Test drive BMW X3 E83 2004 - 2007 SUV

BMW X3 car review

The BMW company, which significantly expanded the ideas about the car car for outdoor activities (SUV), released the transition model with a lower class with its upper class machine. We are talking about the car x3. There were no such first -class cars in the compact class. And suddenly the BMW car, which, taking into account the quality of manufacture, is no longer SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) at all, but rather Sav (Sport Activity Vehicle), it differs so much in the class from everything that was before.
The X3 model has collected all the latest designer achievements of the company. In addition, a powerful and measuredly working engine, demonstrating an outstanding quality in its originality. Judging by height, the new car makes us recall the BMW 3 Series Touring station wagon, although in fact it is closer to another station wagon model - the BMW 5 Series Touring, and it looks more like it. Nevertheless, compared with 5 Series Touring, the X3 machine is 85 mm longer, the distance between the axes is also increased by 70 mm. Thus, we can assume that the new car has original body and chassis. Such discrepancies in the characteristics of two similar machines (referring to 3 Series Touring and X3) reproduce the relationship of representatives of the 5th BMW series, that is, X5 and 5 Series Touring. By the way, if you compare the specification of cars X3 and X5, it turns out that the first in four main sizes is inferior to its older brother. In particular, its length is less than 100 mm, width of 15 mm, height by 65 mm, and a wheelbase of 25 mm. And judging by the difference in the dimensions, you can consider the car X3 lower than the class than X5. However, outwardly, in addition to the difference in size, this difference in the classroom is almost invisible. In addition, the reduction of the dimensions made the machine more convenient to operate, so it should be recognized that the new machine seems to be specially adjusted to the Japanese size.
On a car with all-wheel drive there is a system of the latest X-Drive development. The distribution of the traction force between the front and rear axles is carried out in a ratio of 40 to 60, but when moving and taking into account road conditions, a multi -disc couple controlled by electronics can translate both axes to the so -called endless mode of operation. The machine is equipped with a BMW engine with 6 cylinders, and their operating volume can be 2.5 liters or 3.0 liters. The gearbox is automatic five -speed. The location of the steering wheel can be both on the right (modification 2.5i), and to choose (car 3.0i).
Moments worthy of a positive assessment
If you compare the driver’s landing with a sedan or a universal of the 3rd series, then in the new model it is noticeably higher, although not to the extent that it has to be climbed. But at least the driver can now look at the road as if from above, which in itself makes driving more pleasant. In addition, the review distance increases, which helps to increase the safety of driving.
Yes, the situation in the cabin resembles a 3 Series Sport Touring car. But if you try to evaluate the space at the level of the legs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear seats or an increase in volume due to the height of the cabin, then there will be a feeling of similarity immediately - no, not even with the salon of the 3rd series, but, not otherwise than with the 5th Touring series. I will even venture to assume that the salon in its volume generally strives for the Family category. If, then, go to the luggage compartment, then, since it has abundance and depth in it, and he will be able to absorb a very bulky thing. If you reject the back seats forward, which are divided in a ratio of 40 to 60, a useful space is formed where 3 collapsible bicycles can easily be fitted. The opening of the rear door opens from a low position, starting from the bumper itself, and therefore the most favorable conditions for loading or unloading baggage are provided.
The minimum road clearance is 201 mm, the entry angle is 26.1 degrees, and the angle of the congress is 23.6 degrees. The machine can cross water barriers up to 50 cm deep and overcome climbs with a slope of up to 33%. That is, the new car has a potential that is almost no different from the Cross Country Off-Road category car. But the main horse of BMW cars is, of course, driving along the road. I ranked a X3 car to the SAV category, but, nevertheless, the consistent implementation of the principle of the most underestimated center of gravity is also present here. And in fact, the engine is so lowered that it seems to be almost sitting on the drive shafts. And since this is, nevertheless, the machine is tall, in addition to a decrease in the center of gravity, it requires the distribution of the load on the axis in a ratio of 50 to 50, which, however, is also characteristic of the previous BMW developments. It is clear how this affects the controllability of the car.
When driving along the high -speed highway, the car shows unexpectedly for the SAV category high stability of straightforward movement, and when you have to perform a turn, even if it is steep, it does it as if it moves along the rails. The car firmly holds the road with all four wheels, but, you just have to sharply turn the steering wheel, and the car without a noticeable roll, easily and freely begins to enter the turn. I admit that the sensations are not at all the ones that you experience when driving other categories for outdoor activities (SUV).
What are the problems?
I don’t know why, maybe due to the features of the design of the exhaust gas production system, but I did not hear a pleasant rumbling characteristic of 6 cylinder engines. Speaking differently, I realized that on the engine with six somewhat located cylinders, a refinement was made to eliminate excessive noise. As for the power indicators, I think the 2.5-liter engine is quite enough. Although, of course, if you give the car a gas on a steep rise, then the intensity of overclocking, it is clear that the car with a 3-liter engine will be impressive.
On modifications with a 2.5-liter engine, all-season tires of 17 inches are standardly installed. The question may immediately arise: how much such tires can be provided by the BMW controlled wheels? I will say this: the stiffness of these tires did not stop getting great pleasure from driving this car! They proven themselves well with sharp turns with a steering wheel and, I think, are quite sufficient for the usual active driving manner. As an option, 18-inch summer tires are offered, and, in addition, for lovers of acute sensations on the bends, sports adjustment of the suspension. But the thing is that, reducing the angle of rotation of the machine along the longitudinal and transverse axis, such a suspension does not compensate for the proper extent from the irregularities of the road surface. I think that these options are more designed for traffic in autobahns, where speed can reach 200 km per hour.
To facilitate control, the hydraulic steering hydraulic amplifier can be equipped with an electronic tracking device, which allows you to adjust the operation of the steering wheel depending on the speed of movement (the so-called Servo-Tronic system). I strongly recommend this option to you. It, in particular, makes it possible to facilitate the turning at a large angle, or the maneuvering of the machine in a narrow place, since it gives a more complete sense of dimensions of the car.
The opening glass of the rear door, which the BMW company installs on the Touring station wagons of both the 3rd and 5th series, is not used in the X3 model. Perhaps there is a certain reason in this, because such glass, of course, is useful in the station wagon, in a car with a higher layout, it seems to be useless, since small objects lying on the bottom of the trunk can no longer be reached. By the way, I think that this is not so and the best option is a combination of the back door and the opening window. But, alas
And how, interestingly, those female drivers will behave, who had previously perceived large cars for outdoor activities with reverence? To what extent the compactness of the X3 model, in particular, the characteristics of a first-class SAV car, in general, will they like it? I believe, however, that everything will be in order with this, since driving by car X3 and for such women will be a pleasant occupation.

Source: CarView.co.jp

Test drives BMW X3 E83 2004 - 2007