Audi R8 V10 test drive since 2008 compartment

Audi R8 5.2 V10 Test drive: adrenaline nirvana

The test drive of the car was carried out at the end of last year, but, I admit, so that the emotions that he called were subsided, it took time. And it is impressive in the R8 not even the dynamics of acceleration to the first hundred, but acceleration to the maximum speed. The speedometer arrow lies at the mark of 316 km/h. Prior to this, the V10 motor stings a supercar forward in each gear, stating that there is still where!.

Without ornate praises and outright flatters, I can say that the Audi R8 is a great car. Its splendor lies in its accessibility (this is not about the price). At any speed, in any situation, it is not scary to control this supercar. He is predictable. He is comfortable. He is simple in management. He obey the steering wheel, confidently accelerates and slows down. And he does all this accurately and quickly. No wonder Audi R8 is called a supercar for everyone.

The updated supercar R8 is much different from its 4.2-liter counterpart. A favorable feature of the updated model was the lubricant system with a dry carder. Thanks to her, Audi engineers managed to reduce the center of gravity of the V-shaped engine. The axes is close to the ideal for the average engineer sportsmen 44 by 56.

In the Audi R8 database has 8-piston calipers in front and 4-piston from behind. The diameter of the ventilated brake discs is 380 mm in front and 356 behind. Optionally, ceramic brakes with discs made of composite material consisting of carbon fiber and silicon carbide can be installed. Such discs are especially resistant to wear. Their resource is almost 300 thousand kilometers.

From the first minute, the R8 salon bribes its friendliness. Who at least once sat in the salon of modern Audi will immediately recognize the hereditary features in the interior of the German supercar. All controls are concentrated around the driver. The speedometer and tachometer in the R8 are drowned into deep wells, which helps to save the nerves to the passenger.

Accelerating to the first hundred, R8 spreads the asphalt and spreads oncoming air flows. Each gear shift is felt with the whole body. And this is the trouble with a robotic checkpoint installed on the Audi supercar. If the motor has changed and became more powerful, then the robot remained the same. In manual mode of operation of the gearbox, tremors in the back become less tangible, but the driver has to strain significantly more. By and large, the main minus of the 4.2-liter version (gearbox), Audi did not correct.

This was confirmed by the invited to the car from the point of view of a professional racer Oleg Keselman: now everything is fine with power. And with the robot (as in the R8 4.2 V8 FSI), everything is just as bad. You can watch the full interview and Audi R8 live on the video.

Compared to other cars of this class, R8 can be called the most civilian supercar. It is relatively economical. In calm mode, fuel consumption can be reduced to 15-16 l/100 km. He gently practices the potholes of Russian roads. It is better adapted for daily use and requires less concentration from the driver. However, do not forget about its outstanding characteristics and relax at the wheel. No matter how technologically the car is, the safety of movement still depends on the driver.

Author: Arkady Florinsky, leading observer


Source: Business car club

Video test drives Audi R8 V10 since 2008