Daewoo Lacetti test drive since 2002 sedan

"Daushka" of my dreams

Noble origin, excellent figure, well -fedness without boring. Who does not dream of such a life partner?
Grazie, Mamma!
The lead sky fell in small rain, and the townspeople, habitually succumbing to the gloomy mood of nature, put on the dark one.
And my Daushka is nothing. Her snow-white outfit drove a bore into a fragment. The top of recklessness and impracticality, they muttered.
And let yourself. This is bold, I will tell you. White color is merciless, shows the slightest flaws of the figure. But he emphasizes advantages.
Wherever we appear, I caught the interested views of others on my companion.
And when the curious in the emblem recognized the Koreanka in it, the first reaction was surprise. Dau? Really? Yes, and I experienced some confusion when I discovered how gallant others with my Daushka were. So that someone from the Moscow habit tried to cut or prevents him from rebuilding? Once my God! And on the suburban highway, the left row was meekly freed by even usually unyielding owners of black Volga.
The casket opens simply. Dau-Latsetti has something more significant in the eyes of men-drivers. It has a breed and manism. It was a Pinfarin design studio. Dau had previously imported the appearance of her models with the Apennine, but this time no one obliged the Italians to instill in the Asian (or pseudo -Asian ones?) The features. So there were without a chrome rare -tooth -toothed jaw of a radiator grill and elaborate optics. Laconic lines, verified circuits formed the harmony of dynamic forms, which did not overlap in the order already towing aggressiveness. Grazie, Mamma (thanks to mom)! Impulsive Italians exclaim at the sight of a beautiful girl. And this Daushka is just one of those.
Brothers and sisters
The indefatigable craving for expansion brought DEU to bankruptcy, but after the Korean company in the fall of 2002 was under the wing of Ji-Em, the old plans received a new reading. Now the automobile concern No. 1 was engaged in the promotion of the products of his partner in the world, however, not always under the original name. So, in the United States, Latsetti is sold under the brand of Suzuki-Forrant (Suzuki is a shareholder of the newly formed company Ji-EM-DEU Auto End Textnolji), in the countries of Southeast Asia as a chevrolet-optra. Finally, the sedan is supplied to Europe under the already chopped name of the Dau-West, while Latsetti christened the hatchback, which was created on the same platform, but has another body style, developed by the long-standing partner of DEU, studio Italdephasis.
Internal heat
A jargon word bummer quite accurately conveys a sensation, which often gives birth to interiors of models from the country of morning freshness. Even if the depressingly gray plastic is diluted with surprisingly unnatural inserts under the tree, you hardly want to remain surrounded by this luxury longer than required. What was my surprise when, having opened the door of Latsetti, I suddenly felt the warmth going from the inside, and not at all because someone left a working stove. Not yet laying out the impression on the shelves, I already knew: they were waiting for me here, glad to me. And all that was required to change the color scheme of the interior. How, it turns out, beige with black goes well! Slowing down in the cabin, I was convinced that he was designed not in a habit. The point is not only in the elastic plastic, which flooded the top of the torpedo and door panels. For me, soft rugs in the departments under the little things mean much more. Since Koreans refuse the habit of saving on everything that is not visible, it means that the ice really started. This is not a flood, judging by the bare metal of the inside of the trunk lid, but close to that.

In any case, in the cabin, everything is done soundly and conveniently. Whether we are talking about a steering wheel adjustable on the corner of the steering wheel, pleasant to the eyes with greenish lighting devices with clear graphics, sheathed with a noble velor in chairs or control of climate control. Perhaps it makes no sense to paint the Latsetti package, because the intra -Korean (as in our car) and export execution are noticeably different.
Front chairs with a comfortable profile have side support rollers

Thanks to the internal duct, the glove box can be turned into a mini-cold

In addition to pockets on the back of the backs of the front seats, there is a mesh-holder at the passenger end

What is not exposed to revision is the scope in the cabin. If the first row of seats do not occupy Uncle Stepa, even tall rear passengers can slightly stretch their legs. The fee for an impressive living space is not a very impressive luggage volume (85 liters less than Ford Focus). And there is nothing to be done: the back of the sofa is fixed. Perhaps someone will grieve about this. I am more occupied by the question of whether Lacetti is equipped with a branded brush in all markets. This, I will report to you, not a brush, but fell with a monumental handle of a natural tree. If it happened to steal a cold night somewhere in a clean field, you can dilute the bonfires from this. What is not a hidden source of internal heat?
Without many words
How does the car differ favorably from the wife for every day? It can correspond to the ideal maximum diligence with a minimum of exactingness. Latzetti did not have to extend, nor exhort, nor to stain. Everything turned out as if by itself. On the tiles with which the street was paved outside the gates of the dealer center, the Korean immediately made it clear that she was not going to shake my soul out of me, and then skillfully smoothed out the imperfection of our roads. This care did not turn into a tedious swing and tickling nerves of the body with a body. With a shot in a bunch of insidious turns, Daushka figured out surprisingly easily. Once again I am convinced: the intra -Korean adjustment of the suspension for his native areas what the doctor prescribed. So the clearance is quite suitable for 160 mm. It is a pity if Latsetti with a European chassis with increased stiffness of springs and shock absorbers is selected for official supplies to Russia.
So, I feel, skeptics have already reached its ears and are ready to utter a sacramental phrase that the ideal car is a phantom. Why argue, even in the sun there are spots. You can scold Latsetti for the steering wheel, which bothers with a sharp change of tacks. Here, a more productive pump of the GUR from the European Union for the chassis would have come here. Nevertheless, the virtues of the steering are much larger. One immunity to the tricks of the road surface is expensive. On the high -speed highway, I appreciated the improving forces clear zero, confident, without an unnecessary family car nervousness of reaction during rebuilding. Disc brakes liked not only with a grip, but also the transparency of work, which allows you to easier to survive the absence of ABS (standard for Euro version).
  And skeptics bend its own, they remind: the devil lies in details, and with them the Koreans have traditional discords. Check. Such a surprise! The speed is 140 km/h, and aerodynamic crickets do not even think of starting their song around the windshields littered back and large mirrors. I remember that on some models of noble brands, the air defense capitulated earlier. Weaker Latzetti salon is protected from the bottom noise of the rumble of tires and the fractional breakdown of gravel in the wheel arches. Not only the built -in audio system helps to drown out these interference. Gas on the floor, and the 16-valve-chatean is responded to the peak of the traction pleasant, well-placed baritone. It turns out that the Koreans took care of setting up the release!
The automatic transmission of the Japanese company Aizin perfectly softly softens its 4 steps and works down the BEEMVECROSE until it stops at the KIK Dawn. It would still be added to the machine gun in decisiveness, however, Dausushka does not extinguish either in a dense city stream or on a high-speed line, for nothing that a 1.5-liter motor for the domestic market is slightly inferior in the power and thrust of the ji-umovskaya 1.6-liter four Euro version.
After the day of the test, several hundred kilometers increased on the odometer, but, having parked Latsetti, I caught myself thinking that I was not tired at all and not averse to meet with the attracted deushka. What is not an assessment for the car for every day? And the colorful phrases here are unnecessary.
There are more questions than answers
The emergence of Latsetti in Russia is a kind of impromptu company UZ-DEU Auto-Service, which purchased a small batch of cars for the primary probe of the market in South Korea. More precisely, the specific, home, home equipment of cars and its price reflects its price ($ 17,600 $ 23,000) interferes. It may change if Latzetti’s supply from Uzbekistan begins. But for this, the factory in Asaka must bring the degree of localization of the model to 50%. While the Uzbeks have received the right to assembly 654 sedans from Korean components for domestic use, and all cars with a 1.8-liter 122-horsepower engine of the Australian branch of the Ji-EM company Holden.
However, Latsetti’s path to Russia may be shorter if the release of the model is mastered in Ukraine. Ji-Em does not exclude direct supplies from South Korea, but only after creating an autonomous dealer network. In a word, today no one will undertake to say when, in what form and at what price Latsetti will be sold in Russia.
Daewoo Lacetti 1.5
common data
Length x width x height, mm
Base, mm
Clearance, mm
Equipped mass, kg
1130 (1150)
Trunk volume, l
The diameter of the turn, m
Speed, km/h
183 (181)
Acceleration time 0-100 km/h, with
11.2 (12.2)
Fuel consumption, l/100 km city/highway
10.2/8.2 (12.1/9.1)
Fuel supply, l
Working volume, SMZ
Power, L.S. at rpm
Torque, kgsm at rpm
Mechanical 5-speed
(automatic 4-band)
REMENCH with hydraulic power steering
Brakes: front
disk, ventilated
Mikhail Kozlov, photo of Maxim Goncharov

Source: Magazine "Limousine" [05/04]

Daewoo Lacetti test drives since 2002