Black Scala

What can boast America? Story? It is almost no. Art? Musicla, Rap, Grapti - children's toys against Europe. Statue of Freedom? Her French presented. Classic ballet - and that Russian. Probably, only cars. The American Automotive School is radically different from European. In this American car, everything should be many - horses, litters, spaces in the cabin, additional equipment and, of course, the car itself.


Chevrolet suburban is based on a large pickup K2500 (Motor 8, 10). For the machine weighing more than 3.5 tons require a large powerful motor. Such for Suburban and are offered - 5.7 and 7.4 liters gasoline and 6.5 liters of turbodiesel.


Most domestic buyers of these machines prefer gasoline engines. But diesel engines have a lot of advantages over gasoline engines - a larger torque, less consumption (10-18 l versus 12-28 liters of gasoline) and the cost of fuel. True, it is believed that diesel motors are worse when overclocking. One of our readers with this statement categorically disagree. In confirmation, he brought his car to the editor. Immediately make a reservation that his suburban is not quite ordinary, customized.


The initial visual sensation is an unshakable rock in Palekh treatment, something black, polished-massive, with tinted windows, to the measure of fleshy wheels, but at the same time - quite easy, perhaps due to increased road lumen. Front a lot of chromium and the abundance of lighting.


On the sides and behind chromium, smoothly so much so as not to rush into the eyes, but emphasize the grace of this giant. The usual cars of the European tailoring in comparison with it seem undercases.


At first glance, this is an SUV, and from the second too, is a four-wheel drive, a large clearance, a characteristic appearance again. But with more close acquaintance you begin to understand that all this is bluff. This in America Suburban can be a workhorse, and we have little to climb on it in the mud. In the consciousness of the Russian man, a large, high and all-wheel drive black car causes completely different associations, and quite defined.


Usually such cars of Russian owners are distinguished by the abundance of everything that can, buying or ordering, hang on the car. This specimen, fortunately, is free from all sorts of trinkets, there are even so-beloved jeepers winch. Therefore, he looks solid and seriously. On the road, Suburban looks like Senbernar among Bologna, and there is no desire to be bored with him, because all the participants in the road are constantly inferior to him.


With a more detailed examination, some additional equipment on the body was still discovered - this is not an additional low bumper-bump, facilitating the landing of the footboard from the front wheeled arches to the rear and powerful fog lights.


The hood is tall and hefty, like a truck, to be where to hide a large motor, a couple of batteries and another all. With the hood with a shining waterfall, the massive lining of the radiator with four rectangular headlights ending with a powerful chromed bumper.


Under the bottom, nothing sticks out, despite the abundance of Cardanov and other mechanics. Mighty welded carrier frame, in front - massive forged levers with longitudinal torsion, cross-section with a baseball bat, rear - a solid beam of the bridge.


Under the hood, everything is very tightly clogged by boxes, hoses, tubes, some details and detail. And, of course, the engine. Everything is so closely that it is difficult to deal with the first glance in this junk. You can, of course, check if the motor was not blocked and whether there is oil in it, but once again to climb under the hood there is no need.


The owner of Suburban argued that there is some special turbodiesel in its car - a volume of 7 liters. In no General Motors catalog, we did not find such a motor, the only Turbodiesel in the SUBURBAN gamma is that Chevrolet is that GMC has a volume of 6.5 liters. Do not believe the owner? It seems to be no reason. But he also could not confirm his statement.


What to do? In fact, SUBURBAN from 6.5 liters of Turbodiesel we have already experienced. But it was two and a half years ago. Even if the engine will be the same, it is still interesting if something in the car changed during this time.


The motor sound reminds the operation of a diesel locomotive, but it is only outside. Inside the engine of the engine, it is not audible, nor in the parking lot, neither on the go, only with intensive acceleration appears barely audible rokat of diesel. The machine is easily gaining speed, the machine switches smoothly, without jerks. On a small segment, seventy meters long, Suburban accelerates to hundreds of kilometers per hour. The tachometer arrow dances in the range of 1600-2700 rpm. Honestly, any differences in the dynamics of this suburban from what we had before, we did not notice, overclocking is quite worthy and sensitivity of the driver does not cause.


The machine is equipped with a powerful power steering, therefore, despite the large dimensions, it is managed very easily. The diameter of the reversal seems small, almost like a passenger car, although in fact it is more than 15 meters. On the irregularities of Suburban does not swing as most of the American cars, and in the turns almost no longer, the more rigid suspension affects (remind, the car is ordered). Such a suspension (Air Craft) Americans put on army cars designed for severe operating conditions. Of course, it is less comfortable, but more suitable for our roads. The front disc and rear drum brake mechanisms provide a good slowdown in the heavy machine, and the ABS interferes only during emergency braking and unpleasant sensations does not deliver.


Seats are separated by soft light brown skin, in the same colors a plastic dashboard is made. Of course, standard - gray or black - leather finish is also good, but the black car with a black lounge looks too dark, and the gray is boring.


Compared to the Last year's model, the right side of the dashboard changed a little, where the second airbag was mounted. Because of this, the glove box has noticeably decreased in size. In general, the salon is very convenient - a lot of pockets for small things, and in a large box, which is between the seats, you can put not only a couple of bottles of water, but also a lot of things, and there will still be free space. Round arrow devices are informative and fit well into the interior. An interesting feature of the intra-alone mirror - a compass has been built into it and a system of self-impact when blinding from behind.


American wide side support seats do not have. It's not as bad on the long straight highway, but when maneuvering the seat, it winds pretty much, even the belt does not hold off lateral movements. Sometimes you have to stay for armrests that are equipped with front seats.


With visibility, everything is fine. Front rack, despite the massiveness, does not interfere, and good glazing of the cabin allows you to see everyone on the road. The glasses seem very darkened outside outside, inside it is not felt.


Rear passengers are not closely, and not hot, since in this car already three air conditioners. Why do you ask, the third? And what, the dog should be laughing from the heat?


Side doors are wide and allow you not to hurt the openings when landing. Rear - bivalve, with horizontal connector and gas assistant gas racks.


This door provides convenient loading and unloading of the boot. Of course, you can place the cargo and on the roof, for this, rubber lining and lower perilts are stretching along it, to which you can bind skis or other sports shells for outdoor activities.


Probably, a rational Europeans is difficult to understand the joy of possession of powerful, all-wheel drive, hefty, voracious Chevrolet Suburban, and the American soul is a joy. And Russian, mysterious, too.


Text: Alexander Vinokurov, Alexey Routers


A source: Motor magazine [№12 / 1996]