Test drive BMW M3 compartment E46 2000 - 2006 compartment

The lord of emotions

Anyone who does not know what the BMW series M is does not know anything about sports cars. After all, it is this letter that indicates the most powerful and high -speed cars of this brand. Their story began back in the eighties, but if then M in the name was combined with the traditional letter index, then closer to the nineties the company decided to highlight the M-series in a separate lineup. The first swallow - 200 -horsepower M3 of the so -called transition model, then there were several versions of various power in the next generation - model E 36. Moreover, this last version turned out so successful that it became the most massive sports model, and now the new one should repeat its success. Emka, whose debut took place just a couple of months ago.
If earlier, in the previous generation, only a large specialist could distinguish an expensive exclusive M3 from a regular three coupe, now both versions have much more noticeable external differences. And although for an inexperienced motorist these machines may seem the same, in fact, the compartment of the third series and specifically do not have a single (!) General body element. Although, of course, these cars can only be confused in the dark - wide arches, in which 18 -inch wheels are hidden, an aggressive look took in the front bumper, the characteristic stamping on the hood - all this gives out a wolf in sheep's skin, as M3 is sometimes jokingly called m3 . And the specialist will be able to find out the EMKU by mirrors - both the external and the intra -axial rear -view mirror in M3 are made oval. And, of course, a large stylized letter m in front and behind the car, although now half of the used bimmers flaunts such.
Even those who especially do not like high -speed cars should note that the BMW M3 on acceleration is something. You can take an arbitrarily painting about the strongest overloads, the roar of the motor and disappearing in the mirrors of the rear view of the neighbors in the stream, but only one fact is able to convince the connoisseur of sports cars in the outstanding abilities of M3. Just imagine: in the first program, Emka is able to accelerate to almost 100 km/h, and this fact deserves attention! Those 5.2 seconds, for which, as the manufacturer promises, the car should dial the coveted hundred, for passengers M3 turn into one, incredibly short moment, which you want to repeat many more times. However, upon reaching the mark of 100 on a speedometer, if you do not let go of gas and have time to switch, you can accelerate further with the no -legged overloads. The most important thing is that the car breaks approximately equally at almost any speed, unless, of course, the appropriate gear is turned on. Even if you are driving along the highway at a speed of 120 km/h, you should slightly touch the gas pedal slightly, and in the third transmission the car breaks down with such an acceleration that many models are not capable of even when starting. This was partly achieved thanks to the unique BEMVECROM DOUBLE -VANOS - a unique system of changes in the phase of gas distribution, which made it possible to achieve not only extremely smooth operation of the engine in all ranges, but also that 80% of the maximum torque is reached at 2000 rpm. . And this despite the fact that the engine can be twisted as much as 8000 rpm! By the way, a very interesting feature: the red zone on the tachometer M3 can decrease or increase depending on the temperature of the engine and many other factors. With the help of special LEDs, the car itself demonstrates in which range of revolutions should now be driven. Say, in a cold car, the tachometer shooter, according to its coloring, is better not to lift above 4000 rpm, but as the temperature increases, the red scale is slowly melting.
As for the rigidity of the suspension, everything is not so scary than it might seem - yes, harsh, but not so that it causes a refusal to travel to M3. In principle, if you drive on good roads, then there is a big difference between M3 and any other compartment on low -profile rubber. Again, if at the same time not to raise the tachometer arrow above 3,000 rpm, then in such modes the car does not remind of its supercar essence, except that an experienced ear can catch a thoroughbred and unusually beautiful sound of a in-line six in the stream. And it is precisely by sound that the driver himself is guided by. With the same power at the same 60 km/h m3, it can go in any gear, starting from the first to the sixth, and only by the tonality of the sound of a working engine can you almost accurately determine which transmission you still turned on. If this is the second, then the engine will immediately quarrel with a high -tonal soprano, and the slightest movement of the gas pedal will force all passengers to nod their heads. But not everyone likes this regime, so there is the sixth for them, since even on the aforementioned 60 km/h the car meekly pulls in the highest gear. You can even accelerate on it, but after frantic acceleration in the first or second, such acceleration already seems too lethargic, and imperceptibly for himself the driver turns on a low gear. By the way, in normal traffic modes, the M3 shows simply unique fuel consumption indicators for such a powerful car. If desired, it can be achieved that on the screen of an on -board computer that demonstrates the average fuel consumption, numbers of about 8.5 l/100 km may light up. Of course, in order to set such a peculiar record, you will have to handle the gas pedal very gently, but still when moving along the highway you can meet about the same numbers as the usual business class sedan with a six-cylinder engine.
In general, despite all its exclusive-Superkarov’s essence, the latest M3 can largely claim the title of a very convenient and thought-out car. In the sense of a convenient passenger convenient for the driver and a maximum of another passenger, because despite the presence of a comfortable double sofa behind, it is still better to ride M3 together, if only because the rear riders in motion have absolutely nothing to hold on, except for the safety belt, if They, of course, fastened him. And if, at the accelerations of passengers, he thoroughly presses into chairs, so much so that they will not be able to reach the front seat even with a strong desire, then with no less intense, in the sense of overload, they, according to the instinct of self-preservation, try to grab at least something for something in order to limit the ability of your body to independently move. The front passenger feels completely differently: in a difficult matter of struggle with overloads to his services, not only a sports type of sports type with many adjustments, but also a convenient and pleasant door handle with a negative slope. In general, the front passenger M3 creates the impression that the whole car is slightly inclined. In addition to the same door handle, all the architecture of the salon creates a feeling of swiftness, and even the floor under the feet of the front passenger is tilted forward. By the way, about the angles of inclination: the driver’s chair at the M3 has many adjustments, including lateral support, and if desired, you can lengthen the seat pillow or change the angle of inclination of its extreme part. And here's what is interesting, if almost all cars have such adjustments only a driver’s seat, then in the BMW M3 all these bells are available on the navigator's chair. In general, despite their close hugs, you can get a person of any complexion very comfortable. No less pleasure than a thoughtful and verified by the years of the ergonomics of the workplace, you can also deliver the quality of assembly of the cabin. If the usual three has a very pleasant interior, then when you see the M3 interior, then I immediately want to say to an excellent degree: any part, whether it is a door handle or ventilation deflectors, are made so well that the owners of other hand assembly cars will envy. By the way, a very original chip: when the overall lights are turned on, the switching scheme is light up on the gearbox lever. The sense of this is not enough, but very beautiful. The multifunctional display, installed in the very center of the console, can at the same time play the role of the TV. In one of the pictures you can see, it seems, news on the ORT channel. But you and your passenger can only enjoy this process in the parking lot: if the car is touching, the screen immediately darkens.
The current supercars are still very powerful, high -speed and extremely expensive cars. But, as in all classes, there are many changes in the world of sports cars. The once ferocious monsters, like Lamborghini, now become, oddly enough, it sounds softer and more comfortable, and sports cars created on the basis of serial models, on the contrary, are approaching the most powerful cars of the world from year to year. Here is the BMW M3 just from such a breed. Based on many details from an ordinary, serial model, it is precisely for this reason that has many advantages over all supercars of the world. Of course, there are a large number of cars, which are also exceeded in dynamics and in maximum speed, but not one of them is officially delivered to Belarus. Yes, yes, despite all your talents, the M3 remains the same BMW, which means that you can buy it from any official dealer of the concern.
Pavel Kozlovsky

Source: "Avtogazeta"

Test drives BMW M3 compartment E46 2000 - 2006