Test drive Audi A3 2003 - 2008 hatchback

A3 in winter

Audi seemed to be created for Russian latitudes
This is the most important thing: in A3 is warm and in a fierce cold. For now, however, the nature of the Muscovites piled up, but the thermometer column on some days still dropped below minus 15. And the energy of the modest 1.6-liter motor was enough for it to be at home for five minutes later. Heated the seats very much and helps out. For example, I do this: I start the engine (a separate climate control system is installed at +20 marks), turn on the heating, and I go out to wipe the side mirrors and glass. Because the compact car is more afraid of not a cold, but the dirt - the sidewalls and food are sprayed mercilessly. He rubbed, sat down - he warms up and can go.
The front -wheel drive Audi shows itself on slippery roads in the best way - keeps with dignity, giving the heading to many other cars. Of course, the editorial office was not in vain spent $ 600 on excellent winter tires. But only tires are not able to provide the driver with complete confidence behind the wheel. Many factors are important here - and rigidity (but not to the detriment of comfort!) Suspension, and acute steering, and magnificent settings for the ESP stabilization electronic system. Having bought out the ESP algorithm, you understand that this is just a miracle. The system does not interfere, but gives an experienced driver additional opportunities on ice and snowy areas. Here is an example.
Every evening I get to the parking for the unclean, winding and rather narrow because of the paths parked along the roadsides. And recently I have been passing this slippery and, in general, a dangerous area twice as fast as at first. Because, as it were, I multiply my abilities by two. I’m entering a turn at a speed that I wouldn’t allow myself, if I hadn’t been in an ESP car - and I know for sure that the system will begin to start demolition, but slightly (just as required) will undergo the right wheel, and I only have it left Also, turn the steering wheel to the desired angle in time. So - click and click, under the wink of the yellow ESP indicator - we are attacking and passing around the turn. Great! And ABS acts perfectly, although I would probably even prefer it to be included a little later. Moreover, with the stabilization system turned on, using the parking brake handle, to force Audi to enter the preliminary skid in order to effectively pass too cool turn.
Of course, ESP can be turned off by clicking on the corresponding button above the central console, and I have done this more than once for the experiment. And, believe me, I came to the conclusion that it is more profitable to multiply the possibilities in the case of A3 than to rely only on their own strengths.
I learned about one more useful function by chance (I repent, I do not like to read instructions) when I went to the Moscow Ring Road and was forced to force the wipers to work in continuous mode. So, having slowed down before the next bang and soon stopped, I noticed that the electronics independently put the janitors into the mode of operation with interruptions. It was worth it to move - the brushes again tiredly began to clean the windshield. A trifle, but nice!
On the first day of the new year on the glass of Audi - where it should be - a sticker appeared, indicating that the driver acquired a policy of compulsory insurance of auto -citizenship (OSAGO). And - she appeared very on time, because, despite all the assurances of the heads of the traffic police - the traffic police, the cars were mercilessly stopped, checking the insurance not simultaneously, but the first thing. In any case, it was with me that way: the first thing the inspector asked was a sticker. Seeing her, he was clearly upset.
In general, according to our colleagues from news, over the first week of the New Year, about 200 thousand people paid for the lack of policies. According to the management of the capital's traffic police, 25 thousand drivers were fined, and even then - not all for the lack of a policy. It is difficult to say as far as this figure should be multiplied in order to get a real picture in Moscow, since many resolved the issue on the spot. The dachshund is also known - 200-300 rubles, depending on the mood of the inspector and the ability to communicate with him. In any case, two of my friends on Christmas on the spot broke up with such amounts. And one more thing: I have never seen so many police officers on the roads and ambush in the early days of 2004.

May the reader forgive me for this small digression, and - back to the car. At the time of preparation of this material, only a few hundred kilometers up to 10,000th mark on the odometer remained. No complaints. The only thing was that it was a total of about one and a half liters of oil. No, the indicator did not notion about the need to do this. But at some point I did not like the sound of the motor-there was something metal in it. I checked - the oil is normal, although it is significantly lower than the maximum. I decided not to take risks, added - the sound became velvet, which completely reassured.
And the car, as they say, rolled out, about which - in the next publication.
Andrey Osipov

A source: "Automobile Izvestia"

Test drives Audi A3 2003 - 2008