Test drive Audi A3 hatchback 3 doors since 2012 hatchback

Audi A3 Cabriolet test drive: car for pleasure

The summer has already ended, but the autumn days can still give convertible to the owners of the convertible the last opportunity to ride with the breeze. I also took this opportunity, taking the new Audi A3 Cabriolet in the Audi Center North Audi test.
The exterior of the convertible is practically no different from the updated hatchback. The grille of the radiator with a chrome frame, elongated headlights with a LED line of daylight on the upper edge, which, except the eyes cannot be called, give out the thoroughbred Audi.
The body looks very ergonomically both with the lowered and with the raised roof all proportions are perfectly observed.
The doors are quite heavy and it is difficult to immediately calculate the efforts so that the doors closed silently. The total weight of the car is 1.6 tons heavier than 400 kg, but for the sake of safe movement in an open car, you can also make such victims. And 10 airbags for front and rear passengers inspire additional confidence when moving at high speeds. The function of stabilizing the course stability holds the car reliably on the road.
Audi A3 Cabriolet is an uncompromising option with a rag roof, which is silently folded in 9 seconds with holding a pressed button next to the hand brake lever. Despite the fact that the Audi A3 is a roof in a fabric version, noise insulation can easily compete with a cabin with a hard roof.
The weather with a temperature of +10C did not become an obstacle not to ride with a lowered roof. The first thing that could not be paid attention to was the gaze of all participants in the movement who tried to consider the car closer. In the driver’s place, the wind is practically not felt, the hairstyle was not injured, but the rear passengers froze quickly enough. Still, the car is designed for warmer weather. Also, a car interior is calculated on the use of a convertible in sunny weather, the seats of which were trimmed with beige skin. In tone, they echoed the carpet, which in wet weather instantly acquired a grayish tint.
In the driver's seat, I did not manage to sit with convenience immediately: it was difficult to choose the height of the steering wheel and seat so that the steering wheel did not interfere with the review, and the location of the case did not resemble the seat on the stool, and the gaze did not rest against its own roof. But this drawback, most likely, will affect only drivers with a height of 162 cm. A stately man with a height of 195 cm and weighing 100 kg will be located with such convenience that will not feel even in some representatives of a higher class.
The rear -view mirror, in my opinion, is too compactly, but this drawback is compensated by an excellent panorama of lateral mirrors. By the way, the same mirrors are present on all other Audi models.

The entrance and exit of the rear passengers delivers some inconvenience, but, located on the seat together, passengers tall 185 cm and weighing 85 kg each, they will feel quite comfortable. The lateral support of the rear seats significantly reduces the space for maneuvers along the cabin.
The car suspension deserves special attention: small potholes of roads near Moscow are almost not felt. A six -speed machine switches the gears in 0.2 seconds. Even with a restless ride, the sensation of a naughty gas pedal almost does not occur.
As for transportation, it is difficult to call the trunk spacious, loading is especially inconvenient. To put a full bag of food, you need to bend in the housing at least 50 degrees. Nevertheless, for organizing a picnic for 20 people it will be enough, and for other purposes there are more practical cars.
Nevertheless, the Audi A3 Cabriolet 1.8 TFSI is an uncompromising car for pleasure. Recommended retail price: 1 188 400 p.
Author: Natalya Bernadskaya, project manager



Source: Business car club

Audi A3 Hatchback Test drives 3 doors since 2012