Characteristics Great Wall

Catalog of technical characteristics of models Great Wall: fuel consumption, dynamics and power, weight (weight), road clearance (clearance), reversal radius and other parameters.

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Technical Specifications Great Wall

The company, named after the most important Chinese sightseeing, began producing cars under its brand more than 40 years ago. It seems relatively low for the European automotive industry, however, it sounds quite impressive for Chinese manufacturers. Great Wall Hover H5 Today, this company is one of the sales leaders in the Chinese automotive market and one of the best-selling Chinese car brands abroad. Despite the fact that in Europe these cars began to be sold only since 2006, they have already managed to gain popularity in this country. By technical characteristics of Great Wall Do not inferior to their American and Japanese competitors, but are sold at a more affordable price, which explains the considerable success of this brand all of all over the world. To date, about 700 thousand cars per year are produced at the company's factories. The most famous from the new models of the brand steel Compact crossovers Great Wall Hover 3 and Great Wall Hover 5. The main feature technical characteristics Great Wall Compared with many other Chinese cars, their safety is confirmed by numerous crash tests carried out in both Europe and in America. Also, the company actively applies modern developments and technologies to use environmentally friendly cars and recently released the first model on the electric motor.

Official site Great Wall: