Test Drive Chery Tiggo (T11) since 2005 -

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Chery Tiggo.
In the homeland, the Chinese car went on sale in 2005.
Engine: gasoline 2.4 l (129 hp).
Gearbox: 5-speed manual. The drive is complete or front.
Complete set: three options.
Price: $ 16,50019,800.

Hyundai Tucson
Presented in February 2004 at the Motor Show in Chicago. The car is built on the aggregates of the elantry.
Engines: gasoline 2.0 l (142 hp) and 2.7 liters (175 hp) or turbodiesel 2.0 l (112 hp). The last only for Europe.
Transmission: 5-speed mechanical, 4-speed automatic. Full or front drive (for the USA).
Complete set: five options.
Price: $ 27 99034 290.

Toyota RAV4.
The third generation of the model debuted at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 2005.
Engine: 2.0 l (152 hp).
Transmission: 5-speed mechanical, 4-speed automatic. The drive is full.
Complete set: three options.
Price: $ 33,50038 400.

Japanese car industry seven decades. Korean younger than a quarter of a century. The Chinese are just getting on the wheels. Is it possible to catch the difference in education on the example of concrete cars? It is painfully the temptation to save, while not losing in quality! Cheri-Tiggo from 50% cheaper than Japanese RAV4! Even if you refuse Höndai Tussan in favor of Cheri, there is enough money for a long vacation in hot countries. Or better spend their studies?

Price collaboration
China is in a hurry to surrender all exams externally and find out in the lead. Where is this speed possible, the Chinese learn not so much on their own, how many mistakes and successes?
The basis of such assumptions was Cheri-Tiggo: Yes, the car was copied with Toyota-RAV4 of the previous generation, but is it bad? The head has a picture of the educational process. Here with the new Toyota, the young Chinese twists the wings and takes off the hood of them will be explored by tubes. Doors panels, buttons, handles takes off for a detailed study by designers, its no less inquisitive colleague and so the car is disassembled to the last screw.

To do everything no worse than the Japanese! And to the 112th anniversary of Mao! This is, of course, a joke.
However, an impartial inspection does not give reasons for irony. Tiggo is assembled with dignity, which is about the quality of the color and the interface of body panels. Hiding from the November wind to the salon, immediately found in Cheri a lot of little things familiar with other brands. Although the interior is a little disappointing the instrument panel from rigid plastic, ventilation deflectors are limpless in the air ducts, the stretch of the skin leaves much to be desired

The noise is haunted by travelers, for whatever way, with whatever speed, Tiggo moved. At the first moment it seems that the door did not fully stood in the opening or glass is not closed. And with the rapid overclocking, the main batch is performed by the engine.
Cheri equipped with a licensed engine of Mitsubishi with a volume of 2.4 liters and with a capacity of 129 hp, which, against the background of competitors, the all-wheel drive Tiggo is enough hardly. After 5000 rpm twist the engine is almost useless, and until 3000 it is frankly lazy.
Everyworthy qualities are very modest in transmissions with an automatic electromagnetic clutch that connects the rear wheels is not even provided forced blocking. If under the wheels of the snow porridge, and the relief makes it throw up the speed to the turtle, Tiggo strives to stall. It is necessary to play clutch: Probably, after such experiments, a shiver appeared under the troggy. Road clearance is limited to the graduation sprout at an altitude of 155 mm. When trying to hang the car threateningly creaked plastic, and the doors began to open badly.
But on a slippery coating, a Chinese showed a duplicate character: a little faster entering the turn rolling to the outwards to all four wheels, and under the dumping gas smoothly goes into a skid. On a straight line to returned to the trajectory from the course of Cherie easier to push more stronger on the accelerator. Only with the steering wheel career: it is sharp enough, but it does not differ in informative.
Recently, I was another opinion about the Chinese. It seemed that they would catch up the Korean cars in five years. Now I think they will have enough three auto industry to study, learns, learns

Tucson (Tucson) is located in the American state of Arizona. Half a million inhabitants, fifty sports clubs, a dozen museums, four newspapers, their airport is the most ordinary American city. Why in honor of him called the car? The answer will give indigenous people of the Pima tribe Indians, at whose language the word Tucson means spring at the foot of the Black Mountain. Indeed, in this area almost all year round shines.

And we had winter. At this time, however, it is impossible to such a car: with a powerful steel protection, a decent road lumen and forced blocking of the inter-axis differential. Therefore, after a couple of kilometers traveled outside the city, I want to turn into the forest and check the Tussan snow-covered path.

Although the result is so predictable: a serious off-road on Höndai is better to go around, but where the car rises, it takes place without blinking the eye. In the assets of the machine, the full drive system automatically distributing the moment between the axes. On the solid coating, it transmits 100% of the thrust forward, and in the case of the problem of the Viscounts, it moves to 50% to the rear wheels. In particularly severe situations, the 4WD Lock button will be useful.

Sometime Koreans bought a license for the production of aggregates from their eastern neighbors, copied design and design methods. Those times took place Tussan was created on the passenger platform of the Elantra, and this is not the first independent development of Koreans. Highly qualified engineers are grown, the automotive school is set. Impressions?

Tussan is perceived as a rather heavy, solid car. Reactions to the steering wheel are slightly delayed and no accuracy. With irregularities, the suspension copes easily and naturally, and the energy intensity reserve allows you to relax and not drop speed even on a very catching coating. In the turns, the car is noticeably cubed, forcing caution to exercise. But someone will even like it: quickly cool in Tussan, I do not want to dramatically maneuver, minor. So you usually feel yourself in the real oscidence.

But the solidity in no way implies unhurried overclocking! The five-speed mechanic works well, and the noisy engine apologizes a good dynamics. If under the wheels, then the excess thrust is imperceptible and efficiently quenching the anti-test system of Tussan accelerates smoothly and confidently.

Slightly noisy wheels, aerodynamic features of the body show themselves slightly. A little more, and I cease to worry the management process, I no longer look at the rustic, without a raisin salon. Tussan is not annoying and does not surprise he just performs his work. Perhaps this is the key to success? Less emotions, more business ...

I still remember that early spring morning in Tokyo. Over sterile-pure bridges, the sun rose, burning the glass facades of the skyscrapers, and it seemed that there was still light on deserted streets. I walked to the hotel and was surprised: for me one, almost unnecessary lights clung to me, the escalators in multi-level transitions unexpectedly come to life. So I am at home: they sailed on the side of the door of the hotel, the elevator silently raised the 36th floor for the 36th floor in 17 seconds, and when I opened the door, the light flashed in the room ... Maybe it's a dream? No, this is the XXI century. This is Japan.

The car itself will recognize you on the key and heating the door. The key can hold in your pocket, the engine is started with a button, a short dealer instruction, and we leave the RAV4 parking. I already had a ride on this model a couple of months ago. Now an option with a machine gun in the top package.

In the tunnel, the devices themselves flashed and the low-end lights were turned on, a warning about a possible ice appeared on the display of the on-board computer, with increasing speed of the radio rolled louder, the wipers helpfully scolded the dirt splashing from under the wheels of backway cars. A ten years ago we did not dreamed about such options. And plastic? It can be rigid or soft, but texture, color combinations, gaps between panels, an abundance of small parts that create a feeling of a high-tech product. Such quality was unattainable.

On the move RAV4 is perceived as a single organism. The pedals and the steering wheel seem to continue you and as if they are directly closed onto the road fabric. The transmission is silent, it does not buzz and burst the steering amplifier, does not bother the work of the suspension. The machine reminds me of only when you make gas to the floor with a small delay when switching, but no jerks and throwing between transmissions.

RAV4, like Tussan, the inter-axis differential with a lock on off-road does not save, but plastic aerodynamic panels will tear off for sure! Yet RAV4 Machine primarily asphalt, absolutely adven in sensations. When overtaking on the track, you feel some shortage of power, so you need to measure the possibilities of a car with your own desires. But the chassis flawlessly Toyota always confidently holds the course.

On the high-speed ring of the landfill suddenly flashed something gray and siganeu in the car. Hare! Cocks by an Integrated Active Drive System system that connects the electric power steering, a traction control device, stabilization and ABS, the car returned to the previous trajectory after emergency rearrangement on ice. Marvelous? I no longer ...

Toyota is still standard for most positions. But the leadership did not fall from the sky. Even no one managed to write a good landscape, barely receiving paint and brush. Of course, natural talent is needed, but he is nothing without skills, knowledge, experience and, naturally, hardworking! Who works a lot, sooner or later becomes the best.

Mikhail Gzzovsky: From the first time it is not easy to create a really good car, even if an excellent specimen is before your eyes. To get a certificate of automotive maturity, you will have to go through a difficult school of samples and errors.

Chery Tiggo is still far from the standard of quality, but in general produces a good impression in most urban disciplines. The strongest side is specified in the price list.

Total rating of 7.5
+ Attractive price, good features of the interior transformation, a spacious trunk.
- High noise, average finishing quality, small ground clearance.

Hyundai Tucson obviously justifies each ruble spent on his acquisition. Middle class in the automotive hierarchy, golden mean for practical buyers.

Total estimate of 8.0
+ Good ergonomics, comfortable driver's seat, good opportunities outside asphalt, spacious rear sofa.
- noisy engine, specific handling.

Toyota Rav4 Achievement of one of the most advanced automotive companies in the world in your garage. Comfortable car in the city and on the highway, good made and dear.

Total rating 8.2.
+ High quality assembly and materials, acoustic comfort, a good automatic machine, good climate installation, an excellent stabilization system, Russified menu.
- limited opportunities outside asphalt, quite a high price.
Mikhail Gzovsky

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"