Test drive BMW 7 series F01-02 Restyling since 2012 sedan

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In order to immediately arrange all the points over the abyss separating my wealth from the need to weave some kind of technical literature here, to immediately get rid of the thought of it, and therefore, to be affected by the annoying reader-functional, I will tell you: the directed Mercedes presented by Mercedes BMW 760 LI leaves no chance from starting to refueling. A demonstration of his power with an initially complete tank will take no more than two and a half hours, and all comparative test can be carried out in the first 4.8 s. During this time, Merin gains the first hundred. And the further, the greater the gap, reaching the size of the abyss to the mark, where the speedometer arrow does not move anywhere else. That's all love. You can read more.
With a parallel start to the driver, the seven hundred sixth BMW can only occur to the words from the song to the movie Mercedes leaves the chase: why is everything wrong as always .... And what is wrong? Two representative sedans in top versions, two in 12 cylinders, two flagships from two implacable competitors ... But Mercedes breaks away from BMW not meters, but in whole buildings.
These are realities. Yes, Bimer is no longer the same that before, those who finally accumulated on the 320th tuning in the transitional body: what are the goats! Yes, now Merin will now be deformed Maybach will say the cultivated owners of the Dubl-Yu 124th and turn into a fist: Nishtyak!. Yes, the same forest, the same air and the same water ... Only the chances are not the same. Only five and a half liters of the new six -hundredth is a voluminous basis, over which a new ideological superstructure towers two low -pressure turbines. The BMW presented has only a six -liter basis. There is no superstructure. Naturally, the atmospheric motor is inferior physically. But BMW takes, if not a superstructure over the V12, then the chassis settings as soon as the straight road ends. That's something, but no chief designer can influence this.
I doubt that someone will send 760 LI in sliding at speed for 140 BMW contracts with James Bond. I also doubt that this will happen with Mercedes. I am not ready to give advice to people who have bought such cars. But still I note that Mercedes on turns with such speeds is not very good. ESP suffocating the dynamics of action is constantly triggered on the selection. And if you turn off this electronic censor of driver's errors, it is better to warn everyone who goes next to stay away. Or write like on Ikaruses: a drift of three meters. And even at all ... But still it should be borne in mind that for this Mercedes, and for BMW the most rational will be such a movement mode in which Gelandvagena and Lendcrises of accompaniment of no more than a hundred on the stabilization turned on will keep up with them. These are realities.
You can turn on/off ESP on a Mercedes according to a simple scheme of a person-button, that is, in a fraction of a second. The same thing in BMW with DSC can be done only according to the scheme of the gujistik-explorer-joy-joystik-substitution-turn-confirmation. Not in Ka-ki-th. (So \u200b\u200bit’s not in vain, but on the contrary, the Bavarians very humanely let go of the successful superman of the agent 007. While he would twist the joystick on the BMW 7, he would have been killed. But not now, but even earlier). But this is all, I repeat, happens with cars behind the line of real drive and common sense. Just a stream of dope passing through their intellectual automatic boxes allows.
If you are used to separating the world strictly in half by property, starting with the Beeline/MTS level, then Mac/PC, and so on, then, having reached perfection in matters of the market, you will most likely differ on the basis of BMW/Mercedes. This will be especially noticeable in heavyweight: S-class/7th series. Like your own, foe. Two incompatible systems, two religions, two methods of circumcision. Recall the owners of recent S-classes and the 7th series. The first traditionally behind, passengers. The second with pleasure driving. The hierarchical equality between them was observed only due to the fact that they drove on different cars. Now, as it turns out, the opposite is true: 760 Li is an ideal car for the rear passenger, and the S600 ... I wanted to write a driver, but I changed my mind and wrote a dragster. About this in order.
Perhaps, for the first time, the back of the back of the BMW salon is treated as proper. Prior to this, the process of pedaling and steering attracted all the attention, and the rear sofa somehow looked more examined through an intra-junction mirror. So cross? (The door is helpful, and we are transplanted back. Approx. Auth.). Cool leather cabinet. Cool materials, fashionable designs. A completely autonomous air conditioner, a refrigerator in the back of the seats (I called it a chill on the skin, and there is no way to stick skiing from the trunk into the interior of the ski, that is, the activati \u200b\u200bis already excluded), a folding telemonist with a diagonal of 6.5 inches and a huge legs space. Huge means as much as 14 cm more than in a simple seven (that is, even if you put on exclusive handmade boots, but 5 6 sizes, you still won’t get away). There is no pseudo -Aristocratic vulgarity, Cand forces and vignettes of false essence in BMW. Only standard security belts for all cars look cheap. If the sofa is four -seater in size, double -seater, then in fact multifunctional: individual electroregies of a wide profile, heating and ventilation for each chair. But the most cool there, behind, is the joystick on the armrest, the same as the front of the driver, but the pseudo-ine, not responsible for the sled functions, but only for sociability and entertainment. To control the monitor-navigation-telephony-san-TV-DVD. Playing them along the way (all things are done in the car), the client can go through the course of the young ai-diver, to master, so to speak, intuitively understand, ascend to a new level of technical development, expand the horizons of thinking ... After all, we still have many officials With old thinking what to hide. In this regard, it should be noted that the joystick management is much more effective than administrative, with scrotilla numbers. In general, now in the place of the driver, where the real IDRive is spinning with its 720 functions under the aluminum button, you can’t drag me strength. We are sitting or recessing behind and morally prepare ourselves, we will ripen to Rolls-Royce.
The six -hundredth biturbo is also not basting. Needless to say. Threads and skin are all of the highest grade. Equipping the rear VIP-based traditionally for Mercedes-Orthodoxs. Orthodox unshakable comfort. Everything is the same as I have been stuffed in BMW. No, however, Ai-Drive (why?). And also the curtains on the rear side windows of the Mercedes are lifted manually (on the BMW electric drive). BMW also wins in megapixic resolution of the LCD monitors when they are working in TV mode. Cinema is the most important of the arts in the new seven. On Mercedes, the picture is inhibited one and a half times. The sound comes and spreads much faster. That is, she had already uttered the words super-protection and comfort, but she hadn’t wetted yet, he had already sang oooh, but he had not yet opened his mouth. BMW represents a complete synchron.
But in front ... Mercedes drives the perfect ergonomics. If the BMW management, as they themselves declare, is built on a new intuitive method, then Mercedes is physiologically approaching the same issue. Here intuition is not needed when all organs are already clear. In short, there are five hundred rectilinearly controlled horsepower, dispersing this comfortable liner-sedan for 4.8 s to a hundred. What can the rear passenger feel? Pressing in a chair? Cardiopalmus? Fading? To McDonald's all over the cabin? Does he need it? But the driver, sticking to the back, will revel in the power and dynamics of the car, this incomparable roar with a whistle. In general, the dude will fall into Nirvana, will enjoy the wheel and pedals. And therefore, the S600 Biturbo is a car on the driver, for the owner of the driver. So that he, as if nothing had happened, on Friday after the service he could tell the driver: Vasily, not to the service, but to friendship, take my AMG to my village, and leave me six hundred for the weekend. And do not be offended.
Of the innovations in the S-class, another PRE-SAFE security system should be noted. This is a preventive measure of protection, which for the millisecond recognizes the possibility of a collision (in fact, it constantly believes that the car is about to smile into something especially when it is sharply inhibited or starts to go with a yuz with the ESP turned off), and takes measures to tighten the seat belt, The chairs are squeezed by passengers on the sides, the hatch in the roof is lifted.
Now imagine an accident. He sits shell -shocked, pulled off with a belt, pulled by a chair, and the hatch is lifted. A cigarette smokes in her mouth there a trickered pillow was clogged. The Germans say that you can get out anyway. Their surgery has always been well set. Especially field. The system had to be tested on himself, falling on a Merce into a deep skid. While I was bursting with an emotion of free sliding (ESP was turned off), a belt with a chair quickly flattened me in the dimensions, and the hatch above the head made a bite like a lightning in a fly! Then, however, everything released.
In general, the need to take both cars to the fenced racing track was dictated only by the desire to protect other participants in the movement, who insured their responsibility for mandatory four thousand dollars, which should be enough to replace bumper, plastic and dazzling glasses. And so, as many as 360 thousand euros drive themselves whole in the runway and do not touch anyone. Have you already made your choice? Good. Then you will share in this world already on the basis of Maibah/Rolls, but only according to the quoted coupons and in the order of a live queue. (And they also say that at the interview of future Maybach customers they ask to read something from Paderin/Ushanova). You can read more.
It is important, of course, to note about the image. About Yin and Yang. Recall the previous S-class and 7th episode. These are fundamental things in the image of the country. They were nesting dolls, posters, fraternal hydroelectric power stations and other real estate. Unimaginated W140 Sixth suitcase is just a continuous, Eden plot for folklore. Semer looked sexier and therefore less convincing. The country needed brutality in the form of a suitcase and with two more Gelandvagen on the tail. After all, the G-class in the back bumper is just a thriller. Game!
We rush further! Change of ten, one hundred and millennia. The change of generations of fundamental things turned into a change in their orientations. Yin became Janom, and Jan Inem. Now the Mercedes W220 is too elegant and too sexy, like some Pininfarina, and BMW 7 bruttalls, like a hammer. This guarantees freedom of choice. Pininfarina is already kitchens, soon every turkey in the house will have a Pinfarin. Why so much sex, especially at the highest level? And in this understanding we find the support of BMW Banlo chief designer. He is unfamiliar, as you can see, with the concept of grace, but it seems damn well the hammer owns the seven so tightly! A massive of metal, several strokes-dumps, chrome accents and a thin layer of rubber on huge wheels. Hammer, you are a Bangle! ... I went to this recognition for two years. And the reference point, if you remember, was a disgust. Now I see, you have corrected.
I do not know what else can be done to prove that both cars are more beautiful than the previous two. Да и какая, собственно, разница на каком седане Mercedes или BMW подъезжать к своему офису, если там уже припаркована пара Газелей Генеральной прокуратуры? All the best.
P.S. Мне только что предложили двести долларов, чтобы вместо Газелей я вписал VW Phaeton. Новый брэнд ищет новых клиентов.
Британский индпошив
At first we wanted to compare three cars by setting the English duke on the German barons. At first glance, Bentley is a worthy competitor: the engine is more than six liters, the length is more than five meters, the price of more than a four -room apartment in a decent metropolitan area. But upon closer examination, it turned out: Bentley Arnage T with the coolest BMW and Mercedes-Benz only black body color. And not because he is one more expensive than our rivals, combined. Not because its motor has fewer cylinders, although there are more liters than any of them. Not because even a short Arnage is half a meter longer BMW 760LI (and there is also Arnage RL with an elongated base). And not even because he is the brother of the deceased Rolls-Royce of the DobuemVeb Era, the king of cars and the car of the kings. Although all this has a place to be. The main difference is that with all its bells and whistles, German auto products are conveyor, massive, then, as a Briton of pure exclusive water. Instead of inanimate manipulators, he was collected by warm human pens. Each stitch on his skin is laid by specific antiquity John, and each nut is screwed by Bill, old -time no less specific. Therefore, Bentley clearly gives old people. Although the company is very proud of electronics with sixty -six microprocessors. But the traditions and real metal in it are still more stainless dashboard, levers, toggle switches, and the cast hemispheres of ventilation deflectors. Antique rear sofa. Even in the unexpectedly loud grumbling of the motor, nostalgic notes are heard. It is loud as if because a huge Bentley car for the driver: this is a reminder. The hood, with a length with an airfield runway, is also visible only from behind the steering wheel. And Arnage rides like a racing steam locomotive. Carry. Weight. Even the rails seem to be felt. In general, a collection thing. Shard of the empire, on the move. With a guarantee, keep, God, their queen ...
Text Ivan Paderin photo Alexander Nozdrin


Source: Cars

Test drives BMW 7 series F01-02 Restyling since 2012