Test drive BMW 1 E87 2004 - 2007 hatchback
Raise me with your ears
BMW works in the BMW named Gerhard Tom. He is a sound engineer. As Mohammed Ali said: such a profession. The grass grows, birds fly, waves wash sand, I beat people. The profession of volumes is to put the right sound to Boumers. With primitive skills of garage diagnosticians, it has little in common. The Bavarian rumor on revision, rustle and violins evaluates the qualities of a new car. And, if necessary, corrects these qualities. It turns out such an audio-test drive, when to hear a hundred times-more informative than once to see. Armed with the Toma methodology, I got behind the wheel of BMW 118i and launched my ears.The first minutes are the most deceptive. Even if the eye has not yet been blurred, and the auricle is not buried ... in a word, it is clean from sulfur. But the risk of overdoing and catching some extraneous sounds is likely. At first, at first I attributed the scenes of the starter. Something was heard in him a native, Zhigulevskoye. And let it dissolve almost immediately in a rhinomatic rhubarp. But it seemed to me that in a sports Bavarian one with a formidable red button, the start of the motor should start without this, even a second Zzh-ZZH.
But the engine itself in idle and working modes makes an academic sound. This is a bapto and this Fort at the transitions from transmission to transmission is inherent only to BMW. Believe it or not, but I, putting a mobile phone under the hood, recorded the reversal of the motor with a ringtone. And he let his friends listen. 9 out of 10 listeners, not touched by a bear, easily guessed the BMW voice.
According to Tom’s theory, BMW has all the sounds of special. Whether it is the soft rustle of the janitors, the even rumble of the descending glasses or a strong smack of the closing door. May be. But I am inclined to think that these are the healthy sounds of a new car, which are appraised by it. As for a young athlete, it is naturally cheerful to spank with strong feet, and not to creak in the vegetable menisci, as well as for a boomer with 12 thousand on the odometer, it is naturally energetically knocking on rails and pits, and not rumble a shaken suspension to the owner’s upset.
In some ways, in my opinion, the BMW 118i is too energetic. Try to configure the seat in height and you will understand what I mean. Mechanical adjustment. And if you rely on the chair with all your muscular firmament, then with the help of a lever you can only sink. On the floor. There are no intermediate positions. Returning to the starting position, continuing to rely on the fifth point on the chair, will not work. You will have to stand up at least. At the maximum - get out of the car. And so you go out, pull the lever, and only then the chair, loudly croaking, jumps up. It would be necessary to notice Tom that this PA with KVA is not the most successful. And let him return the click of the turn signal.
Like any Russian driver who uses a seat belt as often as suspenders, I hastily ranked an annoying reminder to the annoying and incorrect sounds. What is curious: electronics are warning only to people of a certain weight category. In any case, on my passenger with a live weight of a little more than 50 kg, she did not squeak until the passenger knelt down and thereby increased the load. Another audio paradox is associated with the nasty - as if the tenor gave a rooster - a sob about the drainage of the gas tank. It duplicates on the instrument shield by the image of a column with a hose. Strange, but the car began to worry about a lack of gasoline, when it remained at 50, then on 60, or even 88 km of the way.
Frankly, it’s difficult to capture sounds emanating from the car, instead of jamming them according to a more familiar methodology, cutting more and more than the radio and giggling over the jokes of our inimitable editor -in -chief, for example. But a puncture came out with jokes. Almost in the spirit of Fomenko with his joke, where is the rear windshield? I found glass quickly. But for a week I could not find on a regular and appearance of a simple BMW Business CD radio, listening mode, allowing you to quickly jump from one wave to another without risk to choke in the verbal stream of some DJ or commentator. By the way, there are no complaints about the stream of the radio: it is moderately thunder with basses and vibrates with speakers without senile grumbling. I pressed buttons with arrows, forcing the radio to rotate in a circle to the right or left. But instead of stumbling about every FM rich range, in which even a sexual segment of frequencies from 90 to a hundred is now plugged, the receiver slowed down at several selected stops. It was possible to get it out of this loyal trance only by a random pumpkin into the TR button. And before that, one megagerte had to flip air in manual mode.
I foresee the wise remark that the enlightenment of the spirit and the operating guide can give a lot of wonderful discoveries. But even from the Talmud laid out in the glove compartment of each car, it is difficult to understand how to turn off the DSC (if there is simply no special buttons for this in the cabin), for example. To listen to how the target stability system is scraped with a poker, sometimes pleasantly, I do not argue. But sometimes I want to frolic, and DSC is a hindrance to that. So, I share: DSC is turned off after a long press on the button of another system - adjusting the DTC traction. I also came to this innermost knowledge thanks to what was developed on constant poking what a feeling of touching. It for a test drive turned out to be no less important than the ability to hear.
Text Khasan Ganiev photo Alexander Antonov
BMW 118i
Gasoline engine, 4 cylinders, ahead
Working volume (cubic cub) 1995
Power (L.S. at rpm) 129 at 5750
Moment (nm at rpm) 180 at 3250
Length/width/height (mm) 4225/1750/1430
Fuel consumption (highway/city/average) 6.1/10.7/7.8
Acceleration to 100 km/h (c) 10.1
MAX. Speed \u200b\u200b(km/h) 204
Costs (06/20/06-18.07.06. Mileage 2100 km)
Total mileage 12,540 km
Gasoline 7200 rub.
Moika 700 rub.
Parking (night) 3800 rub.
Fulfillment (speed excess) 600 rubles.
A source: "Autopilot"
Test drives BMW 1 E87 2004 - 2007
Crash test BMW 1 E87 2004 - 2007
Krassh Test: Detailed Information33%
Driver and passengers