Test drive Audi A3 hatchback 3 doors since 2012 hatchback

Two days driving

Editorial Audi A3 at 3 months $ 8 months
So another month of our communication with the Audi A3, which is in the editorial office on a long test, passed. With the car, thank God, everything is in order. On the odometer - about 7 thousand kilometers. And here recently, standing in a traffic jam, I found out another curious figure from the on -board computer - the total time of all the hours in the clock. It turned out that in three months my colleagues and my colleagues spent a total of two and a half days behind the wheel. During this time, you can, for example, easily reach the southern tip of Portugal. And with the car, now I'm already sure that nothing will happen.
First of all, about the fever described in the last publication when starting a cold engine. As we expected, the matter was in the bad quality of fuel. It was worth pouring normal gasoline at the branded gas station a couple of times, the disease passed without a trace. So we were lucky - one of my colleagues, the owner of a new foreign car, was forced to replace the candles because of the diluted one of the gasoline. In general, I strongly recommend going around the dubious gas stations, including in the center of Moscow, and use only those that its direct manufacturers supply fuel if possible.
Meanwhile, a real winter has come in the city. With her snowy streets and, alas, mud on the roads. Very quickly we realized that compact Audi requires two simple things. Firstly, in order for a non -freezing liquid in the washer tank - it is difficult to save, since it is consumed not only on the frontal, but also on the rear window, and on the headlights washed with jets under pressure. Secondly, in the car you should have household gloves or, at worst, a rag so that you can open the back door without getting through your hands.
But with what nothing can be done, it is with kilometer metropolitan traffic jams, which now and in winter do not become less. And the point is not only in the number of cars. Just the other day, he returned from a business meeting through the center at rush hour. And near the building of one of the ministries, he almost drove into a police car standing across the road. It turned out that for the sake of some large boss, they blocked the road in one direction. The cork has formed - not to convey in words. Friends who got into it forty minutes after me lost a total of two hours! Honestly, this legalized lawlessness does not cease to amaze. In what other civilized country can you imagine something similar? In general, I was nervous, because he was late, in front of the traffic cops turned through two solid and, not sparing the car, drove into a detour. The first is twisted into the ringing, a short jerk of the gearbox lever (how the box works excellently!), And confident acceleration continues. Somehow, I reached the right turn very quickly, I went into it too briskly from anger, and then I felt that my forehead was covered with evaporates - my obvious miscalculation of Audi did not want to forgive, and obviously did not want to turn along an unthinkable arc. No matter how perfect the electronic system of stabilization, fools, sorry, it does not save. Okay, I’m pulling the handbrake - the backbone brings slightly, and the second mobile obediently fits into the turn.
Wow, we should be careful! But - there is no time. I brazenly break through the crowd of cars where it is possible. Once again, I have to state that this model is respected on the roads. Probably, for the appearance, which is strict, like a school head teacher, and also for a complete set with xenon headlights, still something else. Finally, I make my way to the yards to the right street, but I need it again to the left, again through a double solid - well, I am not to blame that the main highway was blocked! Slowly I stick out the front of the gateway, once again paying tribute to excellent visibility. By the way, the view back is very large and helps to properly maneuver. I start quickly, as soon as the opportunity was presented, even with a light screech of tires, which allows you to call the configurations of the anti -wings system. And then with a smile on my face, the traffic cop, lurking somewhere nearby. I do not want to refer our conversation with him, but believe me, dear reader, I managed to find arguments that allowed to avoid a fine. True, it took about this 15 minutes ...
Why did I tell all this? And to the fact that the modest, it would seem, a 1.6-liter A3 motor allows you to move when necessary, is very briskly. Without annoying either thoughtfulness or a loud sound - on the contrary, his rollene serves as a good doping. And the stabilization system, by the way, gives delightful sensations when turning on a slippery road - it helps, and in no case prevents the driver.
... I'm afraid that not only I sinned with a quick ride. And at some point, the excessive noise of the motor became noticeable. Everything is clear - he is still very young, and he was forced to work at full capacity. So he ate grams of 500 oils. I had to call on a company service and buy a liter bank of the recommended Mobil 5W40 for $ 8. These are, by the way, all unforeseen expenses over the past period.
Sergey Ilyinsky

A source: Newspaper "Automobile Izvestia" [No. 24 (47), 2003-2004]

Audi A3 Hatchback Test drives 3 doors since 2012