Test drive Audi Q7 2006 - 2009 SUV

Long road to the glacier

The Kwattro driver’s driver’s skill organized a mileage in the Scandinavian countries from the Russian capital to Norwegian Fiords. Vladimir Arkush shares the driver’s and tourist impressions.
Audi Q7
It has been produced since the fall of 2005.
Engines: gasoline 4.2 l (350 hp), diesel 3.0; 4.2 and 5 liters (233, 326 and 500 hp). In Russia, they are sold only with a gasoline engine and a 3-liter diesel engine.
Gearbox: 6-speed automatic.
Configurations: individual.
Price: about 140 thousand dollars.
To tell the truth, royal cars were never my passion when I suddenly ended up in the journalistic crew of such an Audi-Q7 car. And not for half a day for a whole week! I will not intrigue readers to get to the most beautiful corners of the north of Europe, huge power and all -wheel drive (not to mention the courageous appearance of the car) are not at all required. The choice of cars such as Audi-Q7 and A6 OLRUD, rather indicated the property position of a person who was ready to wave for his blood to where the liter of the 95th is in terms of 52 rubles (we note in the oil producing, like ours, the country!).
And the liters of these Ku-sech demanded nearly 13 (more precisely, 12.8) for every hundred kilometers in Norwegian land with its humiliating, even for the European, speed restriction: 80 km/h! Nevertheless, it is better to endure this humiliation than to pay the Dragon fine, which, not even an hour, will turn into a refusal for you during the next attempt to get a Schengen visa. Understand correctly: we do not intimidate, but we consider it a duty to warn ...
The route proposed to us pampered with a variety of impressions, without demanding from either drivers or cars of some outstanding qualities. Non -sparkled, but not overloaded highways in Finland and Sweden were replaced by a serene high of the sea crossing on the ferry of Silia Symphony. But the Norwegian roads made him concentrate. In addition to compliance with the prescribed speed, I had to go through the oncoming manner with the oncoming ones; However, we were more than once inferior to either single cars, then bulky camps, especially when the mighty audi walked in a column ... Numerous tunnels and short crossings on ferries through fords brought a considerable variety. True, many tunnels (especially at the beginning of our path) were lit quite weakly, others surprised the spinning of the trajectory. I had to go through the longest car tunnel in Europe 24.5 kilometers! Having spent almost half an hour underground, they were convinced: claustrophobia is not just a chic word, but a very real and very unpleasant feeling.
However, such minutes of brief, all the rest of the time, we tiredly admired the beauty of northern nature. It was possible to capture only a small part of what they saw. Countless waterfalls flow from great heights; The rivers are now serenely calm, then rumble through the rolls, and at the tops of the rocks that densely overgrown with forest, snow sparkles ... And finally, the real pearl of the tourist program Glacier Yostedalsbra!
But we are not just tourists, but the guests of the Jack of Driving School. In Norway, we were waiting for the Momarken rally-cross highway; Having made a couple of introductory circles, everyone was able to try strength at the autrod, where asphalt areas are replaced by tightly rolled gravel, where there are springboard and cunning excesses. And for a sweet still a couple of circles on the right seat with Evgeny Vasin himself at the wheel!
As for our vehicle, the Q7 crossover in different modifications is repeatedly represented by readers. So, I have more space for subjective assessments. I liked the car in what buyers value in all audi: a thought-out workplace, logical control of on-board electronics, excellent climate control, clear instrument schedules, live picture on the monitor, and solid interior decoration. However, we dealt with the largest of all Audi, although it is more honest to call it the most bulky.
I hope that those who became the owner of the most, quickly adopted to step on the bandwagon at the entrance and exit and, more importantly, tilt their heads. It is more difficult to guess the position of the front wheels, maneuvering at the intersection confuses a high hood. And adding oil to the crankcase (yes, this will have to be done between planned then), he splashed on the engine and the branded neck of the canister did not help. All because of the same heroic height. The video camera of the rear view is an invaluable pilot. But even in her picture, it was not possible to get out of the cramped courtyard in one appointment, where we entered, as they say, without a second thought. (Where are they, spacious yards? Already not in Moscow ...)
Assessing the riding qualities of the gigantic chariot, it is better to throw out the number 7.4 from the head in so many seconds Q7 exchange the first hundred. Another thing is much more important: the equipped mass of a seven -seater car is almost 2.5 tons (according to measurements of the ZR). Funny: less than 10 percent of this value ... Ask what I clung to it? Yes, because you can’t deceive nature: competing in renunciation with sportsmen, a heavy machine sometimes gets around with sledges rather unceremoniously. This is noticeable during touching, and in braking, and, of course, when overtaking, when your body deviates limp back and right.
The cool disposition of the machine especially strains passengers of the second row; As for the seats in the third, they are certainly not for the long road. Yes, and the basso fish of the 350-horsepower engine (it is also juicy, thoroughbred, etc.) is pleasant only at first. But after a dozen overtaking, inevitable along the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow, this sound, seasoned with rumble of tires, begins to put pressure on the ears. Where more delicate the famous acoustics are Bose ...
With regard to a passenger car with a 100-liter tank, the concept of economy also looks ambiguous. On the one hand, even with a torn pace of driving along the highway, the consumption remains in acceptable for such a colossus for about 16 l/100 km. On the other hand, refueling a thousand rubles means filling out the regular container only half of course, the diesel here is clearly more appropriate than the complexity of the device and, for demand for fuel, it is unlikely to exceed the gasoline FSI eight with direct injection.
Be that as it may, Audi-Q7 coped with the task once again to demonstrate the superiority of the German brand. And even if I personally have some doubts, I am grateful to the car, which I visited the reserved corner of Europe, and the people who introduced us.
The basics of off -road
Gennady Emelkin
The Kwattro school, having accumulated rich experience in the preparation of drivers on all -wheel drive audi, expands its program. The new course under the guidance of Honored Master of Sports Yevgeny Vasin is dedicated to the features of the Audi-Q7 crossover management. Classes are held in the picturesque corners of Karelia. The course is designed for four days, of which two days of arrival and departure do not count. But the remaining are painted in minutes.
... We reached the career. A track with steep climbs, bridges, mud baths is ready to accept the first participants. Half of them remains with cars, the rest are dressed in overalls and go to a neighboring quarry on quadricies. Quadrik will allow you to feel the features of control on the sand, master overcoming steep rise, evaluate the behavior of the machine in the rear and all-wheel drive options. It is stable, but does not forgive carelessness and, in which case, can buck up like an unprotected horse, and throw off the rider.
Meanwhile, another group, carefully listening to the Master’s instructions, learns to overcome the obstacle in the form of logs laid after another. Cars also climb into large cubes that cause diagonal hanging of the wheels. The first impressions of the capabilities of cars have been obtained can go to the combined area. Not everyone manages to immediately climb a steep long rise: ESP system slows down the masking wheel. The help of electronics in this mode needs to be abandoned. Even small slopes store many surprises, the slightest relaxation and the car buries into the sand. The log bridge through the stream is also a catch: it slightly exceeded the speed at the entrance to the protection of the motor compartment. But even when he was coming from the bridge, you need to be on the alert, or you will hit the muffler on the log. The mud bath at first glance looks insurmountable. Not every owner of the crossover, and even more so expensive as Audi-Q7, risk storming it. But the car surprisingly easily copes with the task of the UAZ on duty and was left without work.
Once in an unfamiliar area with numerous dirt paths, you risk getting lost. Therefore, in addition to driving skills, it is necessary to navigate using the GPS global positioning system. Each crew receives a receiver in which control points are spelled out. In the intervals between slow segments in the forest there is also a high -speed site. The main task is to drive it as quickly as possible without tearing a restrictive tape and without knocking down the cones.
The skills gained in the courses are an invaluable experience that will allow you to feel the car (and yourself) on the roads. The Kwattro school is ready to accept for courses and fans of other brands, because the principles of competent management are united.
Now on the ring
Vadim Nikishev
Unlike the winter cycle conducted in Karelia and in the Urals, the Summer Courses of Kvattro are devoted to contraceptive training on the asphalt. As simulators, models S4, S6 and the flagship S8 are offered. The first, recall, is equipped with an 8-cylinder engine, the return of which is 344 hp. On senior squads are ten -cylinder engines with a capacity of 430 and 480 hp. respectively. In fact, these are deformed modifications of the Lamborgin-Gallardo aggregate.
To realize the outstanding potential of engines and master the skills of managing sports audits to the cadets will have to be at a professional automotive industry in the Myachkovo near Moscow. Classes are conducted by a team of instructors under the leadership of the famous ralist, the holder of the European Cup Evgenia Vasin.
The training method is in -line: several cars equipped with radio enters the track. At the command of trainers, exercises are worked out to evaluate the controllability of the car and its behavior in critical situations. Then begins the study of the highway by sectors.
In conclusion, it is proposed to consolidate the acquired skills by connecting the already mastered areas together. All cars line up behind a pace carrier under the control of Vasin himself and storm the track, gradually increasing speed.
For those who want to evaluate the capabilities of the Audi sports line, to understand the basic principles of the asphalt manner of fast driving and sitting along the racing ring for one day on the autrod will become not only informative, but also fascinating.
Audi Q7, by force of the impression made on others, has almost no competitors.
+ Good dynamics, powerful brakes, moderate fuel consumption, rich equipment.
- Excessively sharp reactions to the driver’s teams, are harsh on bad roads.

Source: The magazine "Driving"

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