Test drive Audi A3 hatchback 3 doors since 2012 hatchback

17 moments A3

Audi compact model with honor withstood half -year tests
Note: the car appeared in an editorial parking when the first frosts began. He experienced all the charms of Russian winter - with slush and fierce frosts; And Russian roads - by the spring of excrete, as if after an attack by a shrapnel, poured with some kind of caustic dark liquid. The machine, which at first, did not take seriously - they say, small, and the motor is only 1.6 liters - very soon became indispensable on city trips in editorial matters. Convenient and comfortable. Yurkaya and fast. But everything comes to everything - we part. And friends, without any reservations. For 6 months of permanent operation, the car asked for only about $ 20 per engine oil. We forgive this debt to her.
As in any test, we tried to be as objective as possible. Materials about Audi A3 were written by different people who approached the car each for their own. Summing up everything written in six months, we decided to devote the last test to the general impression of the model. It turned out just 17 points that in my memory arise as moments.
1. Audi A3, for nothing that is small in size, certainly refers to the premium segment. Not only at the cost, but also how soundly and with what attention to the little things it was created.
2. Raspberry skin in the interior decoration is good. She brings a special charm to the salon, creates an atmosphere of sports and respectability inside.
3. At night, the black plastic of the cabin is slightly illuminated by the scarlet light of special bulbs mounted in the ceiling and hidden cavities. This helps the eyes not to get tired of contrasting illumination of the dashboard and the central console.
4. I will personally order my future car with xenon headlights. They shine much brighter and further. In addition, slow passing cars are very good from the left row.
5. The three -door A3 body was surprisingly roomy. The front seats sitting from behind have never propped up with their knees. The trunk easily accommodates five sports bags. And if you fold part of the back of the rear sofa, a set of rubber is placed inside.

6. The newfangled system of wipers - elastic bands without a metal base - proved itself, in general, not bad. They coped with water interspersed with snow and soot, but only on an absolutely clean glass (during the last wave) began to creak periodically.
7. We have not met such a successful and productive heater of the cabin for a long time. A couple of minutes after the start, warm air begins to flow inside. Doors are also good, which, even at very low temperatures, do not let the cold into the cold for a long time. For example, after a 10-hour parking, the water remaining at the bottom of a liter bottle did not freeze, and there was minus 12 on the street.
8. The salon is isolated to the maximum from the outside world. Only very loud sounds penetrate inside. Be careful - the traffic cop is practically not heard.
9. It can be seen that the car was created with an eye on civilized countries, where the roads are clean. In Russia, after an hour of driving in bad weather, the A3 side glass is sprayed with mud so that you stop seeing the mirrors. For the same reason, trousers are dirty on the thresholds and hands on the trunk opening key located in the niche of the door.
10. A mechanical gearbox on A3 - of those that you want to use again and again. The mechanism for choosing speeds and efforts on it is so clearly configured that it is almost impossible to miss a lever.
11. Approximately also diligently verified the efforts on the pedals. Women will especially appreciate this.
12. A3 suspension is a well -chosen compromise between comfort and handling. She swallows small pits, largely works out completely, not allowing the wheels to lose contact with the road for a moment. Knocking, testifying to wear, has not yet been found.
13. A 1.6-liter engine with a capacity of 102 hp Not bad at all. At least it is a frisky enough to break away from the stream at the start from the traffic light. One unpleasant trifle - loves oil. For about 13,500 km, 2 liters were required per share.
14. The average fuel consumption over 6 months was 10 l/100 km of the path. We expected less on a liter. But there is nothing to be surprised: there are too serious traffic jams in Moscow, there are too many lovers of twist the engine to almost 6000 rpm.
15. The refueling along the way, at a random gas station - there is nothing worse for the injector injector Audi. The next morning after one such case, a surprise in the form of floating idle awaited us morning. revolutions and black smoke of the exhaust. A few days later, after the next bay of normal fuel, the defect disappeared.
16. Audi A3, undoubtedly, respect the road. It seems (especially in the rear view mirror) that a slightly arrogant front of the car belongs to a higher class model. Well, and a Tavro of four rings in Russia means something.
17. Saying goodbye to the A3 model, we do not think to part with Audi. Who is next?
Sergey Ilyinsky

A source: Car news

Audi A3 Hatchback Test drives 3 doors since 2012