Test Drive Chevrolet Viva 2004 - 2008 Sedan

German roots of the Russian Astra

Buy Chevrolet Viva will not require mentality correction
What do the Vazovskaya dozen love?
For simpleness. Impact, she is simplicity, hesitates hope that it will be possible to fix the car even in a clean field with a chisel and hammer. But when the usual dozen is made and it is time to change it, the question arises: what? And if it is not very good with finances, but I want to transfer to the car not particularly difficult, but quite modern, in the same sizes and with the familiar opportunities, and so that it is not necessary to change the lifestyle and urgently buy a born and the modeling mobile phone in addition to the rapidly changed Image, then the most decent option - Chevrolet Viva.
The car without revelations, devoid of freshness of design, without engineering frills and fashionable solutions, but a good, moderately equipped, and the motor be healthy - all 1800 cubes.
Quality Chevrolet Viva of our person will delight. And it is not concluded in reinforced springs, improved suspension and is unknown how modified road will be asked, about which only rumors go about the magnitude, but not information. The quality of this car is in its unprecedented anti-corrosion processing. Mastics of different degrees of hardness and varying degrees of mysteriousness of the sublishes cover not just all hidden places, but even just seams and connections, which in a peaceful life, not every grandfather launched with Surikov or Movil in his refractory garage. On Chevrolet Viva, anticorrine is applied to all connections of metal parts of the body, on all joints, on all welded seams, wherever they are, on the bottom and thresholds, and even on the loop doors. Moreover, not with the Soviet economy, only denoting the execution of this factory operation, but with an amazing latitude of the soul: a thick layer and what is called, with a scope. It will be nice to imagine the shock of the traditional owner of the VAZ-2110, swallowing on this car with the intention to protect the acquisition from corrosion. It's just nowhere to realize it. Everything that has enough human imagination is already protected. And not just mastic, but also a factory guarantee from end-to-end corrosion for 6 years.
Dozens and happiness are familiar with the existence of the existence of the wheel and moved to Chevrolet Viva, a person will break away from happiness even in the basic configuration car. What a stove in him! Heat will cover a caring wave, not forcing the habit of choosing between necessity or clarify the picture in the windows, or save yourself until the case has not yet come to the Maresev's attitude. The stove warms it all immediately, and at the same time not one side nozzle is directed to the legs, as we are taken, in a clearly not hot country, but at once somewhat, along the entire width of the allocated space. The stove begins quickly and decisively and during the frost in -10 changes the climate in the cabin to convincingly warm minutes for three. The glass is thawed, the hands are warmed, the soul, too, and the legs are already beginning.
Ecotec engine with an unusual Chevrolet cross on a plastic housing with a volume of 1800 is very good. Horsepower in it so much that the feeling of superiority occurs even in a conversation with a neighbor: 125 hp and 170 Nm of torque with very beneficial 3800 rpm, if someone these data say something. On the road, these parameters are implemented by a large power supply on any transmission and the ability to add well to any moment. What is very important: in the standard Equipment of Chevrolet Viva included ABS. Considering that the consisted of the maximum of the car is 205 km / h, the system is extremely necessary. Moreover, useful not only at the limit of the possibilities of the machine, but also just in the usual Moscow snow, which the road builders never have time to win on time. In combination of a good engine and reasonable electronics, a very harmonious alliance is obtained, which is already enough to penetrate the car.
And the gasoline brand is all the more welcome: AI-92.
Very good gearbox. (If it were not for the Opeless reverse transmission system, more like a fool's defense system, but on defense from idiot when the secret ring is needed on the lever, the secret ring is fully hidden from the eye, so that it is possible for its existence only to guess. In general, Do not turn back without tips.)
Two people can form a harmonious car: chief designer and chief engineer. They will distribute the subordinate tasks, explain the concept and after some time they flashed with professionalism, summarizing the efforts of two teams. And only on very serious firms they will go further and put another task - to bring to perfection at least a couple of little things. But such that the future buyer immediately understood: he was not only meant, sincerely cared for him.
Chevrolet Viva could explain this sincerity on the example of the fuel tank of the gas tank. Its cap is round and has a rubber sealer for radius. Not only in order not to spawn paint on the wing, even if the owner closes it back, getting angry with a mother-in-law or a better gasoline, but for the sake of the tightness of the hole. And so that gasoline does not flow, and so that it does not smell so much, and that Greenpeace has been happy with the sudden environmental safety of this solution. And here on the inside of this hatcher except the holder under a traffic jam, thanks to which it always has it to be done (which happens not at all even more expensive cars), a special plastic screwdriver is proved. It is invented to perform two operations: unscrewing the cap on nippele (hands are always clean) and closing the so-called baby castle of the rear doors. It is this poker item that shows the strongest, as far as the engineers were treated to the task. Western engineers for their respected buyer.
Barcode is relaxing, but also convincing - pockets in the rear doors. Rightly rare in general and on vehicles of this class in particular. By the way, Viva glass rear doors fall completely, without having fading in the middle.
In our language, there is a notion to divide, which in most others either has no analogue, or is not amenable to explain. But in our story - a huge collection of examples of divisions, which for some reason, especially the Germans were for some reason. Traditions of people supported cars. BMW began in Kaliningrad, and now here and Opel blister. Moreover, it is very thorough, although in the course of the case, a purely German name has lost and allegedly American Chevrolet has become. But it has not ended yet, it is still very similar to the German Opel, although it is expressing in Russian, including inscriptions such as non-ethydrated gasoline. Moreover, pure Russian is already looking at the plastic details of the interior, although the main plastic is convincing and - which is extremely important for domestic mentality - soft. But on the German analogue, the insertion on the central console was better, the lining on the racks - neat, and the seat belts did not eat. And, oddly enough, the emblem is clean, the emblem is a low-budget variant of the transition period. The Opolev circle will be sculpt the contour cross, made as if from the wire. Although promotional photos are more convincing, but the same unusual chevrolet emblem. By the way, the following is written in the attached passport of the vehicle: Mark Chevrolet Viva, Opel / GM model, manufacturer of JJ Em-AvtoVAZ.
But sitting in Viva very convenient. Mainly sort of machine provides a lot of space and sitting in front, and sitting from behind. Just getting the driver with an increase in over 182 cm succeeded with such a reserve, which you can't suspect. Well, at the wheel, the uncle Stepa is well placed, as you know, dear than height. After a dozen, a convenient driver's seat with thoughtful ergonomics and sufficient adjustments will be perceived as an exemplary. And the comfortable rear seat folds in the asymmetric proportion 2: 1, although the pillow itself remains unshakable. Another barcode, purely European. To put the back of the seat, you need to click on the wide key on the back of the back, and do not pull the tail on yourself, as is customary on many machines (mainly with Asian roots).
To the great joy of the average man, at Chevrolet Viva a decent trunk. And by volume, and by convenience. With rubber fastening in the left niche for reliable fixation of such, for example, useful items, as a container with non-freezing liquid, which is extremely difficult to attach in ordinary life. Under the floor - a full-sized spare wheel, in Zhigulevski fortified convex part of the disc. The people usually turned it over, and there was something average between the trough and capacity for different driver's smallers. But under it there is a modest set of tools, designed for a well-developed service network: You can only replace the wheel with it. At the bottom of the bottom, a soft rug, imitating artificial felt, is laid. This is noise insulation.
In the container, which is called the glove compartment - two floors. Upper - with backlit, bottom - like a cellar - without it. The glove box is deep, and from the bottom it is quite uncomfortable items. The candle cover has an intermediate fixed position or simply gets halfway to the knees of passenger. Not traumatic, but mysterious. And here in this container there are two excellent printing quality brochure. The one that is a fond, the service book. In another - thoroughly - 300 pages. This is the instruction manual. It is clear that the interservice mileage of Chevrolet Viva is 15,000 km, the warranty is 24 months or 100,000 km, depending on what happens earlier. And on the back cover of the cover of both books - a turbid photo of an enterprise, on which this car was collected. It is quite a patriotic reminder to buyers that it is not done somewhere, but at the GM-Avtovaz plant. Despite the fuzziness of the picture, it can be seen that the name on the facade is not written in Russian. The separation process is not finished yet.
Text: Sergey Aslanyan

A source: Magazine Mkmobile

Test Drives Chevrolet Viva 2004 - 2008