Test drive Citroen C4 hatchback since 2010 Hatchback

Firm "four"

Citroen C4 - a proposal from which it is difficult to refuse the advent of the C4 model that has replaced its XSARA, the update of the Citroen's passenger line can be considered almost completed. Finally, the model range will form a crumb C1 and the new flagship of the French brand C6, the premieres of which should be held in early March at the Motor Show in Geneva. However, at all, without detraining the merits of these models, from the position of marketing they are a kind of frame for the family diamond, which is rightfully the hero of our test can be considered. After all, he will protect the company's position in the very responsible market segment.
The XSARA successor made his debut at once in two bodies: clients are offered three- and five-door hatchbacks. The first, however, is referred to as the coupe, but we will leave this marketing stroke on the conscience of the manufacturer. In the end, demand determines the proposal, and if a certain category of young and dynamic clients want to ride a coupe, and the means allow you to allow hot hatchback, then Pourquoi Pas? In addition, cars differ from each other not only by the number of doors. Let's say more, common stylistic solutions are traced only in the design of the front, and behind the central body rack, these are actually different cars. Three-door rapid silhouette and really look like a compartment: a smooth bending of the roof, almost vertically climbing the rear stands (they have a rating tilt, reminding rocket stabilizers), effectively turning into the nozzles of the lanterns. A glass of complex shape continues the roof line, flowing into the lid of the luggage compartment.
A five-door version looks like a completely different, which came to us for the test. Conceptually hatchback is more like a minivan, as if created based on XSARA Picasso: Highly dangled front racks with additional windows to improve the visibility, highly back mirrors, high-end roof, smoothly turning into a convex fifth door. The plump minivanity Rodnit C4 and with a fellow on the PSA Peugeot Citroen - Peugeot 307 concern, who has adopted a number of design and design solutions, such as the work of the front wiper (brushes moving along the bus, towards each other). However, there is nothing surprising here - the models are created on one platform.
The features, invalidly inherent in minivans, are found in the cabin. A huge leaving far forward to the windshield The front panel is crowned with a remote combination of devices in which the digital speedometer dominates (on the sides of it, vertical scales of fuel reserve pointers and coolant temperature) are located). A tape tachometer was awarded a special honor - he was placed on a sports, on the steering column, so that an important device was always before the driver's eyes. The solution, quite relevant on the coupe, looks in the cabin of the hatchback on moderate temperament somewhat strange - but do not redo the same interior!
The C4 steering wheel is the subject of special pride Citroen. The hub of the two-spoke ramp remains still, only the rim rotates. Bold innovation made it possible to carry out on the steering wheel (more precisely, on the hub) management of many functions: from cruise control and radio tape recorder to air recycling mode in the ventilation system. Here are the access keys in the on-board computer menu. In the center - airbag, but not an ordinary round, and the most suitable for the disclosure of the forms of the human body. Made hard chairs have good lateral support, but the back, unfortunately, is absolutely straight. Perhaps, in other, more advanced versions of the C4 execution, the manufacturer also takes care of clients' backs, but in our car did not have a hint of a lumbar backup. The standard set of three mechanical settings (in length, height and tilt of the back) in combination with an adjustable steering column allows you to choose a convenient landing to almost any driver. Is that a convergeous man can someteen on a short seat cushion. Thus, the author of these lines had to change the position behind the wheel several times - the legs were tired (however, this problem is characteristic of the overwhelming majority of tested cars).
In the back seat you can accommodate and threesome, but it is hardly convenient - with comfort, only two can travel there. But they are unlikely to complain about the lack of living space: there is enough space and legs, and above the head. At the same time, the C4 salon will not reproach in impracticity - an impressive number of boxes, shelves and pockets for trifles (depending on the configuration, there may be more than 20 depending on the configuration. A separate mention deserves a system of folding partitions that share the luggage compartment on the section. The option is extremely useful for incomplete loading: things do not hang around throughout the trunk, and peacefully lie in their places. It must be said that in terms of the original accessories for the luggage compartment, the French are large masters. For example, in the list of additional equipment, XSARA Picasso is a folding trolley on wheels. Well, finally, if the C4 owner will need to carry something volumetric, the rear seats can be folded or even completely removed from the cabin (thanks to convenient mounts, this operation is done simply and quickly).
A wide selection of C4 packages, including equipment, habitual on machines class above (for example, separate climate control), for some reason it does not apply to power units. Russian Citroen clients offer only three gasoline engines: 1.6 liters, developing 110 hp, and two 2-liter (143 and 180 hp). The most powerful motor installed only on the coupe and aggregative only with a 5-speed manual transmission allows you to accelerate to 227 km / h, and a hundred car is gaining in 8.3 seconds. An exclusive unit is a 143-strong engine, working in a pair with a 4-speed automatic transmission, also has a five-door hatchback. The basic 1,6-liter motor (plus mechanics or automatic selection) is available with both types of body.
We got C4 1.6 with an automatic transmission. We did not expect special surprises in terms of the dynamic characteristics of the car (he did not prevent them). However, one curious feature was nevertheless noted: in the cabin C4, the speed is felt, that is, it seems above real. But, if you figure it out, there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, the car seems to offer an additional (and completely free!) Active safety agent.
In fact, the engine power is enough for a relaxing movement from point A to point B, and nothing more. The machine gun, who obviously did not fall into the list of innovative solutions, was not distinguished by the abilities of character, mobilizing only in Sport mode. In principle, the driver can take control of the box on itself, but there will be no significant changes in the behavior of the car: the vigilant electronics stops the slightest attempts to twist the engine, allowing only a slightly expand the operating range of each of the gears.
But, albeit leopard, the ride was comfortable. Of course, C4 does not boast a signature hydropneumatic suspension - the rank is not the same, but the car does not push the car from passengers. The chassis developers cost without special technical delights (in front - a thousand times proven McPherson racks, rear - half-dependent beam with twisting effect; both suspensions are equipped with transverse stability stabilizers), but were able to achieve a completely acceptable compromise between comfort and handling.
However, to appreciate the handling of the car we just did not happen. Alas, but there was all against it: the weather, and road workers, and even the dealers themselves, the shovel of the car albeit in the winter (more precisely, the all-season), but the untapped rubber. The snow-covered road was constantly kept in the voltage: a little spoil, the car even straight to the tail to the tail, and it is possible to safely turn the turn only under the burden. Of course, if you keep yourself in the ultrasound, nothing terrible will happen. And the electronics (in the C4 base, the ABS is equipped with, and the stabilization and anti-slip system are offered as an option) is always ready to come to the aid. But to draw conclusions about the driving nature of the car, we would prefer to dry asphalt
Be that as it may, the appearance of C4 will not definitely remain unnoticed. Perhaps this is one of the most tempting sentences Citroen in recent years. In any case, by the ratio of nested dollars per unit of car, this car looks against the background of numerous competitors is quite attractive. The trouble is only that the investment has no cheap American currency, but an expensive European (for example, for our C4 dealers are asked for 17,990 euros). And the persistent reluctance is Citroen to leave the eurozone, while almost all competitors have already returned to the dollar, it is unlikely to facilitate the Russian debut of the successor XSARA.
Text: Andrey Tsybulsky, Alexander Polunin

A source: Mkmobile magazine [21.02.2005]

Video crash tests Citroen C4 hatchback since 2010