Test drive BMW X3 E83 2004 - 2007 SUV

Love - not sighs on the bench

They are united by many sizes, engine volume, prestige, but they are intended for completely different people.

Catch up with a smaller brother
Dear parquet all -terrain vehicles in the market are now very running goods. They diverge with the same success in the USA, Europe and Russia. Such machines are not only the subject of pride of the owner and the envy of others, but also a tidbit for the automobile companies themselves. After all, net profit from each car sold is one of the highest. Therefore, while the buyer has not been saturated, there are more and more offers.

For example, BMW, following the very successful, X5 offered customers a slightly smaller X3. Formally, it can be considered a compact all-resistant, because the X-fifth belongs to the middle class. But in size, and most importantly, the price of competitors in a three -lady in the class of compact SUVs simply do not. But the comparison of X3 with Lexus-RX300 looks quite logical. Focus on the topic of catching up, first my smaller brother.

And another curious introductory. Bimmer, who visited our test, turbodiesel. The Munich, as if deciding to refute the myth about the disgusting quality of our diesel fuel at once, suggested that Russia be one of the latest developments. A three-liter in-line turbo-sheet with a Ugro-Rales injection system is now available on the omnipoti X3 and X5. It was very interesting for us to see how this motor would behave in a dispute with a gasoline V6 Lexus. And the forebodings did not deceive. The results were extremely curious.

He is from Mars, she is from Venus
We have long agreed for the appearance of the dwarf cars not to put assessments. But it is necessary to say at least a few words about the appearance of BMW and Lexus. Then it will be much easier to understand why classmates at first glance turned out to be so different. The new RX300, which debuted last year, is the true anthem of evolution. Compared to the first generation Rex, the current model seems to have not changed, but has matured. From a slightly angular and too modest teenage girl, she took shape in a beauty with a gorgeous figure.

BMW is more reminiscent of a high school student, carried away by campaigns in a rocking chair. His young, not yet formed body plays with muscles, but this is not a husband, but a boy. The boy is pumped and, judging by the eyes of crazy eyes, a little without a king in his head. Several years will pass, and he, having matured, may become solid, fit and noble. Or maybe not.

And inside Lexus and BMW are more likely antipodes. The fiddleness of the lobastic Bavarz in the cabin is not at all less than in appearance. And I must say, this filament is not to the face of an expensive all -terrain vehicle. It's not about design. Rather, not only in it.

We have to recognize from the interior of the BMW of the old school there is an emblem on the steering wheel. The desire of the chicks of Banglov’s nest to the ground is heard in everything. It seemed that the day before yesterday was admired by the Bavarian cockpit, but now the District Panel of Audi, which was deployed to the driver, was deployed to the driver. And BMW, as if deciding to confuse with an extrovert, on the contrary, surprises a convex, slightly boring panel and huge door handles. Well, okay, whatever one may say, a matter of taste. It is more offensive when the quality of the finish that was once considered to be reference suffers.

Unusual, if not strange, type of steering wheel and finishing materials not of the highest quality welcome you in the salon x3

Close your eyes to the plastic imitating the tree, and you will not find a single flaw in the interior of Lexus
To call the BMW interior without discounts five -seater does not allow a high and wide central tunnel
In terms of open, the RX300 salon is more like the inner world of the minivan than the parquet all -around

Even through force, I can’t congratulate the Bavarians on the choice of plastic for torpedo and doors upholstery. Rather, tough than soft, and even, even unpleasant-cheers to the touch, he does not paint the salon of an expensive car. The inserts from valuable wood are by no means comme olfo. Well, the skin in the configuration of the ambient is completely one step from the disaster. In addition to jokes, its texture is more reminiscent of dermatin. The very case when Velur would be much more appropriate not only for practical, but also for aesthetic reasons. It is clear that against this background, the small flaws of ergonomics, like an uncomfortable block of windows, are simply lost.

Lexus dashboard, made using optitron technology (on the right), of course, is more effective, but there are no complaints about readiness in both cars

There is no place for regrets in Lexus. Apparently, the fundamental principle of Japanese designers was to make the interior as convenient as possible, and not as stunning as possible. It collected everything that customers of expensive cars like. The main dish of a lot of skin in the side of electric drives of everything that is possible plus a pinch of exotic spices to facilitate planting here not only the steering column is pushed, but also the clearance decreases! In a word, the now popular concept as the quality of sensations, the symbiosis of style, the selection of finishing materials and the quality assembly was erected to the cult.

Four or five?
Surprisingly, the size of the salon X3 is not inferior to the older brother X5. Rather, it is almost not inferior. In the back seat, at least the same supply of space as in X-Pip. True, the high central tunnel does not leave the third passenger a chance to ride. On the one hand, for a car of four and a half meters a 4-seater salon is unsolvable, on the other, the capacity for a prestigious SUV is a tenth business.

Although Lexus also has his own view. After all, five will be accommodated inside the RX300. The key to this is the absolutely even floor, learn, Genosse! And the sofa adjustable in the longitudinal plane. True, the rear seats are quite obviously formed in two persons, but the third here in any case will not be superfluous.

Convenience against liters
If, in terms of spaciousness, the X-third is very slightly inferior to the older brother, then the carrying capacity ... even surpasses! An amazing fact of the X3 trunk is not much, but more spacious. Moreover, it pleases not only with impressive numbers, but also with its simple geometry. The bulges of the wheel arches are minimal and do not eat useful space. The trunk opening is very wide, and the loading height for the all -terrain vehicle is very worthy, read: low. In addition, in the luggage compartment there are longitudinal runners and fixers of fasteners for cargo. Convenient thing. The only claim is the back of the sofa when folding forms a small slide.

BMW is inferior to Lexus in terms of spaciousness, but access to the trunk in X3 is organized more competently

In Lexus, the sofa back is folded into an even loading platform. And due to the longitudinal adjustment of the sofa, the maximum useful volume of the RX300 trunk by 670 liters is greater than that of Bimmer! But in terms of convenience of access, a large loading height and a relatively narrow opening, as well as in geometry, solid tumors of the rear suspension limit the space of the Japanese.

Diesel gun
The modern generation of diesel engines does not at all look like their chasing, noisy and slow ancestors. The time has come when the diesel is faster than the gasoline colleague of the same volume. That is how diesel BMW is faster than gasoline lexus. And faster, as they say, on the head. In the harness, both cars keep horses equally 204 each. But who in this pair is the champion in low starts, it becomes clear after a 30-second trip.

And you won’t say that Lexus is a slow -moving. Not at all, he goes well, but without surprises. You click on the gas, and Rex, not too hasty, but confidently and solidly, paves the way for yourself in an overwhelming air stream. Wanted faster? Surrender the RX300 pedal throws the tachometer arrow to the boundary of the red zone and, thinking for a moment, rushes forward.

The main word here is thinking. On the RX300 of the new generation, the place of a 4-speed machine was taken by a 5-band automaton. But even her work cannot be called perfect. At speeds of about 140 km/h, Lexus cannot decide which program to choose, jumping from the fourth to the fifth and vice versa. Yes, and an annoying pause before turning on the kick-dowan will not retire. However, is it worth it to approach a 3-liter SUV with increased requirements? After a trip to the diesel X3, of course, you are not doubtful!

Lenza in the character of Bimmer is manifested only at a idle speed when the diesel storage measures measuredly from traffic light to a traffic light. But it is worth clicking on the gashter, as if under a bass growling by golly, this sound reminded me of the melody of the Bavarian eight! X3 frantically rushes forward. A small working range, the always scourge of a diesel engine does not bother you at all, a smartic smart man is sweating. Well, the dynamics of acceleration is such that you do not think about the possibility of manual gear shifts. What for?

But even more than the dynamics of overclocking, almost a second faster Lexus pleases elasticity. Acceleration from speeds by a hundred occurs without delay, instantly, as if you are driving not a car, but an electric locomotive. No wonder, given that the maximum torque, by the way, is 41.8 kgsm! X-third is already developing by 1,500 rpm. And it is clear why, one and a half times less painful Lexus, when overtaking and accelerations, it falls off from the bimmer, like a paratrooper from an airplane.

It is curious that approximately the same picture in terms of the efficiency of brake systems. Without discounts and resistant to overheating, the discs of Lexus seem only until you try the BMW brakes in the case.

When everything is just beginning ...
Five years ago, launching the X5 market, the Munich confidently declared not an all-terrain vehicle before you, but a station wagon of the 5th series with increased road clearance. Hinting primarily at light handling. In truth, these statements were a little exaggerated. But now the Germans have much more chances to call X-third a 3rd series with a high clearance. The confidence and solidity with which this Bimmer holds the road cannot but inspire awe.

Remember the vase advertising? At 140, everything is just beginning ... only, unlike a dozen, this all -terrain vehicle can, and most importantly, knows how to ride quickly. Having widely placed the paws-wheels, X3 holds the high-speed line, like a locomotive, does not scour, does not swing, does not float. A hard suspension is strikingly effectively coping with the buildup, which does not appear even at 180. The steering wheel, meanwhile, is filled with elastic ripeness and becomes less sensitive.

The Bavarian SUV is a rare character trait for all -rests and asks for turns. And this is the luxury that you can afford. The rear -wheel drive insidiousness in the bimmer is much less than that of his passenger brothers in blood. The advanced all-wheel drive transmission of the X-Drive, in the instant of the eye, transferring the front wheels, provides a neutral nature of controllability, understandable to most drivers. Did you feel that when the speed is exceeded, the car slides with all the wheels? Just let go of the gas, and the treshka will obediently restore the trajectory.

In Lexus, I do not want to go aggressively at all. The reasons for this are two of the return of feedback and the American imposing suspension. Where BMW prescribes an arc, as a magnetized, Rex, by vasting with transverse rolls, is already trying to straighten the trajectory. Not everything is exemplary and in terms of holding a high -speed line. An unpleasant wave swing, and that makes up the leg from the accelerator, begins too early and leaves no chance to keep up with BMW. And even on a perfectly even highway, which, as it is easy to guess, we don’t want to go very little, faster than 160.

Pay the bill
But for cool handling, of course, you have to pay. And you know with your own back. No, x3 is by no means dentist-burning, and with an increase in speed, the character of the machine becomes softer, more flexible. But this is with an increase in speed ... But there is no choice in the city pace. We'll have to come to terms with the fact that BMW reacts to any yes, exactly, any! The wormhole of the road surface. A crack in the asphalt, sewer hatch, paving stones you will learn to recognize the nature of the road with your own fifth point. What is there, even if the road marking applied by plastic makes Bimmer's body nervously renew.

But for audiophiles there is good news. Hoorantly soundproofing x3 at the highest level. A characteristic diesel breakdown is muffled only on idle, and vibrations are absent as a class. And in the movement the voice of the motor is not heard at all, that is, absolutely. At 120 km/h you can even in a whisper with a passenger sitting from behind, only a light rustle of tires penetrates into the salon.

Moreover, everything is known in comparison. Lexus also quietly, the main source of extraneous noise streams of wind, starting walking around the front racks and mirrors in the region of 120 km/h. But how comfortable is it here! After a trip to the BMW, it seems that either all the roads became perfect, or the nerve endings tightly dulled from vibration loads. Lexus Balsam for suffering from osteochondrosis. Five without question.

We can ...
How many times have they insisted to the world that the SUVs are inferior all -terrain vehicles. And it seems that it was not in vain that they kept repeating. Today, much less often than a couple of years ago, you will see the jeeping owners of the RX300 or X5. However, the movement to common sense goes from two sides. And the SUVs of the new wave are not the same as before. This is not to say that they are much better adapted to the assault on swamps, forests and mountains. Just now the negligent owner such adventures will cost cheaper.

First of all, this applies to geometric cross -country ability. Please note: the samovars of the exhaust system are the first victims of an off -road driving by BMW and Lexus are suspended quite high, which means they will live longer. But otherwise, ordinary parquet rules are suitable for X3 and RX300. A snow -covered road yes, a solid primer certainly, a sandy beach can be, but serious off -road only in case of emergency. In the end, despite the presence of all -wheel drive, it is impossible to discount very short suspension moves, which is especially true in relation to BMW. When the wheels are unloaded, no speed of the X-Drive system will help you need to look for a tractor.

We will believe in the eyes?
The conversation about security should be started with the fact that neither X3 nor Lexus passed the crash tests of Euroncap. BMW has not yet had time, and Lexus, for which the European market is not a priority, and is not in a hurry. But then where did the four for passive security come from? In fact, with questions of protecting the driver and passengers, both are all right.

RX300 received the highest score from the American USNCAP. And BMW experts count on the same assessment in the upcoming Euro tests. In the end, x5 is an excellent student in terms of security, so the younger brother should not blur. Finally, the basic level of equipment equipment is already impressive. Six pillows, ABS, the stabilization system of the course sustainability Mandatory equipment X3 and RX300. The latter also has a knee-bag.

There is no cheaper
So we approached the most curious number of our program. And what, it turns out, X3, which, following logic, should be attributed to compact SUVs, it costs ... more than RX300. Moreover, even the basic price of X-third 55,900 euros more than they ask for the maximum fried Lexus. Yes, of course, the package of business cannot complain about the scarcity of equipment. But in that trouble there is too much equipment, which, by and large, will not come in handy in real life. If you can still argue about the need for smart, looking around the turn, then you can do without an electric drive of a passenger seat or sports seats. Not to mention the ambition of an impressive leather upholstery.

But, alas. You do not have to choose, but those who can’t afford the above amount, we recommend that you wait for a 2.5-liter X3 on the market, the price of which should be more attractive.

And further. Diesel X3 in our market costs only 1000 euros more than gasoline in a similar configuration. A good option. Other things being equal, a diesel SUV seems more preferable to us. And the matter is not only in fuel efficiency, although the difference of 5.5 liters per hundred mileage is impressive. The fact is that, oddly enough, for fast driving around the city and highway, the turbodiesel suits better. The only problem at the level of perception are you ready to lay out almost 70 thousand green for a diesel car?

Fasting carbines of luggage nets can even be called elegant

The business does not look very good, but it sounds quite at the level
The place of the first -aid kit under the front passenger seat is so opened in all BMW

In this net on the central console, the very place for a road atlas

The inscription diesel on the cork of the tank is not superfluous, given the temperament of X-third
The number of cup holders X3 is not offended by each passenger his own

The washerers of headlights in our conditions are useless, but the buyer has no choice

The driver of the driver with electric and memory of the provisions is included in the basic configuration

Lexus, it’s for nothing that the car is expensive, but against the background of all competitors, the most affordable. Who else offers a prestigious SUV with a 3-liter six for $ 56,400? Nobody is right. Moreover, the initial equipment for the RX300 R1 includes all the necessary skin, and an electric package, and a complete set of means of active and passive safety, and so much more that you get the tongue to list.

It makes sense to turn to more advanced options if you need a pneumatic suspension and an electric drive of the fifth door (R2 $ 62,400) or in addition to this, rotary headlights, electric lover and audio system Mark Levinson (R3 $ 65 900).

Traditionally, on the Lexus side and the conditions of the factory guarantee 3 years or 100,000 km. BMW with the same run is limited to two -year support.

Attention to details above all, even a pocket on the back of the chair, clothe skin

The revealing box in the armrest resembles a bmw seven
You can open the trunk buttons from the driver's seat, at the door of the door and from the key

Eight -stage heating of seats for the most unraveled persons

Electric drive in the database, but the memory of the provisions is not provided for
With pressing this button, Rex turns into a real gentleman, lowering the road clearance during landing and landing

The steering wheel adjustment of the height and angle of inclination for Japanese machines is rare

We decided:

BMW is very difficult not to love. X3, perhaps, the first Munich Vynamysk, fully meets the concept of a car that brings the joy of driving. You catch a buzz at the wheel of a bimmer from the groovy, for nothing that diesel, engine, and from the confidence and unshakability that the car gives at autobaste speeds, and from the ability to go through a turn with a breeze, alert supervision of an all -wheel drive transmission and a stabilization system of course sustainability. For me personally, this is enough to forget about a strange interior and controversial appearance. Moreover, I am ready to come to terms with a suspension far from the concept of comfort. But the matter is not only in talent to find compromises. BMW-X3 (, average rating 4.0) A magnificent car that is very difficult to find in the market. From this he suffers. Being smaller in size, and therefore, in prestige than X5, X-third is too expensive to have a chance in the fight against market regulars.

Lexus (, the average rating of 4.3) causes much less emotions. RX300 is not able to fight BMW in dynamics and handling. But as a convenient all -weather prestigious alternate, the Japanese simply does not know equal. Its owner perfectly understands that love is not sighs on the bench. Love for a car in any case.
Mikhail Medvedev, photo of Maxim Goncharov

Source: Magazine buy a car [12/2004]

Test drives BMW X3 E83 2004 - 2007