Test drive Audi 80 B4 1986 - 1995 Sedan

A barrel of honey

Old man Diogenes lived in a barrel. Then the wheels were attached to this barrel, and the Audi 80 car turned out ...
All this, of course, jokes. At the same time, folklore nicknames of cars aptly reflect their essence. ZAZ -965 - Gorbaty, VAZ -2108 - chisel, Opel Kadett E - Blue ...
From the word the barrel blows reliability. And although today many cars have faceless rounded bodies of the body, the barrel is only Audi 80 in the 44th body.
In Germany, Audi 80 was considered mainly by lady. Most often it was a second car designed for daily family trips - a store, a hairdresser, to pick up a child from school. It was just young people who had just finished college and entered into an independent life. Riding on old golf is no longer prestigious, and they have not yet earned a more solid model. In both cases, the owners did not grind their cars much, and most of the used Audi, which came to our country, looks very, very attractive.
An interesting situation - in our country, the owners of the Audi 80 in terms of lifestyle are largely similar to the first owners of their car. Among them, you can meet a successful journalist, a beginner businessman and friend of the life banker. Anyone whose ambitions allow you to dismissively look at the products of the domestic automobile industry, but material capabilities are not yet limitless.
For many of them, young and zealous, Audi is the first serious car after the Zhiguli and a suitable occasion to tear themselves away on the road. These cars briskly start from traffic lights (front -wheel drive!) And easily squeeze on the track 140 km/h. Relatively small sizes, hydraulic power of the steering wheel and good acceptance allow you to easily maneuver in a close city stream, if there is enough skill and nerves. Therefore, the autopilot recommends purchasing a car without mileage in the CIS if you definitely stopped your choice on the barrel.
Among the main competitors of the Audi 80 in the market of not new cars, Mercedes 190, Ford Scorpio and Volkswagen Passat can be considered. The money is approximately the same. The age difference will be no more than two years in one direction or another - for a used car with the name this is not fundamentally.
Losing a little Mercedes from an image point of view, the Audi 80 is considered more sports than Volkswagen, and more prestigious than Scorpio. She is like a red tree buffet in the living room: modestly, but with taste. A solid and unpretentious car for daily trips around the city.
Personally, I really like the Audi salon. Even more than a deliberately ascetic salon Mercedes 190. In a personal tag of ranks, he is immediately behind the BMW interior. Firstly, everything is very functional and thoughtful, and secondly, just beautiful and elegant. A special distinguishing feature is an abundance of shelves and messes, which allows you to carry a lot of useful little things with it, occupying half of the trunk of the Lada.
If you spend a little more time and money in search of the right car, you can purchase a copy with a full set of additional options - electric hatch, glass, heating the seats. In the sense of ensuring Audi comfort, there has always been among the leaders.
You can hardly be able to purchase Audi 80 through official dealers. Two options remain - either to distill the car from Western Europe on your own, or look for it by ads and among friends. You can also turn to the services of a professional distiller of used cars. In this case, the price increases by about $ 500 depending on the car delivery route to your entrance.
Among car owners, Audi Mark is famous for its anti -corrosion processing. Indeed, a galvanized body shows amazing resistance in our climate. Naturally, these machines are rarely rusted. But every medal has the opposite side - if the machine was subjected to complex body repairs in artisanal conditions and the welding places were not properly processed, then the corrosion process goes in these places with frightening speed and can spread to the entire body. When choosing a car, we recommend paying special attention to this.
Many owners are also attracted by the availability of service and the relative cheapness of spare parts, which can be purchased both in branded stores and by announcements through specialized publications. According to the experience of one of the Moscow firms engaged in diagnostics and repair of various units in Audi cars, a list of the most common problems that the owners of the 80th model contact the service is as follows: a malfunction of the electronic fuel injection system, replacing the front shock absorbers, and replacing steering Tips, a malfunction of the engine cooling system - in the colloquial of the pump, replacing the electric power sensor, replacement of the clutch.
The mechanics of this company believe that the reason for the failure of the injection system is the poor quality of domestic gasoline and recommend that all owners use special additives to fuel that increase the octane number. Otherwise, the replacement of injectors and the complete diagnosis of the engine will rise at $ 150-200. As for the anterior shock absorbers and tips of steering rods, the cost of only work to replace them will cost the owner of the Audi $ 150-250.
And finally, a case from life. One acquaintance acquired Audi 80 a couple of months ago. Together with the car from the first owner, he got a lot of problems - beating rubber, poorly adjusted engine, knocking suspension. Good intentions to bring the car into a normal look are already breaking down for a long time on chronic laziness. And the car drives itself and drives. And less and less, my friend recalls that it would be nice to go to the service ... Still a strong and patient, still a car - Audi 80.
Prices for used cars Audi 80 (November 1997).
Moscow Kaliningrad
1993-1994 $ 15.5 thousand $ 15.5 thousand.
1991-1992 $ 10-13 thousand $ 9-13 thousand.
1989-1990 $ 10-11 thousand $ 8-9 thousand.
1987-1988 $ 7.5-8.5 thousand $ 7.3 thousand.
Audi 80 1.8/2.0
Working volume (cubic meter) 1781/1984
Power (L.S. at about./Min.) 75 (4600)/90 (5400)
Maximum speed (km/h) 163/177
Acceleration to 100 km/h (sec.) 15.7/13.6
Fuel consumption per 100 km (l)
at 90 km/h 5.7/6.8
at 120 km/h 7.1/8.4
city regime 9.8/10.8
The cost of spare parts and consumables
brake pads from $ 30
front shock absorbers $ 120 (pair)
farah assembly (Hella) $ 170
boschosos (Bosch) $ 135
fuel filter about $ 30
air filter about $ 20
$ 50 cooling pump pump
set of 4 candles Champion $ 12
Nikolai Sukhov,
Stepan Rybakov (photo)


Source: "Autopilot"

Video crash tests Audi 80 b4 1986 - 1995