Test drive Chevrolet Aveo (Kalos) Sedan 2004 - 2006 sedan

Who is good in Rus'?

Three new items, among them two Russian are undoubtedly interesting. And not some things at a price affordable, but the most popular class
In relation to him, it is not customary to talk about the elegance of shapes, thin settings of the engine or chassis, a wide list of additional equipment. As a rule, these cars are not burdened with modern electronics, and the benefits of civilization are offered in the form of options. The main consumer requirements, in addition to the moderate price, is fit for local operating conditions.
For many years in this class, indigenous Russians dominated, slightly diluted not by the most modern foreign cars. Now, having decided to purchase a car for $ 900011,000, you will meet with a variety that requires close study. The current rivals of Sedan Lada-Kalin, Renault Logan and Chevrolet Aveo.
Complex taste
Kalina finally passed all the stages of ripening: from flowering to complete readiness for use. Try time.
But, perhaps, good and outwardly neatly, the first thought during examination. It seems that it was not for nothing that they talked about the creation of a new production and solid financial investments in the berry topic. Lada Kalina flaunts with sustained lines, neat gaps and good coloring.
And the first acquaintance with the interior leaves a favorable impression. Of course, the locks of the door locks are tight, the configuration of the seats is unsophisticated, but you get a good thing inside. Due to the high landing behind the wheel, there are free: toggle switches and steering wheel switches are equipped with distinct characters, and their location is well verified. The front panel is captivated by an interesting design, an original combination of devices. True, upon their closer consideration was disappointed: numbers and scales are small.
A trip to the back seat is pleasing and upset. At first, we are tight, but the three of us sit down, noting the supply of space on the knees and even in height. But it is not easy to go out, especially through the left door. Substampovki of the body at the edges of the pillow of the seat pinches the feet, forcing them to bend into a narrow gap.
How is the driver there? The pedals are tight, at the same time uninformative, especially the accelerator and clutch. Box lever? The same claims. Well, when a trembling from a revived engine runs around the car, I want to finish the experiments all this is already familiar. He added a little momentum, and the box lever buzzed in his hand, and the vibrations flowed on the floor at the legs of the seated, responded on the steering wheel. Few? Then I turn the fan to the first position: its rustle easily be sure with the engine. Still incomprehensible? Then bolder forward! Here she began to sang the gearbox on different voices. A little later, the engine joined at 25003000 rpm. Something in the back was scooted on irregularities. And went and went! The colleague quickly finds the way out to open all the windows, and then the sounds will disappear.
The engine capabilities are not bad. The extra 100 cubes of the working volume were clearly beneficial for its traction. And although the motor of stars from the sky is not enough, he makes his work smoothly and confidently.
The energy intensity and impenetration of pendants inspire respect. At the same time, the car is comfortable perfectly swallows deep waves, unshakable on pits and potholes. The only remark is too noisy, rude behavior on minor irregularities. The rest is great!
Alas, the compliments were exhausted on this. The main and very unpleasant surprise was waiting for brake tests: viburnum failed. Presumably due to the brake forces regulator. From the race to the race, the car blocks the right rear wheel before the rest, naturally, losing stability. Maybe only something is wrong on our car? But the sensitivity of the brake pedal does not withstand comparison with foreign cars, and the efforts are too big.
Manageability is also far from optimal. Despite the steering wheel power power steering, Kalina retained the heavyweight, thoughtfulness of reactions, especially when steering. At the entrance to a quick turn, this rubber of interconnections interferes with management. But, pretty much loading the driver with troubles, the car still rides well on a stable arc.
Moscow Grenadier
Renault Logan for some reason caused an association with a rude army servant. An ungrateful lesson to try to highlight something in his appearance. Someone joked: Logan masterfully assembled without a single nail, with one ax. But the external nonsense in no way affected the quality of the body assembly, joints and gaps. All Tutelka in Tutelka.
Logan is the only one of our Trinity is truly prepared for Russian conditions. In addition to an impressive road clearance and dimension tires 165/80R14, it has a powerful metallic engine protection.
Nevertheless, acquaintance with Logan from the inside is much more interesting. Space Abundance! We sit down in the back and do not disappoint. There are enough places even at the level of the shoulders, not to mention the legs and head. Of the shortcomings: the absence of head restraints in this, the average option of configuration and the inability to transform the back.
Looking at the wheel, I can’t get rid of the thought that I saw all this somewhere: an ingenuous profile of the seat, rude-cheers, emphasized inexpensive plastic, simple, but comfortable steering wheel. Well, of course! This is an old Renault symbol, only matured and only slightly changed.
Of course, if you look closely, the difference is noticeable. The Logan has a higher (probably even unnecessary) driver’s landing, the best range of longitudinal adjustment of the seat. He has a different approach to ergonomics. But still they are somewhat similar. I can’t resist the comments even with such a related approach to the car.
You can still come to terms with large torso -windows, from saving in the very center of the console. But here are the twins of the ventilation system and the air conditioner button are deliberately hidden from the eyes. And the headlight corrector was next to the hood opening handle, as if abandoned there by accident.
The fact that the speedometer and tachometer are detailed is tolerant. But in the daytime they are overshadowed by a bright orange information display. He directly screams with his secondary indicators why?
No, it's still not a symbol, it's me about the accelerated abilities of Logan. It seems to be a familiar, slightly rattling engine sound, similar efforts on pedals. But the symbol played playfully from a place, elasticly and cheerfully crossed the transmission and this one makes it possible to feel all the meaningfulness of touching, then rolled out with dignity. The accelerator more often than we would like to rest on the floor, and the program has to be switched more actively.
The noise level is far from the standard. Of course, Logan is not viburnum with its cacophony of sounds, but the engine clearly sings after 3000 rpm, and the box at times characterically howls. But this is perhaps the last pickup to the car. The Moscow hustle and bustle is a careless maneuver of a gaping neighbor forces to slow down on the floor. The car easily gets out of a dangerous situation under uniform chatting ABS. Excellent! Gradually, pendants inspire unprecedented confidence. The fact that they playfully swallow all sorts of road trifles is half the age. But under the wheels, a broken railway crossing flashed, and the car did not even start. I begin to openly provoke a car, well, something should clarify. Nothing of the kind: even on deep holes, the body only sways slightly. Amazing!
Well, all this should affect the accuracy of the reaction of the machine. It turns out that the compromise is achievable, at least with a French approach. Yes, Logan’s handling is imperfect, but in general, its behavior is built on a clear understanding with the driver. Turned the steering wheel felt a response. And no tricks or inaccuracies to you.
I still do not know the prices, sets, advantages and disadvantages of the motor, but the Chevrolet Aveo already likes: here everything is in moderation.
Collective appearance, neat shapes, an uncomplicated style, and nevertheless my own self. But Aveo is essentially a Korean, whom we are used to scolding for the unassuming style.
Inside is modest, but comfortable. Sitting in front, I note that an unusually powerful front panel goes perfectly with other details of the discreet interior. As on Kalina, the steering wheel is adjusted in height: trifle? Perhaps, but on Renault this was not enough.
The combination of devices seems primitive: a speedometer, two signs and a block of control lamps. But it is combined in such a way that it not only reads perfectly, but also looks harmonious. On the central console there are three twins and several toggle switches. Convenient and affordable, not an example of a logan.
The seat is solid, evenly distributes the loads. Of course, longitudinal adjustment at the limit, but Aveo is the only one with adjustment of the chair in height. The back, of course, is closer than in Logan it looks like viburnum. But there are no difficulties in the entrance and exit. Plus the rear head restraints.
Aveo starts easily and at ease. Zinger! And although the possibilities of the motor are small, its brisk disposition and well -chosen gear ratio of the boxes allow you to play overclocking. Of course, the selectivity of the box is mediocre, and the speed limit is rudely triggered, but in general, Aveo holds well as well as well.
Chevrolet is more comfortable than rivals, primarily in noise and vibrations. They are not as annoying as competitors.
In other riding nominations, Aveo is a hard good. The brakes are convenient and logical, pendants are comfortable on small irregularities, but in more serious situations you feel: their capabilities are limited. With an increase in speed, the car begins to repeat the profile of the road, swaying on gentle waves. Of course, nothing criminal, but the pendants of Lada and Renault are more effective.
In the manage of Aveo, too, Zhivchik. Fast, rubber-minute, good for the city crowd. Outside the city, you will feel solid bodies of the body and some tendency to screw in the turn. At first, you are alarming, however, getting used to this highlight, you use it with success. Even in sliding, Aveo's behavior is understandable and predictable.
So, who from our trinity to give preference? I would still choose Chevrolet. And you?

Lada Kalina for the idea will put a solid four well conceived. But the performance, alas ... Many technical solutions leave much to be desired.
General assessment 7.1
+ Convenient workplace, wide transformation opportunities, energy -intensive pendants, capacious trunk.
- noise and vibration load, it is inconvenient to enter-go back passengers, mediocre handling.

Renault Logan If you outweigh practicality in your approach, Logan is a good example of an inexpensive machine, perfectly prepared for operation in Russia.
General assessment 7.9
+ Spacious and roomy interior, capacious luggage compartment, powerful, energy -intensive pendants, good brakes.
- mediocre acoustic comfort and accelerated dynamics, miscalculations in ergonomics, the rear seat does not add up.

Chevrolet Aveo hard good in almost everything. Perhaps it is this combination of stable indicators that allows him to confidently compete in his class.
General assessment 7.9
+ Convenient, coziness, ergonomic, reliable in basic sled indicators.
- limited pendants.

S. Voskresensky: We are used to evaluating Russian cars a little differently than foreign cars. In this test, Kalina did not give any concessions, she was simply one of three sedans, two of which were made in Russia.






Voskresensky Sergey

A source: The magazine "Driving"

Chevrolet Aveo (Kalos) Sedan 2004 - 2006