Test Drive Daewoo Tico 1991 - 2001 Hatchback

"Daewoo Tiko"

Model - Daewoo Tiko DLX; Manufacturer - UzDeauto; Year of release - 1996; in operation behind the wheel - from April 1997; Mileage at the time of the report - 12,500 km; Previous publications - SE, 1997, № 7, 12.

How did our beauty survived the winter? In general - alive. That's just adventure her got. In the summer, a truck was hung on her - drove a bumper to the rear left handle. We will not return to this unemployed story. Let's just say: very tight with spare parts, besides, there is ... for nonsense, but for Tiko, order in Korea. Such a service cost $ 300 per sideways and a month of waiting ...
So - winter. The days have become shorter, and the brake path is longer. After the warranty replacement of rear shock absorbers, the machine confidently felt on the road. Wheels with an almost winter tread finally switched from the category of noisy in the category of useful: confidently row along the snow and ice. If you do not particularly declare, then find out what a skid is, it will not be possible. By the way, to the tenth thousand, all four wheels had to balance three times. Yamks, you know, on the roads. And the wheels are small, gentle. I am afraid that by the summer will have to buy new discs.
One of the main winter problems is dirt. Streets - solid messivo. After a couple of kilometers, it is impossible to go to cloth: the visibility of the rear sector is zero. Taking out, the scraper (rag only smears) rear windows and outer mirrors - alas, for a while. Dirty salt ruined front door terminals (regular). I had to disassemble, clean and lubricate. And when the rear wheels drums opened, they discovered the pads closed with a messenger substance with horror. What kind of braking efficiency can we talk about?
A lot of trouble delivered the rear plastic mudguards, which constitute one whole with a flip bumper. It is clear: I am a little wrong, a little snowdrift and all - scratched, bridled, tear off. Before the winter we feared for the decorative caps on wheels - and not in vain. True, the trouble came on the other side. In December, at four o'clock in the morning (alarm has worked!) The caps are gone. The fact that it is more painful: a lot in the capital has become Tikashnautor!
And about the wipers. They turned out to be different lengths: 40 and 45 cm! The Korean design thought was seven times and decided that on the driver's side it is possible to clean more. That's just buying two sets at once. But for a long time enough. And it turned out by chance. In the snowfall, a powerful stove superbly heats the windshield. Result? In the morning, the wipers were covered with a layer (!) Ice. From now on, the law: Before wishing a car of good night! We are frowning the wipers about the glass.
Without a doubt, it is possible to attribute inconvenience with clothing and shoes. In a warm jacket, fur coat, boots, winter boots control tico ... difficult. The first two do not fit into the seat, the last interfere with each other while pressing the pedals. Of course, you get used to, but ... fortunately, you can't tell anything bad about the cold start of the engine. Until minus 20 - no problem. After - only from the cigarette lighter: a small battery (35 A.Ch) freezes through and turns the key to turn the key to the key. And so, without pressing the gas pedal, he spoiled a clutch, turned the key - and in a minute you can touch: it warms up quickly. Everything. Sit, you sweat - in the sense of glasses. Well, we learned to fight with this conditioner: it is well dried air. It is important to choose the right mode correctly. The main thing is, in no case do not use the recycling of the air and do not overdo the temperature. Otherwise, Tiko gives you a bath. We clarify: manipulations with air conditioning make sense when the rain, wet snow and temperature near zero. With lower wet glasses, heat is dried with warm air from the stove.
As soon as the mileage passed for 10 thousand - the second then. In addition to oil replaced all filters, including fuel. On the circle - almost a thousand rubles (new). Checked adjustments, collapse - convergence: everything is normal. But by the 11th one thousand, the bearing of the hub of the right front wheel was lit. Again, the month was waiting for delivery. Replaced under warranty. Interestingly, we are not the first: bearings are simply not designed for blows and dirt that go through the russian operation.
Honestly, by the end of winter, there were problems with paint and varnish coating. Many owners of Uzbek Daewoo complained that the paint was peeling along the thresholds and arches of the wheels. There is no such thing on our car. But ... Once in Tiko, someone threw a raw chicken egg on top. This terrorist attack revealed clear disadvantages of painting Tiko. Such consequences on domestic TCs could only cause a ficus flying from the tenth floor accompanied by a pot.
In conclusion - about trifles. The fact that the rear shelf locks will live for a short time, there was no doubt: too heavy for her dynamics. The first rushed right fasteners. Very successful designers have spared nearby self-sustain. For him, a leather strap was embraced and the problem with the retainer was decided forever. We are waiting for the death of the left.
Appetite was set at 5.2 liters. It can be seen, after all, it was possible to catch the moment (ignition). Detonation almost disappeared. Almost, because other times on the metropolitan column will fill such a rubbish. Crushing the box with a cold start is already perceived as a protracted greeting. I wonder how it will end? From Uzbekistan, it is assumed that this is normal, the situation is regular, exists on four out of ten cars, the explanation is not amenable, but there is no concern. Let's wait, listen. Although though: on the new foreign car, the box will crush!
Each view of the outer mirrors gives rise to the idea of \u200b\u200breplacing them with something suitable, adjustable from the salon and less mudroom. At the same time, decisive actions stop ... their mobility. Do not be surprised. When there are some cool owners of foreign cars in Moscow traffic jams, the mirror is rejected forward, then you press the gas (as a neighbor slowed down in fear), and it comes to its original position. The trouble is in one: the mirror itself is too tightly flooded into the plastic frame. Someday this tension will split the glass.
And more about cool. Some of them believe that the owners of small machines are developed by the complex of inferiority. I confess, I started looking for this complex at myself. And discovered completely different: I interfere with large foreign cars! In the sense - moving through the streets. Knowing the glory, maneuverability and envelope tico (the ideal qualities of the urban car), you can easily and confidently take part in the crazy metropolitan movement. Stupid Merines, for the most part designed to satisfy the painful pride of the owners, are terribly offended and begin to jump on the strips in the vain attempts to get the kid. Well, it's funny, gentlemen! First, learn how to just manage the machine, but ride with dignity. And the size of the machine is the last thing that determines the person.

Using the leather strap, it was possible to fix the rear shelf.

Towned bearing. When disassembled, the seal (seal) simply fell, and under it ... dirt and rust.
Dmitry Zherern

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"

Daewoo Tico 1991 test drives - 2001