Test drive Chevrolet Aveo (Kalos) Sedan 2004 - 2006 sedan

Not too expensive and very good

The price of these Korean supermins is the best in the class. But there can be no winners. Let's try to find out who is the champion of budget hatchbacks.

Firstly, it's beautiful
Classes of the Supermini class in Russia have an unenviable fate. For many years they were called female and did not take them seriously. Now, when to the consciousness of buyers

finally it came that a small car was simply very convenient in a big city, a new misfortune came. Car firms began to inflate prices. Today

buy a decent equipped European or Japanese supermini is cheaper than 15 thousand at. e. is almost impossible. And this is already the territory of more adults and, no matter how

twist, more solid focus and Lancer.

In such a situation, the sale of such machines, it would seem, should fall. In fact, their popularity, on the contrary, is growing. And not least thanks

Ghetzu and Aveo. After all, sellers were able to maintain prices for these cars at an acceptable low level in the region of $ 1213 thousand. We put cars with the barrier with

the most convenient 5-door hatchback in the city, as well as optimal, in our opinion, 1.4-liter engines and mechanical gearboxes.

I would like to leave conversations about appearance overboard the dough, but I really do not want to. Because in our case, at first glance, you understand what you can

to love supermini. Well, firstly, it's beautiful. Neat, fit and cheerful, chitz and Aveo are also organic on the streets of the metropolis as a smile on

girlish face. And the right word, the almond-shaped eyes of the hetz, as well as the playful-frivolous substetrician on the waist line of Aveo, these are designer

mini-proceedings of small cars.

And secondly, very nice
He opened the very wide superini door of the hettz and, as he found himself at the festival. In every sense, such a vivid impression is made by colored inserts on the steering wheel, seats and upholstery of the doors. It would seem a trifle, but how the interior plays. And most importantly, in addition to bright colors in the testing of the hetz, it is also well well in ergonomics. A convenient climate block, highly located, which means a perfectly visible radio nest, a well -readable dashboard and a completely informative flight comprehensive display.

Minuses? There are really few of them here. There is no sensor of the coolant temperature indicator, the pause of the rear wiper. Salon lighting ceiling

for some reason is located above the sofa.

A short pillow of the chair implies a strictly vertical bus landing here, even a very rich set of adjustments for supermini
The lever of the remote opening of the gas tank hatch located below on the left is a distinctive feature of almost all Koreans

Lack of reading lamps over the first row of seats An annoying nuisance

The heating buttons of the seats are located in a convenient zone next to the KP lever, but only the heating itself does not have a step adjustment

The Koreans took care of the convenience and volume of the hettz salon, but there was no one left on the glovey box of a small and stupid time.

Aveo is already good in that, unlike the hettz, it does not make the impression of a small dog, which, as you know, is a puppy to old age. In the driver's place

Chevrolet seems that you are sitting behind the car of the car higher: look, for example, at the steering wheel of a very large diameter and a powerful beard of the front

panels. The huge ones are finally convinced that the alternate has an adult car, Aveo's mirrors.

Despite the smaller number of adjustments, we liked the driver’s driver’s chair more. He has a longer pillow and wide back
The visor reliably protects the display of watches and control lamps from sunlight. More and symbols make a larger

For you, reading lovers, with the lighting of the cabin of Chevrolet, everything is in order

A pleasant trifle from the class above control of the musical system on the steering wheel

The deflectors of the ventilation system organically fit into the round theme of interior design

It's nice that Shevy is not averse to pampering the Sports wells of devices with style. And to reproach by and large a Korean American is not

what. But still, for the stirring of cheap plastic in the interior and too supple, walking up the upholstery of the doors, Aveo's rating had to be reduced.

Almost mansions
But outside you will not guess that Korean babies have so spacious sofas. In a hettz, I sit down for my meter eighty -five. More

that, there is also a stock in front of the knees. Excellent result. Another thing is that sofas are obviously designed for two persons. The third one can only be

child up to 16.
Why, then, the explorescence of Chevrolet is higher? The point is not that the hettz salon is a little already both in front and behind. In this case, the loss is not critical.

It’s just that in the hande we were not too impressed by a vertically-automatic landing. The front seat pillow is short, therefore it seems that you are sitting on

stool. In the city, this is not scary, but during long trips, the driver of the hetz will begin to get tired earlier.

Hooks on the back of the seat only for bags from a supermarket is more heavier than three kage can not be hanged

The passengers of the ghetz sofa have one entertainment how to divide a jar of a single cup holder for two

Hinging trays with cup holders of the prerogative of expensive Aveo-Elit

Aveo has a more convenient chair, with decent side support and a fairly long pillow. Hence the extra half bells.

All sizes are given in centimeters. * The distance from the seat pillow to the ceiling. The space for the legs of the sitting from the back is indicated provided that the driver's growth

is 185 cm

For a dresser to my grandmother
All that Hende lost in the passenger salon, he compensates for the trunk. Moreover, the advantage in volume is not the main, more important than the possibility of transformation.

Look how easy it is, literally in two counts, a ghetz sofa develops. Pressed back to the backs of the front seats in the cleaned position, he releases

a very wide and long, and most importantly, absolutely flat area.

The advantage of the trunk of the hetz is especially obvious with a completely folded sofa

Folding the Aveo sofa is not as convenient as in the hande. But the trunk itself is a little wider
Despite the small advantage in the size of the trunk, it is really in the hetz, as well as in Aveo, only one large road suitcase contains

The luggage opening of the chevrolet is already than that of the hande, and the very mowed lower part makes it difficult to load. In addition, Aveo has a noticeably larger loading height
If only the backs of the sofa are folded, an uncomfortable step appears on the border of the trunk and salon. This is typical for both the hetz and Aveo
The side tumors of the rear suspension in the hetz do not disappear in vain there are pockets for small things.

In the niche for the spare wheel Chevrolet is just a dock

In Aveo, one cannot get one. In addition, the pillow of the sofa Chevrolet folds entirely, which means that the car is automatically automatically for the time of transportation of the grandmother's chest of drawers

it becomes 2-seater. Finally, it should be noted that in the hetz salon there are carefully provided hooks for bags, which, in our opinion, are much more useful

chevrolet folding tables.

Small and fast
And with the previous 1.3-liter engine, the hetz was known as a rather nimble car, but the four-liter and a song that appeared after the restyling of the four. From

the driver needs to only add gas at the start a little, and then the small hande dawn as scalded. The motor obviously loves high speeds and twist

it is a pleasure for 4000 rpm in the tachometer of the hetz is simply pleasing. And the first hundred baby exchanges, as it seems, much faster than affixed in

passport 11.2 s. Moreover, the peppy acceleration continues further, and only after a mark of 130140 km/h. Well done, chitz!

Aveo with a 16-valve four similar in volume goes no worse. Moreover, the chevrolet engine is a little richer on the bottoms, therefore to move and

weaving in traffic jams is more convenient. Aveo does notak at high speeds, demonstrating decent agility. For sure, no worse than a hetz. The only thing

the feeling from good dynamics in order spoils the extremely sore, fuzzy lever of the gearbox and not too informative clutch. By golly, I don’t even want to switch the program once again.
New 1.4-liter engine with a capacity of 97 liters. With. Ideal for the character of the hettz. He is surprisingly frisky, quite economical and far from the most noisy

At low speeds, the 94-horsepower Aveo motor is even more eternal than the hetz, and outside the city the capacities of this 16-valve four are more than enough. home

the problem here is too much noise level

By the way, the brakes of both cars left the most favorable impression. No complaints about the convenience of managing the slowdown and its effectiveness in full -time

there are no modes. Another thing is that the Getz in the GLS configuration is equipped with rear disc brakes, while Aveo at the back of the rear are spelled out.

Therefore, with sharp braking with high speed, the driver of Hyunde will have an obvious advantage.

In addition, disc brakes are easier to endure overheating and tightly grabbed even in raw weather.

No pepper
It is a pity, there is no pepper on the road habits of the hettz. A rather calm steering wheel (three revolutions) and a comfortable tuning of a short -flowing pendant is not rejuvenated

to aggression. Hyunde is quite reliable on the highway at 140 km/h, and he writes an arc in turns. But know the measure. First a relatively high body

with transverse rolls, it hints that the baby will not tolerate pranks. Try even faster, and not too energy -intensive suspension no longer has time to work out

unevenness, causing diagonal swing, the car squats on the front wheel, and the rear is in the air. So you should not dashing.

Chevrolet has exactly the same not fast steering wheel, although the suspension is a little denser. In the bends, the machine impresses a slightly more obedient and predictable than


A little quieter, horses ...
In terms of comfort of the suspension, both pleasantly surprised. Given the short base, it is amazing how great the hetz and Aveo swallow the bumps of the road. For supermini

such smoothness is more likely an exception. However, this does not mean that the pits on the road do not need to go around. Say, a shitty shit of a hetz is easy to force

work on a breakdown, so do not forget.

A short wheelbase is not an obstacle to high smoothness. In this regard, both Getz and Aveo deserve only flattering words

But both of them cannot boast of silence in the cabin. Especially Shumen Chevrolet. The engine's voice is heard here as soon as the tachometer arrow leaves the zone

idle move. And behind a mark of 3000 rpm in the cabin, it becomes obsessively noisy. And this is if there is additional insulation under the hood ... Getz is also not

tikhonya, but strangles his ears to a lesser extent. In addition, in the trill of the Hyunde motor, you can, if you wish, hear sailing and sports notes.

At first glance, in the crash tests of the Euroncap, the hetz performed very dignity. Four stars guarantee reliable protection of the driver and passengers at the frontal and

side collision. But the trouble, the chitz scored his worthy respect in the European configuration, implying four airbags. In our default, we have only a driver’s eire-beag. ABS appears on a more expensive version, the passenger pillow is installed only on

a top-option with a 1.6-liter engine, and the Hende sellers did not hear about the lateral eire-begs. How to evaluate the level of car safety after that? On ours

a look, exclusively on the top three, which will remain on the conscience of the compilers of the Russian configuration of the hettz.

From the lateral strike of Hende passengers, energy -absorbing beams in the doors are additionally protected. It is a pity that there are no lateral eire-begs on the hettsy in Russia

In February, the Euroncap conducted a cracket of the Aveo restyled version with the sedan body. With very effective lateral protection, the car failed in a frontal collision, earned only one and a half stars. However, the hatchback Aveo and its restyled version with the sedan body are characterized by passive safety and the power structure of the body. So you cannot automatically transfer the score to the hatchback sedan

The Chevrolet worked as much, in the basic performance of which the only Air Bag. On the other hand, the frontal airbags and ABS appear on all versions with a 16-valve engine of 1.4 liters. Unfortunately, Aveo-Hatchback was not subjected to crash tests according to the Euroncap methodology, therefore, alas, we do not have more detailed information about the level of protection of the driver and passengers.


It is still available
After last year's restyling, the price of the hetz rose. However, given the appearance of a new, pleasant motor in all respects, the increase looks like

justified. If earlier the optimal hets-GLS cost $ 12,550, now for its more powerful option, and even received disc brakes and colored inserts of the cabin, they ask $ 13,690 (automatic transmission+$ 1000). Not so little for the Korean supermini, but in any case, noticeably cheaper than all European and Japanese classmates. In the end, by abandoning the rear discs and hooks on the cabin, you can save a little version of GL C ABS, air conditioning, an electric packet costs $ 12,990.
It is more important that with the advent of a 97-horsepower engine in the range of a 1.6-liter hetz, the purchase of a 1.6-liter hetz has lost all meaning. As for the basic option with a 1.1 liter engine and

absolutely naked configuration, then it is present in the price list only to justify the price tag flashing in advertising from $ 9990.

The basic price of Aveo with an accuracy of the dollar coincides with the cost of the simplest trace. True, a 1.2-liter chevrolet is not at all bad. Besides

A 72-horsepower shevy can be obtained with ABS and air conditioning and for only $ 11,510. A quite acceptable version of the budget supermini. Aveo visited our test in the execution of the elites for $ 13,899. Given the passenger pillow and cast discs, the chevrolet is even a little more profitable.
We decided:

In a nutshell, Aveo and Getz, of course, cost their money. Both are very talented. Both offer customers a comfortable for four salon,

decent dynamics and good smoothness. All this is under an interesting price, and even in attractive packaging. Getz (, average rating 4.0) little

ahead of the opponent, primarily due to more thought out in terms of transformation and convenience of the salon. But Aveo (, average rating 3.9), on our

a look, a little better masks its class belonging, not without success, impersoning the car a little more solid than in fact.

The claim to both, by and large, is the mildly, neglect of passive security. Perhaps today it is

the only thing the hetz and Aveo unconditionally lose to European and Japanese supermini.
Mikhail Medvedev, photo of Maxim Goncharov

Source: Magazine buy a car [06/2006]

Chevrolet Aveo (Kalos) Sedan 2004 - 2006