Test drive BMW 6 series of coupe since 2011 compartment

Everything's under control

The BMW 645 created on the basis of the five has become one step more old: if earlier under its hood there was a 4.4-liter V8 from the platform donor, now in its place was a 4.8-liter engine familiar to us in the seventh series.

The new motor did not affect the interior or exterior, except that the three -digit number on the trunk lid became five units. Otherwise, this is the same chic and aggressive predator with huge wheels, doors without frames and claims to superiority in the very created niche.


And why did I get excited, as before the first date? Nervousness and lightweight in front of a powerful rear -wheel drive compartment did not leave me until the boarding. It seems that there is nothing to worry: the six is \u200b\u200bcompletely in the grip of active security systems, dynamic stabilization and other know-how of the 21st century. But BMW is beyond the power of canceling the laws of physics: to smooth out, sketch, adapt for an inexperienced driver is in Bavarz. But there is also a unique tool for calling the hormone of happiness.


It was worth getting behind the wheel, which had recently terrorized my fears and excitement disappeared instantly. He adjusted the seat for himself, put up the steering wheel, looked around. Here is the first difference: to start or drown out the BMW 645, you need to turn the key, and 650 comes to life in sporting pressing the button. I fasten, translate the machine gun selector into Drive mode and release the brake. Here is one more difference: on the forty -fifth, the speedometer is duplicated by a virtual display projecting the image on the windshield. There is no such display on the fiftieth, but the navigation system has been added to the basic equipment.


The dynamic characteristics of the six is \u200b\u200bthe reason for the release of the first wave of positive emotions. The car shoots from the place, not touching. True, the six -speed machine, which stood on our car, does not make the compartment more civilian. BMW willingly adapts to the desire and mood of the driver, switching in a timely manner or, conversely, hanging in the selected gear. And it is worth turning on the Sport mode, as the gas pedal reactions will become more acute, and the gear shifts will take even less time. The voice of the exhaust system leaves no doubt: it is fascinating, ordering to press more on the right pedal. And he has no desire to resist.


BMW holds the trajectory perfectly. It seems that the compartment is about to bring, but then the system of dynamic stabilization intervenes. For a moment, she allows a skid, tickling the nerves of the driver and passengers, and then brakes and strokes the right wheels. And you need to get used to the work of the brake system: the brake amplifier helps the driver put pressure on the pedal, trying to guess his intentions. Need a partial speed reset? Or a complete stop? Electronics itself recognizes this by the intensity and depth of pressing on the left pedal.

Prices for BMW 6-Series start at 90,400 euros. You can purchase a car with a 4.8-liter engine for 107 100 euros. The standard package of the compartment includes 8 airbags, the Servotronic electro -hydraulic amplifier, a traumatic steering steering column, an on -board computer, a tire damage indicator, bixenon headlights, a central castle with an electronic anti -theft system and a rain sensor.
BMW controllability is another reason for upbringing. The Active Steering mechanism changes the gear ratio and reactive force depending on the pace of movement. Amazing: at minimal speeds, the steering wheel is sharp and almost devoid of feedback, and on the highway it becomes tight and loses it. It is also pleased that the execution of maneuvers does not require tearing off the interception. The six is \u200b\u200bgoing smoothly even, it seems, softly. In a calm mode (prescribed by the rules of movement), the compartment has the habits of the sedan: shocks and jerks are alien to it, and he does not notice the flaws of the roadway at all. But it is worth adding the speed and nature of the sports compartment to manifest itself. The BMW turns are practically devoid of rolls (the Dynamic Drive system is responsible for this, twisting reptile stabilizers).


The BMW of the 6th series brings its arguments to disputes about how the abundance of electronics affects the behavior of a sports compartment. Dynamic Drive, DSC, DTC and Active Steering systems are under control even when the driver cannot control the situation.


The car was provided for the Axel Motors test for the BMW official dealer

Text: Alexander Sigalo
Photo: Roman Ostanin


Source: Wheel magazine [No. 103/2006]