Cheri Bonus test drive since 2009 hatchback

Goodbye Baby

The results of the long -term operation of Chery Bonus
Goodbye Baby. Baby, goodbye. And in parting I will pour you tea. These lines of Mike Naumenko surfaced in my head during the last refueling of Cher Bonus, just before parting. A couple of kilometers remained before the dealer salon, and I began to sort through the most vivid moments that occurred with the car and with me during our prolonged acquaintance.

The main sensation that remains after the operation of Cher Bonus and the sensation tension is well known to the owners of domestic cars or old foreign cars. I was tired of this car, tired of monitoring, repairing, but only three months have passed since the start of the dough. The only consolation is a small fuel consumption. Since the last publication, we drove about one and a half thousand kilometers, for which we managed to visit the gas station five times and pour 166.3 liters of fuel worth 4,500 rubles. The average fuel consumption eventually increased to 11.2 liters per hundred kilometers of mileage.

The average consumption for the entire time of the test was at the level of 9.6 liters per 100 kilometers. On one liter, about 10.4 kilometers drives ninety -second.

For three months we rolled 6343 kilometers, visited the gas station 17 times and poured 610 liters worth 16.5 thousand rubles. Judging only by gasoline, each kilometer costs two rubles sixty kopecks.

Having given the car, I decided to calculate the potential expenses for the operation of the car during the year. The transport tax rate for the category of cars with engines with a capacity of 101 to 125 horsepower is 20 rubles per 1 force: for a 109-horsepower bonus you will have to pay 2180 rubles. OSAGO policy (Moscow) on CHEY BONUS costs 4752 rubles.

As for CASCO, here the price range is from 23 thousand rubles to 87 thousand rubles, depending on the insurance company and the complex of services provided, but most of the companies offer policies with a standard program at a price of 35 thousand rubles to 55 thousand, and the average price of the policy It ranges in the region of 45 thousand rubles. When calculating the CASCO, we proceeded from the following parameters: the region of operation Moscow, the machine for warranty, was purchased for cash; The annual policy is issued for one driver who has reached the age of 25, with a driving experience of 5 years. The car has a factory alarm and the factory anti -theft system, the amount of compensation is not aggregated, and the repair is carried out at the dealer staa.

If we talk about maintenance, then Cheri Bonus should visit the service station every ten thousand kilometers of mileage or 12 months of operation, but the first rocker car takes place after the first thousand kilometers achieved or after the first six months of operation of the car. Recommended by the company retail prices for norms and maintenance (including supplies) depend on the region and are divided into five groups. So, TO-1 costs from 1590 to 2650 rubles, TO-2 from 3383 to 4843 rubles, TO-3 from 4553 to 6073 rubles, TO-4 from 7286 to 8986 rubles, and the cost of a norm-hour from 600 to 1000 rubles.

In reality, service prices in Moscow and the Moscow region will be higher than the recommended: TO-1 will cost from 2120 to 7226 rubles, TO-2 from 4155 to 10,000 rubles, TO-3 from 5160 to 10,000 rubles, TO-4 from 5000 to 11300 rubles , and the cost of a norm-hour ranges from 800 to 1250 rubles. Prices are valid in mid -November 2011.

But the quality of customer service is low on this Chinese company in Russia to still work and work. And the card of dealerships on the official website of Chery needs updating and comments.

For example, in one of the dealerships, Bonus is not taken officially, they do not engage in the CHERY brand at all. But this is still half a bastard! We also met with frank rudeness, calling the dealer in Podolsk near Moscow: Ale Who, what is the service? And this is necessary for the service, a rude village voice answered. For a request to dictate the service phone, we heard such an answer: you have to look for it, damn it! Scha. Carelessly talked with us and the local employee of the Rembzone. For a long time I could not understand the problem, and answered the question about the cost like this: the first costs about four thousand, and then you need to look after the inspection. The cost of spare parts, of course, he could not name either.

Some dealers are hacking and moving away from the regulatory maintenance card recommended by the company and do not change the oil on the first (at least we were told by phone), although this is clearly spelled out in the service book. And this is in the Moscow region! Can you imagine what is happening in regional centers?

So, we will calculate how much money the future owner of Cher Bonus will have to be spent for the first year of operation during a mileage of 30 thousand kilometers. We summarize the transport tax, insurance of CASCO and OSAGO, the first four (!) The cost of gasoline (as our operation showed, it will take about five and a half thousand rubles per month for fuel): 2180 rubles (transport tax) + 40,000 rubles (we decided to take it The price of CASCO is just below our arithmetic mean) + 4752 rubles (OSAGO) + 2120 rubles (average recommended price is 1000) + 4113.81 rubles (average recommended price is 10,000) + 5313.05 rubles (average recommended price is 20,000 + 8136) + 8136 , 17 rubles (average recommended price for 30,000) + 66 thousand rubles (AI-92 gasoline for 12 months).

Total: 132 thousand 615 rubles and three kopecks. Or, about 35 percent of the cost of the car!

In some angles, Chery Bonus looks quite good.

Thus, during the first year of operation, each kilometer will cost the owner of 4 rubles 42 kopecks, a month of operation of 11 thousand 51 rubles and 25 kopecks, and every day of 363 rubles and 33 kopecks. True, our calculations do not take into account related expenses like installing an additional alarm, visiting car wash, buying a winter kit, a motorist set, and spare parts. Therefore, the real amount of expenses per year is likely to approach 150 thousand rubles. So, for two and a half years of operation of the bonus you, consider, pay another car!

And now about the surprises that the bonus presented during operation, but first I will answer the question of one of the readers about the oil consumption. I did not notice any increased consumption in our car, the engine does not eat oil, I also did not find leaks under the hood.

At the fourth thousand kilometers of the run, the janitor from the driver's side began to clean the glass less high quality. Another feature that manifested from the very beginning of the operation of the car: during movement, the engine drops the momentum with some delay. You remove the leg from the accelerator pedal, and the revolutions hang in the same position for another second. However, a similar effect can be found even on Korean machines for example, on the Hyundai Genesis compartment.

But I did not stop enthusiastic about the huge and comfortable trunk one of the main trump cards of the Chinese small -leaf.

With active maneuvering or sharp braking from the bowels of the front suspension, a metal clang is heard now and then. But it seems to me that this is a constructive feature: most likely, soft springs are touched by boots with strong compression.

However, all these are trifles. It was worse that over the course of all three months, another spontaneous inclusion of Stop signals had been actively progressed earlier. As a result, they lit up thoroughly, and no manipulations with the brake pedal helped. This happened late in the evening, and at hand, of course, there were neither wrench nor pliers to independently adjust the gap between the pedal and the contrasted switch of the stop-signals. It remained only to remove the terminals from the battery. But then I helped the ingenuity, Help! After this incident, I already forgot about this problem forever, and, on the functioning of the feet, my refinement did not affect the slightest press on the pedal, the lanterns lit up without delay.

When the car exchanged 4520 kilometers, it turned out that water enters the pallet where the spare wheel is stored. At first I sinned on the luggage door sealing, but the false field, which is a skeleton from the organ with the tissue glued on it, was dry. So, water seeps through a leapest tray.

The next surprise was already waiting at the onset of five thousand kilometers, a light bulb with a wrench on a combination of devices caught fire. In fact, there is no need to worry this factory setting, sewn in China and reminiscent of the owners of the need to conduct a preventive examination. If it does not annoy you, you can calmly drive to the TO-2, after which the signaling device will turn off at the dealer staa.

And remember, in the second publication we talked about the fact that the front wheels were blurred? As a result, with a run of 4616 kilometers, the right disc was repaired on the machine. For quite reasonable 600 rubles, a disk was rolled to us, but the master warned that completely to get rid of vibrations could not be able to initially be led. Who is the disk manufacturer? Kremenchug Wheel Plant? Then there is nothing to be surprised, the master summed up and swung off at the address of this enterprise. I am ready to subscribe to his every word, like a Muscovite with experience.

But I did not have to rejoice for long. In October, with a run of 6817 kilometers, I hit the front right wheel into the next hole. The result was predictable: the cap flew into the forest, the rim was bent, and after a while the tire itself lowered. There was no tire fitting and a pump under his side, I had to put a spare tire. Further as in a joke.

In the evening I go along the same road with a partner and warn Sanya, look at both, here now such a hole. Boom! And again, a spare wheel is already bending in the same promo. At the nearest tire fitting, where I somehow hung up, the master for a fifty dollars with a sledgehammer slightly adjusted the rim. Apparently, the heavenly forces after that have mercy, and already at night on the Gorky highway I still found a tire fitting with a rolling machine, where I had to leave 2400 rubles for repair, balancing and tire fitting of three wheels of the fifteenth diameter.

It should be noted that the representative of Cher with understanding belonged to our problems and helped with the replacement of the broken crushed stone headlights. Of course, our visit in October was a call to the service, however, here we learned a lot of interesting things. The very replacement of the headlight assembly took about an hour. According to the master’s actions, it was clear that he had to deal with Cher Bonus for the first time. However, the servicemen was experienced and quickly guessed that to replace the front headlights, it was required to dismantle the front bumper, which actually took most of the time. Having talked with the master, I realized that the bonuses are still rare guests on the service, the cars come to the first, so it’s pointless to talk about any statistics of breakdowns.

While the technical center employee was busy with the car, I had time to inspect the bottom of the car, and here a few more unpleasant finds awaited me here. In place of the chip, the paints began to bloom! And this despite the fact that the car was released in the spring of 2011 and ran only seven thousand kilometers from May to October this year. The bottom of the car in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear wheeled arches bloomed.

I specifically ran a finger at different parts of the bottom and did not feel any anti-corrosion mastic. Make the conclusions about the corrosion resistance of the metal yourself. And in the appendage to everything, I found that in addition to the exhaust system, oil pallet, the hoses of the cooling system, the power steering and air conditioning, in the danger zone there is also a clutch drive of it can easily be damaged when driving away by bad roads. In a vulnerable place, the parking brake cable under the beam of the rear suspension also passes.

Having returned to the editor, I found technical documentation for a bonus in English so, according to factory data, the minimum road clearance of the car is 130 millimeters, and not 162 millimeters that we were talked about in the presentation in the spring! This was confirmed by their own measurements with a roulette.

At the end of the work, the master rolled the optical-mechanical trolley and adjusted the light of the headlights. Subsequently, on an unlit road, I noticed the effect of the headlights began to shine better. So before that they were not adjusted properly? And this is another question to the back of the back, because our car (as it turned out) also broke the angles of the installation of the wheels?

I also learned about how much the replacement of the left front headlight would cost an ordinary buyer: from 8550 and already to 11 thousand rubles along with a detail! You will not find the headlight itself for 7400 rubles, you will not find in the Moscow region, and in some dealerships it is absent in the warehouse, you will have to wait for the part.

To raise the question of whether I would like to drive such a car or not, I think it is not worth it. But I will answer: no! I will now omit all the negative moments associated with consumer characteristics or mediocre running qualities, but I will simply list the main defects of the bonus: rattles in the driver's door, a play-in steering wheel, jukes, a handle of the distribution of air flows, which cannot be installed in the windshield blush, An unwound plus battery terminal, soft wheeled wheels, a flooded tray of the spare wheel and the bottom, which began to rust. Is it a bit so much for a couple of months of operation and several thousand kilometers? And what will happen to such a machine in a year or two or three?

And do not appeal to the cheapness of the Chinese car! Our elementary calculations showed that the operation of the bonus will fly to the future owner in a penny. In my opinion, the red price of this car is not 350 or even 320 thousand rubles, but a maximum of 250-300 thousand. And even in this case, I would not venture to buy Cher, but would have looked closely at Lada Grant.

Chery Bonus, as a reflection of the entire Chinese auto industry: today a car developed in the Middle Kingdom is still not a full-fledged machine, but a kind of mechanism for movement. Moreover, a mechanism, poorly assembled and, more importantly, designed with annoying miscalculations.

And let me be accused of a biased attitude to the Chinese auto industry or in PR AvtoVAZ, but believe me, in Togliatti they can still create a normal car. Even despite the crooked hands, a damned place, etc. Let Granta are not the most comfortable and not the most perfect car, but cheap, hardy, everywhere, transformable and relatively safe. And for me this is the main thing, and not a bacon like a USB port and automatic lowering glasses. And in the Chinese province of Ankhoy, where Cher's headquarters are located, apparently they still perceive our country as a wild and all-working market where they would buy anything.

So why do Chinese cars continue to be used among Russians, albeit in low, but sustainable demand? The answer is simple: but simply because the Russian buyer, alas, still has not yet learned how to separate the grains from the chaff. It is carried out on a beautiful wrapper, rich equipment and an attractive price tag. Surely Cheri Bonus has many defenders who will say, they say, bought, go and do not get enough, and everything is fine with us. Give me God! Let me be wrong, but I will ask the owners of these cars only about one thing: be careful at the wheel of Chery Bonus and strictly observe traffic rules. And the point here is by no means in cheap moralism

In general, goodbye, Chery Bonus, Chery Bonus, goodbye. I say it without sadness, but without joy without any emotions. We are tired of each other, we need to rest.

Peter Bakanov

Mileage from the beginning of the dough 6343 km
Total car mileage 7185 km
Fuel consumption 9.6

Technical characteristics of Chery Bonus
Engine Type gasoline R4
Working volume 1497 cm
Max. Power, L.S./rpm 109/6000
Max. moment, nm/rpm 140/4500
Type of drive front
Transmission 5 -speed mechanical
The front suspension is independent, spring, mcpherson, with a stabilizer
Rear suspension half -dependent, spring, with a stabilizer
Brakes discs in front, drum behind
Dimensions (DHSHHV), mm 4269x1686x1492
Wheel base, mm 2527
Equipped mass, kg 1200
Max. Speed, km/hour 160
Acceleration 0-100 km/h, from 16
Fuel consumption (comb.), L/100 km 7.2
Fuel tank volume, l 50
Tire size 185/55 r15
Price from 379 999 rub.

Source: Motor magazine [November 2011]

Video test drives Chery Bonus since 2009

Cheri Bonus test drive since 2009