!
When I write or pronounce the phrase food and amazed, then this should be perceived in the literal sense that, I hope, and happens to my readers. But at the same time, I can’t deny that this I try to convey to them my active-approving attitude to the low-profile of the Daihatsu brand. What is the basis of my approval? The fact that in terms of environmental safety it is in no way inferior to the compact class machine. Judge for yourself: the engine, the cylinder block of which is made of aluminum alloy, weighs 20 kg easier than its predecessor, and the torque has become higher. And this despite the fact that in terms of fuel consumption, at the stand it demonstrates 10 percent savings. If, however, it is already standing by car, then this figure is slightly lower, only 7 percent. It is unnecessary to say that it uses all the latest developments, the purpose of which is as a higher degree of cleaning of the exhaust gases. This includes the optimization of the DVVT system, that is, the system of automatic phase control gas distribution and valve opening. And, in addition, an improved catalyst, which is rightfully considered the pride of Daihatsu engineers, acts in the exhaust tract. It is called a Super Intelligent type catalyst. It remains only to wait for the car to be equipped with a manual gearbox, as well as a unavailable variator that would not eat so many fuel.
You should say more about what. Despite all the above advantages, the car is sold at a price of 682.5 to 1060.5 thousand yen. This is a good argument in favor of a small car. Improving the design of the machine and reducing the costs of its production are those two processes that should go constantly and, no less important, in parallel-this statement by Mr. Kitabi forced me to once again return to the events of 5 years ago. I suddenly realized why such a burning interest aroused my then Renault Cattle car with the company's engineers. The famous peasant car from France - so it seems, they called this car. It was distinguished by compactness and a small cost, that is, just those properties, which, in fact, was strove for the developers from the Daihatsu team. Therefore, he simply had to interest them then, five years ago. I know what I say, because, having once bought this car on occasion, I managed to study it well. And taking into account the previous experience, I conclude: the new Daihatsu Esse car is like a small European car of previous models. It can also be dubbed by a machine, in the style of primitivism, and it is, as it seems to me that it can conquer the buyer.

Source: CarView.co.jp

Daihatsu Esse (J) test drive since 2006