Test Drive Audi A6 Avant since 2011 Wagon

Audi A6 Quattro 18000 km

The editorial Audi held the first combat baptism: the fibrille in the fishing eldorado in the lower reaches of the Volga. But before going to a long journey - 1.2 thousand km one way, - we were forced to visit the maintenance station.
(-) Immediately, as soon as Audi fell into our hands, an unpleasant tongue was found in it. When braking, in front of the stop, the pedals arose a small pulsating vibration, accompanied by soft scubaous sounds. Moreover, it was more clearly manifested with a smooth, slow slowdown in low speed. A couple of times I even had the effect of failed brakes.
When running a car, a little more than 10 thousand km, this phenomenon seemed very strange to us, and we turned to specialists. According to the manager's reaction it seemed that he was familiar to him. Everything turned out literally after half an hour: first, the car was driven through a special stand, then they shared the lift. The front brake discs turned out to be the master, slightly registered, that is, overheat and, as a result, a little behavioral. As a result, a small disk beating. In this case, the non-hazardous, on the efficiency of braking practically does not affect, but it is unpleasant to ride, and they had to change them.
In response to the question, did 10 thousand km be a critical limit for brake discs, the specialists of the Avtospec Center suggested that this was a consequence of multiple sharp cooling after intensive braking, for example, in a pool or on a washing. What could have happened after the winter presentation test drives, during which guests and journalists chased the car at the limit of opportunities. For reference - the same problem has grown and with another Audi S8, which lives in the Kommersant garage.
(-) During the active operation (not us), fuel consumption in the city approached the critical figure - 16.8 l / 100 km. This is if you believe trip-computer information. The Audi route turned out to be less voracious and consumed an average of 11.2 liters of AI-95. It was nice until we drove into the Tambov region, where the price of ninety-fifth shone at the very first refueling - 9.5 rubles. For liter! All dreams of savings instantly evaporated.
(+) The central armrest between the front seats is great in the city - due to the fact that it is often written by the box, you can fill a healthy bump on the elbow. But on the highway it is a very useful thing - the hand does not like it in a semi-free state, and in a small glove compartment, the necessary little things are superbly placed.
(+) Four-wheel drive has proven itself from the best side. First, on the wet highway under torrential rain. Our colleagues, moving with a proud view of the BMW 750, carefully dropped the speed of up to 100 km / h, while Audi A6 Qattro clingly held for a rather slippery asphalt with all the wheels and we calmly went 150 km / h. As a result, the autopilot crew arrived in the capital by almost 2.5 hours faster.
The wagon confidently felt on the village - no one was lying on the tractor from the tractor, but to drive almost to the water itself, to the place that was put on yesterday, it was quite forces for Audi.
(+) We were able to appreciate the folding back of the rear seat. She allowed to prepare for fishing ahead and thoroughly. While our colleagues were unraveling tackle and collected spinning, leaning them from the trunk of simple sedans, we simply took an almost three meter rod through the fifth door.
(-) During all this time, Audi did not require additional cash infants - all expenses were associated only with the acquisition of gasoline. Although no, there was a rubber rug in the trunk for a long journey. I did not want to get a carpet of dirty things and fishing trophies. Standard complete set, alas, such a useful thing is not included. For the branded would have to pay about $ 100, but we completely cost Zhigulevsky for $ 15.
Text Nikolai Kachurin, Andrei Timofeev, photo Alexey Ilyin, Dmitry Novokreshchenov


Source: "Autopilot"