Test drive Audi A6 Avant 2001 - 2004 station wagon


Audi A6 Avant spurks to an active lifestyle
My Audi A6 Avant buried in the sand on a chic beach in a suburbs of the Spanish resort city of Terragon. Yes, it was not worth it to get involved in this adventure, because I am not on the SUV, however, Avant myself is to blame. Do not provoke.
In absentia, I was very skeptical of the Audi A6 Avant. In the press release, we were promised a meeting with a car that is distinguished by clarity of architecture, luxurious equipment, as well as a combination of design and dynamics. But somehow the car with the body was not believed to seem a bulky and clumsy, a kind of family truck.
However, when looking at the slender column A6 Avant, who met us at Barcelona Airport, the image of the potential owner of this car immediately changed. Instead of a nondescript, a citizen oppressed by a load of family worries before his eyes, a physically strong physical culture arose with mound muscles and a tan from sports fun in the fresh air, capable of spending not only time, but also money on them.
After work, skiing, mauntin bike, surf, golf ... At first glance on the rapid silhouette of the Audi A6 Avant, it becomes clear which audience this car is designed for. Fashion for an active lifestyle dictates its conditions in the design of the machine. Universals can no longer look like sheds.
I was lucky: of all the cars presented for the test, I managed to drive the most stuffed Avant with the V8 engine, 4.2 liters (power 335 hp), an automatic 6-speed TIPTronic gearbox, a constant full-wheel drive of QUATTRO, adaptive air suspension, adaptive air suspension, adaptive air suspension Active cruise control and leather interior of the Havanna Brown color. From the filling of this car you are numb immediately. As I later found out, the top model Audi A6 Avant 4.2 Quattro in Russia will be sold at a price of $ 100,000.
In the interior of Audi A6, it seems, there are no shortcomings. I liked everything: a large leather steering wheel, which I immediately want to twist, a huge screen of the navigation system, comfortable seats that are regulated in all possible directions. It seems that the whole car is built around a man sitting at the wheel. At first, however, the serious dimensions of Avant were embarrassed, but the convenient and informative parking sensors helped to quickly cope with uncertainty when maneuvering in the parking lot. In the movement along the autobahn and mountain serpentine, the dimensions of the car were also not inconvenient. The driver’s actions are insured by a set of electronic active security systems, thanks to which even an inexperienced driver can feel like an expert. In corners, Avant rides like along the rails. My partner in the test even made a remark that before entering the turn, it would be nice to lose speed. Indeed, was carried away. After all, even the most perfect electronic assistants do not cancel the laws of physics.
I do not fit well into the target audience for which this car is intended, but, honestly, I caught myself thinking several times that I admire Avant. The rear lights caused particular delight. I have never seen such an intricate design: a necklace from the LEDs lights up inside the ruby \u200b\u200bcasket. In general, the chic of the business class and the utilitarianism of the five-door hatchback. It is no coincidence that this quality of the car’s practicality was constantly emphasized by Audi employees, representing their Avant.
I can assure that Audi A6 Avant passengers will never experience baggage. You can easily shove a pair of mountain bicycles, a huge number of skis and snowboards, suitcases of at least two beauties going on vacation, plus the equipment of an advanced surfing player. There is even a place for wet shoes (a special plastic pallet under the trunk floor.) But what struck me on the spot is a trunk closing button located on the back door. Down with dirty hands and spoiled gloves! Just click on the button
All these convenience of luggage placement will cost the buyer not cheap: station wagons are more expensive than sedanov A6 by $ 7,000.
The top version of Avant, which I got on the first day of tests, was almost perfect. This is a sensitive, obedient, inspiring confidence and a sense of security a car that combines swiftness and solidity in appearance. It was necessary to check it in the present case. In search of new sensations, my colleague and I decided to turn to the beach. Apparently, the glory of the guys from the British program Top Gear, dissecting the Porsche and Jaguar along the sandy coast of Wales, haunted. Having flew into the sand, we at first did not pay attention to the same Avant, standing alone in the middle of a deserted beach. However, when they chose closer, they realized that it was not a lover of sea landscapes, but firmly bogged down in the sand the same tester as we are. This does not threaten us, I said confidently. And only by the laughter of my fellow traveler I realized that I was frozen stupidity. The fact is that in the morning we took a front -wheel drive Avant without Quattro for the test. So they drove, I thought sadly, calculating how much time would have to wait for help.
While I was calling to the hotel, my colleague tried to do something. However, Avant, roaring and swaying, buried deeper into the sand deeper. The picture was depressing. Darmed, cold. And here, as in a fairy tale, wherever there is no, not a prince on a white horse, but a local Ivanushka on a white Himmer.
I will not describe the details how they were looking for a towing hook, how they dragged, how they worried and how later the rescuers from the Audi company, who arrived in time for the finale, joyfully clicked with cameras. We haven’t had this yet, one of them said in surprise, give me, I will take you off for history.
After these adventures, Audi and Quattro became the concepts of inseparable for me: we lacked all the full -wheel drive on the deserted beach! Quattro is ideologists of Avant Avant of a car, on which it is impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of driving closer to the sea.
Elena Sitnikova

A source: Wheel (company)