Test Drive Cadillac Fleetwood 1987 - 1996

Family Fleetwood

It seemed that meaning with us the headlights of the limousine and the moment when we saw his taillights, passed the whole eternity: ten empires collapsed and hundreds of stars were lit.
Second attempt
Cadillac slowed down at the turn, passed back and fit into a narrow rice of the country highway only with the second attempt.
There was nothing torsional in this catch. And that's why. At the dawn of developed capitalism there was a very significant case. In one of the American cities came prominent financial rare, whose name was not pronounced. The city hall has gathered the press, the capitalist left the limousine and stepped up the stairs. And here the reporter jammed the film. Exculsted by elbows guard, he ran up to the billionaire and, choking his own arrogance, asked him to repeat the maneuver: to take it into the car again, get out of it and climb the stairs. The elderly magnate long and carefully looked at the reporter, then nodded his head: please.
Be in his place another person, it would be possible to consider the weakness, and not for the generous concession to the thread and the Brennaya Mire, where the intolerated chamber's shutter can cost the workplace.
If you were another car on the site of Cadillac, this could also consider the weakness, and not for a configuration gesture to the country where there are rich people, but there are no rich roads.
Once in the Pennsylvanian outback was a city called Grintown. Two local merchants were subsidized by the construction of a railway station here, called which they decided in honor of themselves. One name was Fleet, another - Wood, the most common Anglo-Saxon names. Later the name of the station became the name of the city. And later, the same name was the same name was the body car service, famous for the fact that its services were used by the family clans of Vanderbildov and Rockefellers, Mary Pickford and Virginia Pearson, other celebrities.
In 1925, Fleetwood became part of General Motors, moved to Detroit and began to work exclusively at the Cadillac office - to make piece body for the most expensive chassis of this brand. In 1938, a car appeared, which in styling, and on the mechanisms, much overtook his time - Cadillac Fleetwood Sixty Special. When in 1967, Cadillac released the first front-wheel drive car of the representative class, he also entered the Fleetwood series - Fleetwood Eldorado lasted in the series until 1987.
In April 1992, a completely new car was presented to the public - Fleetwood Brougham. Keeping the traditional features of big cadyllakov, he had a body with rounded forms that came to replace the former angularity. New aerodynamic design made this car one of the most elegant in the market of top-class cars. Models of 1993 are equipped with a 5.7-liter eight of 185 hp Next year, power will increase to 200 hp. Finally, the 1995-1996 models were obtained under the hood V-8 with a capacity of 260 hp
Long jumps and height
Compare the standard Cadillac with a six hundred Mercedes, the BMW 750IL and the more Rolls-Royce is hardly worth it, because the comparison will be clearly not in his favor. The value of the American is ridiculous compared to the cost of the Starlaveth brands legends, whose high price does not last long ago on artificially inflated hype.
All this is so. But let the gentlemen jury, still say a few words in the defense of our hero.
Cadillac is a symbol of a realized American dream: this is when the shoes are becoming a launder of millions. In Europe, where everything has long been divided, only inverse metamorphosis is possible. On Cadillaca driving Self-Made Man. And if he is really MAN with a large letter M, then the car has a MADE in a special way: from the broadband turned into a unique.
This car was born at least three times. Having descended from the GM conveyor in Detroit, she went to California, in Beverly Hills, where the brighter's sun and swelling, and where the basic American manufacturers of exclusive cars settled. Here, the car was going on American Custom Coachworks, which turned a standard car into a long string. Further, her way was lying in Texas, where they knew well from what both the bullets fly out and how best to hide them. Texas from Safe Car Inc. The suspension has strengthened, installed steel and kevlar sheets in the body, 45-millimeter multilayer glass, reliably protecting from the main types of small arms, as well as wheels with special packages, allowing to leave the attack room even with rubber-free bullets and fragments. Stop almost a kilometer.
The driver and the guards compartment are far ahead of the double partition. It is comfortable and equipped with everything necessary. In addition to standard controls, climatic installation and a separate stereo system, at their disposal also a set of tubes, including a powerful siren, additional headlights and an intercom, through which can be revealed on the paparazzi or fans. Or turn on bright white lamps on the stern if someone dares too tightly on the tail. They also have the only window that opens the window. It opens not completely, but a little bit, so that you can show some document to someone who dares to ask him.
Behind their backs and for the armored partition, in spacious, with a dark upholstery, trimmed with natural wood salon, a huge leather sofa. This is for the boss. Over his head - panel with numerous buttons. He can exhaust from the driver's compartment with a special opaque partition, turn on and off the light, control the air conditioner, audio and video systems, talking on the phone or, impoverished on the high back of the leather sofa and stretching his legs, listen to the report sitting opposite. Only a bar with crystal shtofamy outside the reach zone. To take care of the chief should one who sits on the contrary. The sofa under it is such that his posture can express only infinite respect and preventability: still whiskey, sir?
Here is such a world on wheels. What did you talk about Mercedes there?
President's mistake
Of course, it would be possible to write about this, but we will write. Exclusively out of respect for the Great country, and not to the nominal carrier of power over it. On the elongated armored version of Brogam, US President Bill Clinton rides.
Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham Presidential Edition is the fruit of the joint effort GM and a set of third-party contractors who worked under the close attention of the Secret Service. New special chassis. Armor from Part Fabrication. Decali presidential coat of arms on the rear doors. Two spotlights, highlighting the national flag in the dark. Here, perhaps, the whole exclusive.
Machine length - 6.75 meters. Clinton can be proud of: this is 22.5 centimeters longer than Kadillac Ronald Reagan sample 1984. We just smoke: our copy has a length of 7.3 meters. Such a large size allowed two full-fledged sofas into the passenger compartment. The president has shameful stools nominating from the floor.
And the most important thing. If the car is the owner's business card, then the owner must correspond to what is written in this card. It was not only his inept playboy leavings of Starina Bill with his inept playboy bearings, but he disgraced his car.
The current passenger Cadillac does not clamp the Corridors of the Secretary.
He himself is the object of respect, fear and lust.
It can pass by, and maybe decongalize: please.
Dmitry Gronsky,
Alexander Novikov,
Dmitry Novokreshchenov (photo)
Vitaly Teplov (photo at the opening)


Source: "Autopilot"