Test drive BMW X5 E70 since 2010 SUV
Athlete in a tailcoat

The emblem with a white-blue propeller has been deservedly associated with the sports character of the machines on which it is installed for many years. At the turn of the century, many serious manufacturers had in their arsenal image -free image cars. To make a cool crossover for BMW engineers was tantamount to defeat, so the novelty was supposed to combine the seemingly incompatible qualities.
Surprisingly, the concern managed to create a car that, if necessary, can overcome the average (by foreign standards) off -road and at the same time with passenger control and dynamics on the asphalt. As a result, at the Detroit car dealership in early 1999, the BMW concern presented the X5 model, and at the end of the same year the car went into the series. The production of the model was placed in the USA in the priority market for vehicles of high cross -country vehicles. All body elements are made with German accuracy and do not cause complaints even after hundreds of thousands of kilometers on our roads. Anti -corrosion protection X5 is also at the highest level. There are no rusts even on the earliest copies. The exception can be only cars that have been in the accident.
The difficult electrical equipment X5 is considered quite reliable and does not cause trouble. Problems with him, as a rule, arose on machines restored after the accident, or with illiterate installation of additional equipment.
From the system sores, you can distinguish the lock of the fifth door, which eventually spans and begins to annoy with a roar. At first, adjustment helps, but in particularly neglected cases it must be changed ($ 105). Many owners put the leader of the fifth door from restyled machines and thereby solve the problem forever. Also, over time, the mechanism of folding external mirrors fails. However, the most common sore is to count the breakdowns of the handles of the side doors, which occurs, as a rule, in winter after the body washing. When trying to force the freezing of the door, the internal frames cast from Silumin burst corny. And the repair here, alas, is not provided.
The main trump card of Bavarian cars have always been motors. Five options for gasoline engines and two diesel engines were installed on X5. The weakest gasoline unit with a volume of 3.0 liters (the most popular) has a power of 231 liters. With. However, this in -line six, despite the decent weight of the car, the tongue will not turn to be called slow, because overclocking to a hundred takes less than 9 seconds. V8 engines had a volume of 4.4 liters (286 or 320 hp, depending on the year of release), 4.6 liters (347 hp) and 4.8 liters (360 l.).

Leather salon in x5 given. On the market, of course, there are copies with a rag, but this is rather an exception. Here ISOFIX mounts in the zero were an option, so they are much less common.
The average resource of Bavarian engines with proper operation, as a rule, exceeds 400,000 km. All gasoline motors have a timing chain drive, which does not remind of itself for a very long time. The oil consumption for cargo can reach a liter of a thousand kilometers (depending on the driving style). Operation with a reduced level will lead to at least problems with the Vanos system, the timing chain and its tensioner. It is also necessary to closely monitor the cooling system, since the engines are very sensitive to overheating.
Of the characteristic malfunctions, it is possible to note the failures of the electric fan ($ 400) due to exposure to road reagents and defects in the electrical engineer ($ 105), as well as the breakdown of the device for changing the position of the camshaft, which, in particular, is a consequence of the operation of the motor with a reduced level of oil. Quite often, supplying oil through the oil probe or gaskets of the motor occurs. The fault of the frozen condensate in the flap of crankcase gas recirculation. However, this does not apply to official copies and those x5 that were originally produced for countries with cold climate. In them, the highways are insulated. Nevertheless, it is always worth remembering that the valve can not only freeze, but also suck, so that in our country it is recommended to change it about three years. As a result, the service will have to leave more than $ 300,500 depending on the type of engine.

The luggage compartment of the BMW X5 is not so large 465 liters. If you fold the rear row of seats, then this indicator increases to 1550 liters. The fifth door is horizontally divided into two parts. Its lower part when opening serves as an additional support for the transportation of long -meters.
A three -liter diesel could be hidden under an hood of 184 or 218 liters. With. Depending on the year of release. The latter option is distinguished by excellent acceleration from a place due to a large torque and has similar acceleration characteristics with a gasoline engine of the same volume. However, it makes sense to buy diesel only if it is in excellent condition and it is possible to refuel at proven gas stations. In other cases, the figure of possible risk can be six -digit.
Five- and six-speed machines were installed on x5. There are versions with a mechanical box, but such options can be counted on the fingers. Any of the boxes is reliable and, in most cases, can walk up to 300,000 km without problems. However, for too active drivers, machines may often not live up to 150,000 km. The oil in mechanics is changed once every 100,000 km, the clutch serves depending on the driving style up to 170,000 km. The cost of replacing the node taking into account the work will be about $ 800.
The all -wheel drive system is reliable and does not cause problems to the owners with the right handling with it. After restyling, instead of a permanent all-wheel drive, the machine received a xDrive system with a multi-disable electronically controlled coupling.

In most cases, under the hoods of X5, presented in the secondary market, the most common gasoline six is \u200b\u200bmost often found. However, the share of cars with V8 has recently also rather big. Moreover, the price of them is relatively low. What, alas, you can’t say about taxes.
It is no secret that the X5 was developed for movement on highway and autobahns with the ability to deliver the owner to the place of picnic in relatively flat primer. In Russia, most owners use it as an SUV or drive it by pits and potholes. Moreover, powerful motors together with excellent controllability provoke a driver on an aggressive ride. The timing of certain elements of the suspension vary greatly depending on the driving style and the engine option. So, in the front suspension with a motor V8 times 30,00040,000 km, you have to change the lower transverse levers ($ 275 per element). With a lighter engine, the part will last longer. The upper levers ($ 190 apiece) will last about 80,000 km. The stabilizer racks ($ 130 per pair of work) live about 60,000 km, and the hub bearings are 80,000100,000 km ($ 210, taking into account work). Shock absorbers ($ 1300 per pair of work) live, as a rule, up to 150,000 km. The presence of pneumatic suspension significantly applies to put it in order. So, replacing the anterior pneumoballons will cost the owner at least $ 2500, taking into account spare parts.
In the rear suspension, the upper levers (more than $ 600 per pair) are changed once every 70,000 km, stabilizer racks ($ 85 per pair) once every 40,000 km. The rear beam pillow can withstand more than 100,000 km.
The steering also requires increased attention. So, knocks in the steering rack often appear at 60,00080,000 km. There is nothing criminal about this, and many humble them with them, especially since the new rail costs about $ 2500. Often there is a backlash in the steering cardan. You can eliminate the problem for $ 600 by changing the blank node entirely. However, this does not affect speed.
The x5 slows down as well as it accelerates. With active driving, the front pads are changed once every 15,00020,000 km (at least $ 175, taking into account work). Disks ($ 335 per pair) experience two or three sets of pads.
The BMW X5 of the first generation embodied the nature of the passenger models of this brand and at the same time gave the opportunity to confidently move off the asphalt. However, X5, like any other BMW, is very demanding of quality and timely maintenance and does not forgive a careless attitude towards itself. If we take into account this circumstance, then you can enjoy the magnificent comfort, dynamics and reliability of a prestigious car for a long time.
By the way ...
For the first time, the X5 (E53) model was shown in the beginning of 1999 in Detroit, and after a couple of months in Geneva they presented the European version of the model. Less than a year later, sales began first in America, and then in Europe with 4.4 engines (286 hp), a little later than 3.0 (231 hp) and 3.0d (184 hp) .
In 2001, the most powerful version with a 4.6 -liter engine (347 hp) was available ...

Source: Makmobil magazine [June/2011]