Mazda 3 characteristics
Characteristics of Mazda 3 (AXELA) Sedan since 2009
Modification | Power, kW (hp) / about | Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km | Weight (weight), kg |
1.6 CD | 80(109)/4000 | 4.5 | 1320 |
2.2 CD (150 hp) | 110(150)/3500 | 5.4 | 1465 |
2.2 CD (185 hp) | 136(185)/3500 | 5.6 | 1465 |
1.6i | 77(105)/6000 | 6.3 | 1245 |
2.0i | 110(150)/6500 | 7.7 | 1335 |
2.5i | 124(167)/6000 | 9.7 | 1344 |
Characteristics of Mazda 3 (AXELA) Sedan 2004 - 2009
Modification | Power, kW (hp) / about | Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km | Weight (weight), kg |
1.6 CD | 80(110)/4000 | 5 | 1260 |
1.6i | 77(105)/6000 | 7.2 | 1240 |
2.0i | 110(150)/6000 | 8.2 | 1290 |
2,3i | 120(160)/6500 | 8.2 | 1310 |
Opinion about Mazda 3 2003-2009
Troochka is famous for its sporting appearance. Its thoughtful design overlaps all the obvious cons, such as practical absence of sound insulation, which relates Mazda 3 with a vase. Restayl also did not make cardinal changes in the design of the car - foreign sounds live in the cabin, the wheels of the wheels also does not give rest.
In addition to attractive design, the car has another plus: excellent handling. Mazda 3 does not buy those who want to simply overcome any distance, but those who wish to enjoy the driving process themselves. The car suits lovers to drive. The machine is designed for the driver, the interests of passengers are practically not taken into account: there is almost no Shumkov, the chassis allows you to feel every pit on the road. Therefore, married couples buy Mazda 3 I do not advise.
As soon as this model appeared in the domestic market, she immediately created an excitement around him. Demand exceeded the offer. When the hype went down, the model still remained extremely popular, even, despite its overestimated price. Therefore, the used Mazda 3 will cost quite expensive.
Body and chassis
The manufacturer offered 2 options for the hull: hatchback and sedan. Both are known for their relevant design. Among the used cars will not be difficult to find any of these bodies. Separately, I not measure the best quality LCP. In our conditions, after six months after the purchase of a new car, scratches appeared. No two - a lot. Even the car wash adversely affects the paint.
The running is strong enough. The main details are up to 90,000 km. Therefore, on such a mileage, the car is better not to acquire - the details are very expensive compared to other brands of the same class. Another disadvantage - ball supports, hinges and rubber parts should be changed along with the levers. But one wheel accounts for 4 levers. In addition, the rear shock absorbers are inseparable from the damper, support, protective tires. As you understand, the bulkhead chassis in Mazda 3 is the cheapest pleasure.
Front of the most vulnerable place - support bearings racks. The sign of the necessary substitution is a sharp creaking sound, tight steering wheel, twist when turning. On maintenance it is necessary to twist the nuts of the stabilizative racks of the rear chassis, so you will prevent the early death of the racks by 80,000 km.
Motors and transmissions
Engines with 16 valves, with a very reliable chain and GN in the drive of the gas distribution mechanism. Most often occurs a 1.6-liter engine with 105 forces. He is suitable for both MCPP and fans to purify. Special hassle does not deliver. The only one, pick up to fuel: refueling by poor quality will result in a sudden breakage of the candle and the airborne sensor. In fairness, I will note that whatever fuel, the valves fail. Nozzles wash not necessarily. Subject to the use of high-quality gasoline, candles live up to 65,000 km. It all concerns the 150-strong 2-liter motor. This engine is popular at the so-called "Schumachers". In exceptional cases, the crankshaft sensors and idolots are closed on motors. On the car from the first parties noise the flaps of the intake manifold, later this problem was eliminated.
I recommend pouring high-quality synthetic oil. Otherwise, pick-up oiling rings will be contaminated. As a result, the engine has sharply intensify the oil appetite, and also have to buy new rings.
There is also a modification of MPS for active drivers with a 2.3-liter engine with 260 forces (injection + turbocharger). But the used copy is better not to take: too high tax rate, in addition, the former owner is undoubtedly the car did not regret. And besides, unlike 1,6- and 2-liter engines, this motor 92 will not be. He is suitable only 98. Also in these motors under warranty, rear support fasteners were changed. But if you decide to acquire exactly this modification, then before purchase, be sure to dig a turbocharger. Read more about Diagnostics:
On this model, there were durable MCPP-5 and MCPP-6. However, constant pettyness undoubtedly has an adverse effect even on such reliable boxes. Their repair is quite expensive. The clutch will withstand at least 90,000 km. It is time to change when for pressing the pedal will have to make an effort.
ACAP-4, in turn, is less reliable. Potential problem - "Long transmission". Turn on - pulls the car. It is not worth upset. It is necessary to make a warranty new firmware of the automaton control unit. If the warranty period has already expired, this procedure will be requested from 5000 rubles.
Other malfunctions
Often, even 50,000 km begins to disturb the knock of the steering wheel rail. In the salons, it considers the norm and warranty replacement to produce. Often annoying the scratch of the silent blocks of crossing levers of the rear chassis. This usually does not find the cause of the fault. I advise you to change the gaskets or lubricate Silent Silicone.
Often lobovuha is erased by wipers and fad. What can be done? Either regularly replacing the glass, or put softer wipers. The consumility is fog.
Recently, prices were translated. Cars of the first parties left the secondary market at least 400,000 rubles. Now prices have fallen noticeably.
This car for those who want to enjoy the control, and the funds are missing on the "boomer". If you are looking for a reliable, unpretentious in operation, a family machine is not your option.