Test Drive BMW M3 GTS E92 since 2010

Lord of emotions

The one who does not know what the BMW of the M Series does not know anything about sports cars. After all, it is the most powerful and high-speed cars of this brand. Their history began in the eighties, but if then m in the title was combined with the traditional letter index, then closer to the ninetieth firm decided to allocate the M-series into a separate model range. The first swallow is a 200-strong M3 of the so-called transitional model, then several versions of different power were immediately in the next generation - model E 36. Moreover, this latest version turned out so lucky that I became the most popular sports model, and the success should now be repeated. EMCA, the debut of which was literally a couple of months ago.
If earlier, in the previous generation, to distinguish the expensive exclusive M3 from the usual three coupe could only have a big specialist, now both versions have much more visible external differences. And although for an inexperienced car enthusiast, these cars may seem the same, in fact the third series coupe and specifically the version of M3 does not have a single (!) Common body element. Although, of course, it is possible to confuse these cars, perhaps in the dark - the wasteful arches, in which 18-inch wheels are stubbred, an aggressive view in the front bumper, a characteristic postponment on the hood - all this gives a wolf in a sheep skin, how sometimes a joke is called m3 . And the specialist will be able to learn the EMC on the mirrors - and the outer, and the intra-alone rearview mirror at M3 are made oval. Well, of course, a large stylized letter m front and back of the car, although now the half of the used bimmer is silent.
Even those who do not particularly like high-speed cars should noted that BMW M3 on acceleration is something. It is possible how many ways to paint about the strongest overload, the roar of the motor and disappearing in the rear-view mirrors of the thread neighbors, but only one fact is able to convince the connoisseur of sports cars in uncommon's abilities M3. Just imagine: on the first gear of EMCA can accelerate almost up to 100 km / h, and this fact deserves attention! Those 5.2 seconds for which the manufacturer promises, the car must score a cherished hundred, for passengers M3 turn into one, incredibly a short moment, which I want to repeat many more times. However, at the achievement of the mark 100 on the speedometer, if you do not let go of gas and you have time to wage, you can accelerate on with no miner overloads. The most important thing is that the car breaks about the same in almost any speed, unless, of course, the corresponding transmission is included. Even if you are going along the highway at a speed of 120 km / h, it is worth a slightly touch the right foot to the gas pedal, and in the third gear, the car breaks up with such an acceleration, to which many models are not capable even when starting from the place. This was partly achieved thanks to a unique Baemwashny Double-Vanos - a unique system of changing the gas distribution phases, which made it possible to achieve not only the extremely smooth operation of the engine in all ranges, but also the fact that 80% of the maximum torque is achieved already at 2000 rpm . And this is despite the fact that the engine can be twisted up to 8000 rpm! By the way, a very interesting chip: the red zone on the m3 tachometer can decrease or increase depending on the temperature of the engine and the set of other factors. With the help of special LEDs, the car itself demonstrates, in which range turns should now go. For example, on a cold car, the tachometer arrow, according to its coloring, is better not to raise above 4000 rpm, but as the temperature increases, the red scale is slowly melting.
As for the stiffness of the suspension, everything is not as scary than it could seem - yes, harsh, but not so much so that this is the reason for the reference to the m3. In principle, if you ride on good roads, then a big difference between M3 and any other coupe on low-profile rubber can not be found. Again, if not to raise the tachometer arrow above 3000 rpm, then in such modes the car does not remind of its supercar essence, except that the experienced ear can catch the thoroughbred and unusually beautiful sound of the row six. And it is for the sound that the driver himself is focused. With such a power on the same 60 km / h M3 can go on any gear, ranging from the first and ending with the sixth, and only by the sound of the sound engine can be almost unmistakably determine which transmission you still have turned on. If this is the second, then the engine immediately cries high-quality soprano, and the slightest movement of the gas pedal will force all passengers to nourish their heads. But such a regime is not like everyone, so there is a sixth one for them, since even the aforementioned 60 km / h, the car is dramatically pulling on top gear. You can even accelerate on it, but after a mad acceleration on the first second, such acceleration already seems too sluggish, and the driver inconsistently includes a reduced transmission. By the way, in normal modes of movement M3 demonstrates simply unique for such a powerful car fuel consumption. If desired, it can be achieved that on the screen of the on-board computer, which demonstrates the average fuel consumption, the figures of about 8.5 l / 100 km can light up. Of course, to put such a kind of record, you will have to handle the gas pedal very gently, but still when moving on the track you can do about the same figures as the usual business class sedan with a six-cylinder engine.
In general, despite all its exclusive supercar essence, the newest M3 can largely qualify for the title of a very comfortable and thoughtful car. In the sense of a convenient driver and a maximum of another passenger, because despite the presence of a comfortable double sofa, it is still better to ride the m3, and even because the rear seats in motion are absolutely nothing to stay, except for the seat belt, if They, of course, they were fastened. And if the accelerations of passengers is thoroughly pressed in the chair, so so that they will not be able to reach the front seats, even with a strong desire, then with no less intense, in the sense of overloads, inhibition, according to instinct of self-preservation, try to grasp something In order to limit the ability of your body to independently move. A front passenger feels quite differently: in hard matter to combat overloads to its services, not only a leather sports-type leather chair with a multitude of adjustments, but also a comfortable and pleasant to the touch door handle that has a negative slope. In general, the front passenger M3 creates such an impression that the whole car is slightly tilted. In addition to the same door handle, the entire architecture of the cabin creates a feeling of rapidness, and even the floor under the legs of the front passenger is tilted forward. By the way, about the angles of inclination: the driver's seat at M3 has many adjustments, including side support, and if desired, you can lengthen the seat cushion or change the angle of inclination of its extreme part. And that's what is interesting if almost all cars have such adjustments only a driver's seat, then in BMW M3, all these bells are available on the navigator chair. In general, despite their close arms, a person of any complex can be made very cozy. No less pleasure than thoughtful and tested ergonomics of the workplace, you can deliver the quality of the salon assembly. If the usual Troika has a very pleasant interior, then when you see the M3 salon, then you immediately want to speak in excellent degree: any detail, whether the door handle or ventilation deflectors are made so well that the owners of other hand-assembly cars will envy. By the way, a very original chip: when you turn on the overall lights on the gearbox lever, the scheme of switching them lights up. There is little sense from this, but it is very beautiful. The multifunctional display installed in the center of the console can at the same time perform the role of the TV. In one of the pictures you can see, it seems, news on the ort channel. But you can enjoy this process you and your passenger can only in the parking lot: If the car rises from the spot, the screen darkens immediately.
The current supercars are still very powerful, high-speed and extremely expensive cars. But, as in all classes, there are many changes in the world of sports cars. The once fierce monsters, like Lamborghini, are now becoming, oddly enough, it sounds, softer and more comfortable, and sports cars created on the basis of serial models, on the contrary, the year from the year in their dynamic characteristics approach the most powerful world cars. Here is the BMW M3 just from such a breed. Hashing many details from the usual, serial model, it precisely for this reason has many advantages over all world supercars. Of course, there are a large number of cars that are over time, and at maximum speed exceed M3, but none of them comes to Belarus officially. Yes, because despite all its talents, M3 remains all the same BMW, which means to buy it and, accordingly, it is possible to serve it from any official concern dealer.
Pavel Kozlovsky

A source: "Autogase"