Test Drive Chery QQ since 2003 Hatchback


At the door of the editors, I choose from a tiny typewriter and see a smirk colleague: does not tackle in shoulders? In vain, they are irritated, my friend, you are my Toyota only in the neighboring lane were able to attach, but I found a place.
Yes, and before working for a quarter of an hour, I got faster than usual at a much more powerful Ford a small car, as if ant, knows how to find a loophole where there are no other roads. That prior to a large family, of course, closed. But most often we only take yourself, loved ones by statistics up to 90% of the mileage of the passenger cars are wound up with empty.
Little not poor
The compact hatchback has many not only advantages, but also minuses, and not all disadvantages continued advantages, such as a close salon and a small trunk due to compact outdoor sizes. What prevents the baby to acquire a powerful motor rich equipment, modern security tools? Naturally, it will become more expensive, but the amount of iron on one dennaution is not the only criterion for choosing a car. And now there is something from what. Thus, the company of Uzbek Daew Matiz (SM, 2005, No. 7) now constitute a nearly accurate twin from China Cheri-QQ (SM, 2005, No. 8) and a substantially updated heir from Korea Chevrolet Spark (SP, 2005, No. 5).
We took cars with the most powerful liter engines and mechanical transmissions. The configuration is rich, only Spark almost revealed to the maximum. We have: Central locks with remote control, air conditioners, tape recorders with four speakers, electric drives of all or only front (spark) glasses, ABS and two airbags (Matiza neither, nor other). Chery in addition still hatch and alloy wheels. Price range: $ 9,511.5 thousand.
Cherie and Matiz combines a smiling facial expression with naively open eyes-headlights. Tabs it goes. Against the background of the Chinese Assembly of the Chinese, Spark with a more serious face looks just a benchmark: the gaps as on Lineberry, the seals are flat. By the way, Chevrolet at the top of the front doors, they are double, and Daewoo and Cherry are single.
Chevrolet and protruding from under the rear bumper silencer. This is due to the other design of the suspension, which allowed omitting the floor of the trunk per tette centimeters and increase its volume. We targeted as much as 168 liters, whereas in Uzbek and Chinese cars at 128 liters. The floor has changed the floor, the spars stretched to its entire length, and not half of it. The body has become more rigid and durable, less flushed with diagonal hanging and on irregularities. And this is a guarantee of not only durability, but also a higher passive safety.
Fifth Lesiness
One hundred and twenty-four centimeters of the width of the cabin is much more convenient to divide for two than on three. And although formally, the cars are five-seater, and there are even three head restraints and as many three-point belts in the back of the first-point belts, only four adult passengers we are familiar to us. Five only in the case of extreme need and briefly. Well, or baby.
Soft, smooth lines of Cherry and Matiza salons are reminded of the era of the bodies of the wraths. However, the unassuming interior fully corresponds to the spirit of toy car. Here, the Chinese almost completely copies Uzbek, pronounced, however, according to the quality of execution, but he was cast by the smell. Little is that the gaps are uneven, the panels will contact, the seams are noticeable, there are also visible heads of self-sufficiency, so also the plastic stinks. Instructed lighting management: Dimensions and Middle Lights are included with a wheel with non-fixed (!) Provisions, and another wheel (horizontal!) Indicates the missing headlight corrector
The differences between the three machines in the size of the salons are minimal and due to only the shape of the internal elements: the seat (and head restraints!) Cheri is presented to the frame, and on the brief pillows Matiz are sitting, like a sparrow on the pranchka. The maximum growth of the crew is 180185 cm. In this case, the front chairs are moved away almost until it stops, and the steering wheel (it without adjustments for all machines) overlaps the top of the dashboard.
In Chevrolet, the driver is allowed to be higher, the chair here is more convenient and with adjustable height, like the seat belt. But to transfer a look from the road to the devices located in the center are uncomfortable. In the dark, the blue light light icon in the black failure under the wheel is blind. I caught myself on the fact that because of her I went at night on an empty road with your neighbor. Spark interior more adult and modern. However, the right shin rests on the sharp edge of the central console. Chevrolet's glove box is more suitable than that of Matiz and Chery, there are a pair of shelves under the panel, the tray under the right seat, a voice. Well, everything, like a real car! The overall drawback of all machines is a small inner mirror with an uncomfortable dimming switch.
Liter is serious
Eight-discovery motors usually make three-cylinder. Litter is four full-fledged cylinders, truth, small. Under the hood, Cheri-QQ is a noisy Chinese unit of Dong, a considerable volume of 1051 CMZ, but only 53 hp with a capacity of 53 hp Considering the extra half salted mass, his loss in dynamic exercises is predetermined. The backlog of rivals was even more expected. But he slowed down from 100 km / h even a little better than Chevrolet. Both showed the results very well for wet asphalt. True, after four slowdes, the Chinese car swam: his brakes were most prone to overheating. Daewoo without ABS rolled out 50 m, which is also not bad on a rather slippery coating.
Chery suspension seemed softer than rivals. Small potholes are almost not felt, but on a cobblestone, even an empty machine, shock absorbers worked a couple of times before stopped. Sometimes when overclocking the nose begins shaking. It seems that the suspension needs to be brought to mind. Yes, and to the transmission at the same time: for some reason, there was no damper of oscillations on the long right half. I did not like too light steering wheel, almost devoid of feedback, with such a convenient only to park.
Matiz and Sparkle have almost identical motors in 995 cubes. As many as 64 hp Uzbek machine and 66 hp from Korean. More significant differences in the transmission, in particular, the main pairs are noticeably different. Dae demonstrates the best elasticity and one of the three without loss of speed drives on V transmission to the rise of 6%. When overturns and on a hilly road, you can switch less frequently. But Spark is more economical and accelerated faster: 100 km / h in just 15.6 s. And in general, both cars are dynamic and allow you to not feel the stroke in the stream of more powerful fellow.
The maximum speeds are quite high 144 and 147 km / h, but comfortably from force up to 120. Above this threshold, the supply is lost under the pedal, and the reactions on the side wind and ruts in the asphalt are perfected. The irregularity in turn causes a frightening diagonal star of the stern of the chevrolet, it is a little more noticeable, possibly due to the greater adequacy of the rear suspension. However, at ordinary speeds, cars are completely obedient and rapid reactions resemble elastic tennis balls.
Dolce Vita on asphalt
The whole Trinity is typically city inhabitants and run them should be on smooth roads. Given the small base and a risk, the clearance of 130135 mm (each passenger reduces it by 710 mm) under unprotected motor compartments can be considered sufficient. However, it can be increased by a tet of millimeters, putting the wheels more. For example, Test Chevrolet Spark was wound in winter tire 155/70R13, which we changed to the correctness of measurements on the wheels of the standard dimension 155/65r13.
Automobiles are not addictive consuming 91st gasoline. But to the service to the owners of Cherry and Matiza will have to call more often the periodicity of servicing six months or 10 thousand km. Sparkle is noticeably less than a year or 15 thousand km. The warranty is significantly different: Cheri-QQ has three years or 100 thousand km, at Daewoo Matiz five years or 100 thousand km, Chevrolet Spark for two years without limiting the run.
In tests, we usually do not concern reliability issues, but many noticeable even at first glance, Cherry is alarming, if you remember the undeveloped while the service network. However, here we will be happy to make a mistake, let any kid from our triple waiting for Dolce Vita long happy life.

Chery QQ copy is inferior to the original, needs to be finished and do not cost the money that they are asked for her.
Total rating of 7.4
+ High maneuverability, rich equipment.
- Low quality manufacturing, noisy motor, modest dynamics, non-informative steering wheel, illogical control of lighting, no head restraints from behind, small trunk, small interservice mileage.

Daewoo Matiz is a pretty, frisky and balanced car. It does not promise more than it can, but the promised diligently performs.
Total rating of 7.7
+ High maneuverability, intelligible control, good dynamics, quite rich equipment, long warranty, reasonable price.
- no airbags, uncomfortable front seats, continuous back seat without head restraints, a small trunk, a small interservice mileage.

Chevrolet Spark Heir Matiz is worth his money. This is a noticeable step forward, the car has become much more modern.
Total rating of 8.1
+ High quality manufacturing, good dynamics, high maneuverability, modern interior, high level of passive safety, abundance of containers in the cabin.
- Non-optimal location of devices, high enough price.










Yuri Neduchov

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"