Test drive BMW M5 E60 since 2005 sedan

Arms race

It's hard to be a historian. The facts are facts, and to take and declare such and such an event happened then it requires not only knowledge, but also will. It's like putting a bold point at the end. Example?
BMW M5 has been conducting a genealogy since August 1988, and everything that was before, is not considered. Although the BMW-535i, BMW-2500 is all the old idea of \u200b\u200ba large motor in a comfortable sedan, the story of the M5 is something else.
The first BMW M5 had only 3.5 liters, six cylinders and 315 hp. For the end of the eighties, these are impressive numbers. After the upgrade in 1992, 340 became forces. And after another six years, the new generation of the BMW M5 was equipped with a V-shaped eight with a capacity of 400 hp.
It was such a car that visited the editorial test three years ago. Then a large comfortable sedan successfully overcame 1 km from a place in less than 25 seconds, this is a border, which conditionally separates fast cars from supercars. Great BMW chassis of the fifth series, a five -liter engine of 400 horses. It seemed that it was necessary to further increase the weapons? Outside the windows, late autumn and the first frosts are again. In the editorial court, the new BMW M5. If only to have time to evaluate the dynamics of the most powerful five, until the road was snowing on the roads! After all, now under the hood for more than 100 strength and two cylinders more.
And no boost!
Only about the BMW M5 motor can be talked until the end of the magazine. Very rarely, the engine for a top car is created from scratch, but this BMW has nothing to do with previously released engines. The approach of the BMW Motorshport sports unit itself excludes gross power to the creation of engines. No boost, only high -speed gasoline engines with individual throttle damper for instant response to the pedal. Changed phases, configured release, adjustable inlet, a complex lubrication system that guarantees the absence of oil starvation during overloads of 1.2 g
Ten cylinders of the new BMW M5 engine are not a whim of a designer, but a necessity. With a five -liter volume and a limit of 8250 rpm, it produces maximum power at 7750 rpm. With eight cylinders, the average piston speed would exceed 25 m/s today it is a technological limit for a reliable motor suitable for long -term operation.
From one liter of working volume, they get a torque 104 N.M, try to find a hopeless motor with such characteristics! The maximum of the moment after six thousand, but you should not worry about the lack of traction at low speeds: 5 liters cannot be taken.
Turning the key (yes, the most ordinary key), I expected the same ordinary start. Suddenly rolling rod in the cabin and high, almost 2000, the turnover at first surprised. But when I listened to the motor outside. Have you ever been to rehearse a large symphonic orchestra? The sounds that the M5 engine make immediately after cold starting can only be compared with the breakdown of the winds. A minute is from the strength, and the turns fall, only the bass mumble of the sleepy motor is audible.
The M5 voice is generally extremely memorable. Since spark intervals dozens with the angle of the collapse of cylinders 90 are uneven, the same notes are obtained only on every fifth engine turnover, which adds a hoarse rumble to a slow low -frequency pulsation. Each real higher piloting of refinement will be able to recognize the vocalist!
In the jargon of testers, this is a dynamometric road of an auto policy so shorter. The street is still +1, but dry. It is not supposed to conduct measurements at this temperature, but the next day they already promise snow
He sat down and went not about M5. Everything is required to configure everything for yourself: from the stiffness of the lateral stops of the seat with pneumo elements to the mode of operation of shock absorbers and the engine response to the pedal. By the way, in standard mode under the hood is not 507, but only 400 horses. To drop the reserve squadron on the attack, you need to press the Power button. And to cause a complete set of sports settings m on the steering wheel.
Cold air would help to set a record to the motor with a turbocharger, but for the BMW M5, the decisive, it seems, was the clutch of the wheels with the road. Widely continental sports contacts 2 285/35R19, with a disconnected anti -wings system, abrupt in smoke even in third gear. Under Fortissimo of four exhaust pipes, black BMW 100 km/h, two hundred per 14 s and an emphasis of 260 km/h (the speedometer shows 270) less than 25 seconds after the start. Compared to the previous version of the BMW M5, it was possible to reset 0.7 from up to hundreds and one and a half seconds per kilometer from a place to be proud of!
This is the fastest car that has ever visited our tests. So fast that he does not need a five -kilometer road for dispersal one and a half kilometers to achieve a limited maximum speed. For the most effective (and spectacular) start in the BMW M5 transmission, there is a LONCH Control mode (Launch Control) then it itself will switch the transfers at maximum speeds and extremely rigidly.
Behind missile starts and turns with prohibitive accelerations, hissing burning rubber and sideways. Now strictly according to the rules. In the BMW M5 with a seven -speed SMG III box, you can switch transmissions both automatically and levers on the steering wheel. Do not look for the clutch pedal and the usual curtains of this gearbox was designed only for automated control. There are six automatic and five manual switching modes. The softest machine touches with the second and switches at the pace of an elderly taxi driver, who, in the intervals between double squeezing, is tightened with a cigarette. The most frisky switches with a noticeable jerk and holds reduced gears.
But only in manual modes, the BMW M5 responds to expectations here impeccably, including ledges on switching down. On this car, it is quite possible to drive slowly. And even on a not very good road: the comfort of the suspension in the relaxed position of the shock absorbers at the level of ordinary BMW models. Over and over again, it storms record indicators. Passport 4.7 s to hundreds are not given. However, you should not be offended: a little more than five seconds before
Where is the limit?
Who is addressed to more than a 500-horsepower BMW sedan? For qualified M5 controls with DSC electronics, at least a racing license of a C. class of sound driver’s meaning and the ability to correct the skid is not enough speed is required. Therefore, we recommend not turning off the DSC.
The arms race is inevitable. Let it be used by fruits in everyday conditions, but the very possession of the Superivot of the practical format is the unconditional element of prestige. Price? 119 thousand euros (140 thousand dollars) only for the car. It is important to include in it and the costs of your own training will be too expensive differently
P.S. As we know, BMW released a special program for the M5, raising the bar to 305 km/h.

Anatoly Fomin


Source: The magazine "Driving"