Test drive Audi TT compartment 1998 - 2006 compartment

TT with a muffler

Audi compartment, or a combination of not combined
Externally - a shell. A bullet seasoned with gunpowder, ready to shoot at any time. Hollywood beauty who has passed the Ninja School. It may seem that everything, especially having a four -wheel drive and a powerful motor. Rides quickly. Very fast. But I probably don't want her
Praise to the designer
The new generation of Audi TT looks amazing. This is not a private opinion, but something like a diagnosis made by motorists and pedestrians, young people with burning eyes and the steppe grandmothers, who, when looking at this car, wanted to throw away about fifty years. For the test weekend, I have never been able to hear a single remark in relation to TT, only enthusiastic grades. I stop for shooting, and right there, wherever you get, whole groups of people with cameras or mobile phones - click, click
After Audi invited Walter and Silva from Alfa Romeo, the German brand began to issue bright, emotional and really beautiful products. The branded grille of the radiator is huge, like a mouth of a shark - as if ready to rush to anyone who does not stand her path. A rounded silhouette in profile is a tribute to the previous TT, which the British called the most beautiful and always young a couple of years ago. Feed-with elegant transparent lanterns, from under which the rectangles of the overall lights and feet of the signals luminous red are visible red.
Tested to a millimeter - this is what the second generation Audi TT is. And at the same time, the body became more. The length increased by 137 mm, the width of 78, and the height grew by 6 mm. Moreover, the most remarkable - the mass decreased by 100 kg. Just almost 70% of body parts are now made of aluminum, which guarantees their durability even in our climate. But the bends of the body remained painfully acquaintances, which, nevertheless, allowed to reduce the wind resistance coefficient to 0.3 and significantly reduce the lifting force. At least, so the creators say. Indeed, in order not to step on the same rake as with the first generation TT, the spoiler was even implanted in the stern. It is not visible until the speed is below 120 km/h, then the electric motor will put forward the spoiler on its own. By the way, this can be done manually - there is a special button in the cabin.
Sporty style
I sit on a driver’s place - with ease that I had not noticed before, landing/landing has become much more convenient. No need to bend into three deaths, for which you should say thanks to the grown dimensions of the new items. I close the door but what kind of sound!? Empty, loud, as if the used canning bank fell on the asphalt. The self -respecting manufacturer does not allow such mistakes now. But I won’t be too strict - maybe aluminum is so difficult to process that it is impossible to achieve a normal sound?
In any case, it became better inside - noticeably more spacious, because the width at the shoulder level increased by 3 cm, and the ceiling does not put pressure on his eyes. Although there is still no space behind, TT is still a double car. The seats are comfortable and are endowed with a wide set of all possible adjustments. Side support at the level, and the steering column, as it should be in a German car, moves not only up/down, but also horizontally.
The quality of the finishing materials in which genuine leather and real aluminum prevails at the highest level, as well as the adjustment of all parts. And what is the flattened in the lower part of the steering wheel - like in a real racing car? However, will it be convenient to twist it? We will check on the go, but for now we note the excellent ergonomics and a pleasant sports style, which is clearly traced in the interior. The instrument shield with two ovals - a tachometer and a speedometer, immediately a small screen of the on -board computer, as well as the temperature indicators of the power unit and the fuel supply. The sports spirit is facilitated not only by round ventilation deflectors, but also by the central console deployed to the driver. It has an audio system Bose with a very good sound and an original microclimate control unit in the cabin. But quite descriptions - it's time to check the novelty on the go.
A set of contradictions
The test has the most powerful version of the TT with a 6-cylinder engine today, which with a volume of 3.2 liters develops 250 hp. maximum power. True, an aggregated motor with a 6-speed automatic transmission, but this is unlikely to hide its potential. After all, the box is, in fact, a well -known sectral DSG. The first acceleration showed - there is nothing to fear. With a sharp press on the accelerator, the back instantly stuck to the seat, the TT shot, as if I had clicked not on the pedal, but on the trigger. Moreover, as soon as the tachometer arrow passed 3000 rpm, the salon was filled with the bass sound of the exhaust system, from which a pleasant trembling ran through the body.
I did not have time to look around, and the speedometer arrow has already passed a mark of 100 km/h. A automatic transmission transfers are switched quickly, although when moving down the delay is still noticeable. On the other hand, you can manually with a lever or with the help of petals on the back of the steering wheel.
Naturally, there can be no question of any slipping, since the 6-cylinder TT modification is proposed exclusively with the all-wheel drive transmission of QUATTRO. However, it is constructively different from what is installed, say, on A4 or A6. For the distribution of torque between the axes in this case, not a mechanical differential of the Torsen type, but a multi -disc sleigh Haldex, located at the rear gearbox. Under normal conditions, about 15% of the power is directed back, but, depending on the situation, the coupling can be blocked or opened, directing most of the moment to the wheels that have the best adhesion to the roadbed. Such a quattro works, of course, in cooperation with the ESP electronic stabilization system, which, incidentally, allows some driver's pranks. On the go, this means very friendly and pleasant, not without a spark, behavior.
So, at the entrance to the turn of TT, the nose is slightly turning slightly, and exactly when it begins to seem that demolition was about to come, the coupling sends back more than the moment, and the body obediently dies the turn. If the speed is too high, then the car will begin to slide in all four wheels out of turn, and in response to the margin of the steering wheel or an increase in gas supply, it smoothly goes into the skid. But it is smoothly, which is the whole charm. No sharp breakdowns and predicted, reliable reactions. The same can be said about the brakes of the car that inspire confidence at any speed. But alas, on this charms of TT end.
The first thing that was not pleased was the steering. The steering wheel is light at any speed, and the position only partially corrects tangible feedback. However, a clear lack of reactive effort and three turns from edge to edge - it frankly upset. Who will like such settings? Well, of course, I guess
Moreover, when moving on a straight line, TT has too wide zero. In other words, the deviation of the steering wheel within 5-7 degrees does not lead to any reaction-bad, very bad. Moreover, at high speeds, the car begins to walk around the row, how much drunk in the village. However, if under the wheels there are perfectly even asphalt, perhaps everything will be wrong. I don’t know, but on our roads the TT is scouring. In addition, the same flatness of the steering wheel in the lower part with active steering interferes with quickly intercepting the steering wheel. After all, it is one thing when such things are used in racing cars, where there is only one revolution from the edge to the edge, or even half a turn. And quite another when you come across this on an ordinary car. Unknown.
You are even more upset when you understand - with smoothness of the course of Audi TT, just trouble. A tooth -free suspension is, of course, good, but even better if she knew how to even extinguish the fluctuations of the body. On the waves of asphalt often found in Russian conditions, the body begins to simply goat. In general, every day to experience such sensations, it already smacks of masochism
Instead of a resume
As a result, a strange picture is obtained: a perfectly tuned all -wheel drive and a very hot motor - on its own, a light uncomfortable steering wheel - separately, oak suspension - not at all in the subject. As a result, it turns out that the new generation of TT is faster, but clearly not sports. As if a huge muffler has been dressed on a good gun, and now you can’t aim from it to get into the apple.
But you can without fear of offering this car for girls, although they hardly like comfort. However, the company's marketers hope that the demand for TT will grow by at least 20%. Time will tell. And it remained for me to say that the starting price of Audi TT with a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine, front-wheel drive and a mechanical KP is $ 56,994. The version with V6 and the drive for all wheels will cost at least $ 69,665, and the modification with a machine gun will be modified He will pull on $ 72 316. Moreover, it should be noted that from January 1, 2007 the price will rise by 1%, as well as all other Audi models.
Test: Andrey Osipov

Source: Newspaper "Automobile Izvestia" [No. 22 (111), 2006]

Video Crash tests Audi TT compartment 1998 - 2006

Audi TT TT POM TT CUP 1998 - 2006

Crash test Audi TT compartment 1998 - 2006

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