Test drive Chevrolet Aveo (Kalos) Sedan 2004 - 2006 sedan

Medicine for prejudices

When there was nothing to choose from in our country, it was easier to live. The cars almost did not have brands (and even more so models), since people were enough for the fact of possessing wheels, and there were few details were already interested in. The Soviet man proudly said: I bought a car. And far from always complemented which one. Since then, our people have been drawn from the prejudices formed either in the era of hungry socialism, or immediately after its end, when everything suddenly appeared, but again not for everyone ...
Disease history. Serious prejudices in the head of our motorist are usually not less than three issued in the form of questions. The first is the front panel soft (which is also called torpedo)? The second - what about the power of the motor? Third - what do we have here with controllability?
And by what kind of question it pops up from a person first, one can determine his age, and the degree of neglect, and the circle of cars on which he was formed.
The habit of knocking a finger on the front panel remained from the Lada. A person who began the sixth of a six, until old age retains the confidence that this is a very important advantage of the car, and if the panel is tough, this is not a car. But the one who does not pay attention to the hardness of plastic is young not only with a soul, but also, most likely, with a body, since most likely he started life behind the wheel, a rib of nine and considers rigidity part of the character of the car, and not the vice of the structure.
The power is loved by those who had either a Stodeecker with the standard, about which it is known that it had a three times, or, more likely, the Volga with its unprecedented 98 hp, which the Gorky residents knew how to recalculate the American SAE system so that so that the SAE is so that It turned out less shameful 110 hp. Moreover, the longing for a strong motor for people goes autonomously from any other parameters and capabilities of the car, and by it they judge the speed, fuel consumption and dynamics, without taking into account the torque, nor the transmission of the transmission.
The painful comprehension of controllability as the main characteristics of the car happened to the country's population with the advent of the first full -fledged automobile newspaper, the expert group of which was recruited from the testers of the laboratory of controllability and smoothness of the highway of the automobile plant. The newspaper was read by the whole country and learned about controllability. If experts were from the laboratory of passive safety, toxicity or resource tests, the country would love completely different disciplines.
Chevrolet Aveo is a medicine from all three prejudices at once. And what is especially pleasant, this medicine has no side effects and, like any full drug, it treats at any age. Chevrolet Aveo is a beautiful car. A little international outwardly, as an average European, which can be considered a particularly serious achievement, given its non -European place of birth. But the Jiujiaro studio so skillfully formed the appearance of the machine, depriving it of its contradictions that Aveo is immediately perceived as a very harmonious car. And only by putting him in a bright sun, you see from what kind of mutually exclusive elements he was created. Clear, almost sharp edges along the entire body, especially at the bottom of the doors and on top of the wing to the wing, and at the same time a smooth silhouette. This is what the skill of Jiujiaro is. We have not yet been able to combine the severity of the strokes with soft lines.
Officially, Chevrolet Aveo belongs to class B, that is, in the same niche with Tauria and all previous Cossacks. And according to the cabin, he is more Muscovite-2141. As expected to a car that fulfills modern safety requirements and the wishes of clients on ergonomics, a chevrolet aveo degenerate, belonging to the class in formally, but in many ways stepping into class S. inside him is widely, freely, there is where to stretch out and how to sit down. It is impossible to get the gloves thrown onto the rear sofa from the driver's seat - you will not reach, far.
And now this beautiful, spacious, designer sophisticated car has a hard front panel. Solid as the intention of the ensign to steal alcohol from the warehouse. And the keen eye of the former owner of the six will throw a panic message about the ineffectiveness of plastic into the brain. And then, instead of the harvested rejection and the complete intransigence of disappointment, the most likely thought is the reflex forgiveness and the car as a whole (for such inappropriate dwarfish of materials), and the front panel itself, which is so beautiful, is executed with such a clear conjugation of details, What finally becomes indifferent, from which it is made. After all, it does not rattle and looks excellent ... and the longer you sit, and even better - you go to the Chevrolet Aveo, the faster you part with this prejudice.
But Aveo has a motor with a volume of only 1.4 liters! The same six, which, although not a classmate, but still for many, the reference point, the base was originally 1.6 liters, and the standard of all time, dozens, recently also 1.6. How to live on? Although no one demanded either agility or power from the Cossack and everyone was content with a liter engine and, by the way, a unique fuel consumption of 14 liters per 100 km (which the catalog of the Geneva car dealership for 1981 was impassive for the world). In Aveo, this indicator is much more decent, the same Geneva indicates that the maximum possible expenses of gasoline are 10.5 l/100 km, although the official parameters of the manufacturer are even more modest - 8, 6 l/100 km in the city cycle.
16-valve Chevrolet Aveo engine 1.4 assault. Even taking into account how far it has gone ahead of the world engineering, it still seems that its volume is larger. Conducting a power of 94 hp. Moreover, the elasticity of the engine is such that it does not cease to pull even in the fifth gear when accelerating with 40 km/h, it allows you to start dynamically so that it already reaches 100 km/h, and it is not uninteresting to talk about marginal capabilities, because after 160 km/after 160 km On public roads in winter slush, it becomes anxious for others, which, although vigorously inferior to a foreign car of an unusual silhouette, is still not as nimble in reactions as the AVEO temperament requires. A few kilometers driving a car with a motor of this volume can also cure the second Soviet prejudice. It’s more interesting not to tell the driver about the engine, but after the trip, ask: well, how much is there, under the hood? Then cheer up with its exact parameters and enjoy the surprise on his stretched face. And of course, Aveo is so quick due to an excellent gearbox gearbox, which ideally correspond to the characteristics of the motor: a successful alliance.
Those who have grown on newspaper controllability and smoothness are considered very important to find out how to quickly fly away from the road, if it is sharply rushed at the maximum speed. Although the rules of the road insist that even a second before his death, no sharp movements to the side! Only slow down and wait for how it will end. And if, instead of handling and smoothness, I really want to try out the car according to the methodology of the passive safety laboratory, then everything else is useless: this is an extra information cargo, painted with emotional redundancy.
You can hug a pillar or cut out a clearing with a bumper without unnecessary knowledge, without common sense and, in general, without any controllability. And at the same time preferably on something simpler, not so beautiful, high-speed and comfortable. This third prejudice of our man is the most dangerous. You can not have time to get rid of it during life. But those who have stubbornness and overestimated self -esteem lead to actions can try to look for the line at which the handling ends on Aveo. The search will be long. The car is ready to carry the most stupid driver. And since he is reliable in reactions, predicting in behavior and also rides very well, there is hope that a targeted search for troubles quickly get tired and it will be possible to just go, rejoicing at how conveniently and reasonably this car is invented.
Remember how 10 years ago banks flaunted their capabilities in television advertising: the service is fast, and smart clerks, and there are depository, and give loans. And then they all suddenly wiser and fell silent. Because if all this is not, then this is not a bank. Does Chevrolet Aveo have a hydraulic power control, air conditioning, ABS, electric package, cast discs, fogans, etc.? If a modern car does not have this, then this is not a car. Aveo is a real modern car.
A very pleasant steering wheel, covered in leather, like the reasons for the bridle of a well -trained horse: lies in the hand and does not require unnecessary movements. The pedals in the usual places do not need either search or addiction. And the brake pedal paired with a very correct ABS behaves with restraint and in the case of the anti -circus system is respected by neat and almost inconspicuous vibration. What is especially pleasant, ABS works at the very end of the pedal. But the gearbox will have to get used to the work of the gearbox. Firstly, to the algorithm for turning on the rear gear. She walks along the trajectory to the left and forefront, as on our nine, but is insured by a ring, which must be grabbed with fingers up. Nothing complicated, but since the time of the old Opel, cruelly thrown to our country at the beginning of perestroika, many have already been wealthy from this decision. And it is still not very clear where the third gear is. The first, second, fourth and fifth in place, and the third rights of the usual location. You can get used to this in about five minutes, but the first several times, having swung a lever on the deaf wall of misunderstanding of the KP, you feel inconvenient.
But Aveo is going well. It is difficult for a person who has been fighting with a domestic machine to adapt himself to its requirements, it is difficult to understand what a modern class B car is, which gives exclusively pleasure. A very good suspension, the energy intensity of which is so successfully configured that it was not possible to experience discomfort, whatever coatings or outside them the Aveo drove during the test. Noise insulation also exceeded expectations and left the impression as a class above from the car. The stove was very successful. On cars intended for Europe, I constantly had to deal with heating systems that create a lightly refreshing breeze in Russian frosts, which also took care of not overheating the windshield, and remained indifferent to the surprise of freezing passengers. And on Aveo the stove is excellent, which, by the way, will seem familiar to the average owner of the six.
In addition to these obvious advantages, Aveo has several interesting features. The lower headlights located under the bumper, which most people take for fog, in fact - dimensions. When you turn the headlights handle at dusk, it is they who are lit, giving the main source of light, and besides them, only two modest lights in block -faras. The front turn indicators were also very successful. These are two wide boomerangs under the headlights, very well denoting the direction, brightly informing the neighbors in the flow and, most importantly, pedestrians. When such a huge turnover begins to blink on Aveo, it can be seen at once. And from the quirks, which are more likely with a plus sign, is a mysterious vertical gap in the driver's door. Similar to the air duct. But nothing blows out of it. And it is intended for discount cards. It is placed at least five. Although it is difficult to understand why they are in the door.
A caring dealer, having prepared this machine for tests in winter conditions, shod it in excellent studded rubber Michelin IVALO, poured a full-fledged non-freezing without smell into the washer, and the Blaupunkt CD player installed the testing. The manufacturers themselves counted on something similar, since the management function was previously duplicated on the steering wheel. Very pleasant care.
Completely healthy
Chevrolet Aveo is beautifully conceived, well performed, perfectly equipped. And, besides these obvious advantages, it has another advantage - the ability to cure at once from three Soviet prejudices. Even from four. Chevrolet Aveo can cure another one - from an arrogant look, which is mistakenly considered a high -raised head and which is still accompanied by products from Asia. It’s in Europe he is Chevrolet, but in fact, as many people already know, this is the Korean Daewoo Kalos. A car that the Americans were not afraid to entrust their name.
Text: Sergey Aslanyan

Source: Mkobil magazine

Chevrolet Aveo (Kalos) Sedan 2004 - 2006