Test Drive Acura MDX since 2009 Crossover

Deep roaster

In the good old days, as we remember, the gasoline was cheap, and the chocolate was sweeter, and the Honda cars were heard more extreme: these cars were like meat with blood, chatting with them started. But in recent years, something happened to them: many of them are tasted for taste, too well roasted ...
Especially carefully, it seems, large Honda are cooked: there is nothing surprising in this, large sedans and crossovers in principle should be soft and comfortable. On the other hand, cars such as Acura MDX (this is such a car recently visited us away), are obliged from the birth to be at least a little sporty. Just because they made one famous company. How much did this car go into contact with spirits her ancestors? And how much did this car take place as a paricleboard with a claim for solidity, image and comfort?
Approaching Acura, fully realize that in front of you the luxury class, which is quite somehow not to face excessive energy. But still want MDX to be something big than just a good crossover. I want to feel the breed characteristic of the Honda and even in a passenger seat, to feel how many and firmly shot down organism. I want a vitality (without fanaticism, of course). But at the first acquaintance with this car, I was first discharged a soft wave: it is also present in the cabin, and in the engine work (the engine at idle whispers, even on the background of a typical noise for the city, it is not particularly heard), as well as in the aroma (climbing into the salon, you feel a pleasant smell of a new car).
Where there is no softness, so it is in the appearance. Next to the strange and mild car of the previous generation, the newcomer looks acutely, aggressively, fashionable and at the same time very slim (the old car had brightly pronounced belly and double chin, she as if she didn't want to hide her relatives with Mini Vuem Honda Odyssey). MDX Sample 2008 is as if it is dressed in the same costume as its predecessor, but it is on the novelty that this clothing it sits as it should (approximately the same effect can observe a fat man in the mirror, trying on the old clothes after he seriously stood up and dropped over).
Did you feel? In this case, we propose to climb inside. It immediately becomes clear that MDX succeeded in the area that, along with the driving qualities, was always a skate of the company. We are talking about working out the cabin. Take at least the finish materials they are awesome. They are also pleasant in appearance, and to the touch (moreover and at easy touching the tips of the fingers, and with a stronger touch experimenting materials). What is there to say, if even the glove box is covered with velvet, and the seats are of the most gentle skin! Pleases how it all collected together: every detail that must stand firmly in its place, not moving for any money, but everything that should move, makes it very clear and twist. The only thing that grieved, the seats: the pillows are short. Some compensation for this chartiness of the seats themselves, as well as special rollers for the shoulders, which first produce the impression of the Boutaphor, but still quite comfortable (if you straighten your shoulders, as it should be the owner of such a solid car, they are perfectly falling just on these Additional sections).
Ergonomics pleases: The management of many secondary functions is assigned to a neat, stylish and compact block on the torpedo. The most important thing is that almost any car enthusiast, who managed to chat tightly on his century, will quickly get comfortable and immediately understand which button for what is responsible, in any case, until it is to manage the music (which is very good, by the way, Sounds) and climate control. It is worth climbing into the on-board computer, as you have to learn something (by the way, setting up the sound of music Equalizer, that is, buried just the same in the computer). The main element of the control of the two-stroke joystick, similar to the one that is used in BMW. The menu navigation is implemented very well: the image of this very joystick appears on the screen, prompting, in which direction you need to move the real device. Convenient: it is immediately clear where to move, you do not need to make trial shots to understand what side the cursor will break. Still, it will have to get used to: they have not yet come up with such systems that did not need to study before famously what is called without looking, start using them.
The driver has no extra reasons to be distracted from the road. And the passengers have something to occupy, especially if the machine is equipped with an optional multimedia system. However, those who are behind, permanently dig and explore the possibilities of MDX equipment at least on the go. The efforts of the designers seem to be mainly aimed at ensuring that the one who drives themselves well.
It remains only to understand how satisfied the driver will be when it will switch to the buttons and the joysticks on the steering wheel and pedals. While I was driving as a passenger, I was not delighted. The suspension for sensations was harsh (Lincoln MKX and Nissan Murano is a bit softer) and at the same time it seemed that she would allow many extra televitations (it should be noted that secondary oscillations, let's say, after quivering forward on braking, the chassis is successfully quenched). In general, after Integra, the infinite collens of which is felt even on a passenger seat, MDX seemed respectful, a parquet, created by another company, but in the adjustment of the challenges of which Honda was still involved.
But everything changes when you get behind the wheel. It is only worth moving, as you almost instantly feel that MDX allows you to wear! The steering is very responsive, the car obeys the movements of the steering wheel almost instantly, as is like Honda. In general, controllability made a good impression: in the limit, the car demoloses, but this deflection is quite efficient and adequately extinguished with the help of branded all-wheel drive transmission. A little disappointed brakes: like many modern Honda, they are very sensitive and sharp, yes so much that it is easy to catch some carotid motorist in a traffic jam. Only at high speed you feel, for what the character of the brakes works were stood: they allow them to effectively and very accurately stop the heavy machine with a good move.
Coupling Engine Box left an ambiguous impression. Motor, for nothing that its volume is 3.7 liters, supremely pulls on the bottoms, and the unwillingness of the boxes go to reduced transmission in such situations enhances the feeling of um ... calm. If you get a gas pedal as it should, then the box still begins to move (still not very happy) and the engine reveals its true temper. As it turned out, this is the most real Hondovsky engine, demonstrating all of its capabilities on tops (already closer to the cut-off is very cheerful pickup). Surprise So Surprise! True, the car sounds with intensive acceleration painfully bare and viciously.
So can this car be the most locomotive with which the RX300 has become in their time for Lexus and Fx for Infiniti (in other words, can it become a momentum thanks to which Acura will come officially to our market)? It may be very possible: MDX has a lot of positive qualities, moreover, it seems that it seems that the luxury has come up, characteristic of the RX300, and the combat math of the FX-series. In any case, how the Honda car was very even taken place. Mogress Civic Type R or S2000 for a healthy would be stupid, but if you need a parckarter and wants in the car at least a piece from combat Honda, then MDX is a very good choice. True, at a price of 2,080,000 rubles. Make such a choice will be able to afford not very many.


Source: Magazine cars and prices July 15, 2008