Ford Fusion features

Specifications Ford Fusion: Power, fuel consumption 100 km, weight (weight), road clearance (clearance), reversal radius, transmission type and brakes, body sizes and tires.

Fusion Characteristics since 2010

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (weight), kg
1.4 Mt. (80)/5700 6.2 1162
1.6 AT. (100)/6000 7.6 1170
1.6 Mt. (100)/6000 6.6 1164

Fusion Characteristics since 2005

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (weight), kg
1.4 TDCI 50(68)/4000 4.4 1102
1.6 TDCI 66(90)/4000 4.6 1162
1.4 58(80)/5700 6.2 1070
1.6 74(101)/6000 6.6 1080

Fussion 2002 Characteristics - 2005

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (weight), kg
1.4 TDCI 50(68)/4000 4.4 1102
1.6 TDCI 66(90)/4000 4.6 1162
1.4 58(80)/5700 6.5 1070
1.6 74(101)/6000 6.6 1080

Ford Fusion since 2002


This car is difficult to call gorgeous, bright or extravagant - he will like it almost practical, who are not accustomed to silent to the money to buyers, ready to sacrifice the exquisite design for simplicity or in order to save money. Ford Fusion has a number of advantages, but he does not shine beauty.


What can he "hook"?. For example, spacious (for such dimensions of the machine) with a high ceiling cabin. To sit in it is convenient even to older people. True, the interior decoration is clearly not expensive, but for such a car, the finish is not the main thing. Sades and fancy picnic lovers will certainly appreciate the spacious luggage compartment.

Eh, expensive

On the Ford Fusion road, it behaves perfectly, the car is characterized by good handling, and high clearance allows you to receive additional pleasure from the trip. True, after installing the protection of the Carter about high ground clearance, you can forget, otherwise all the underlying police, bumps and stones on the road will be "yours."

Along with the indisputable advantages of the model, it is necessary to mention and its obvious disadvantages: too tough suspension (on the road with a bad coating it is able to deliver not one unpleasant moment to the driver and passengers) and not the best sound insulation.

Exterior and Pendant Features

But the Body Ford Fusion is practically not afraid of corrosion, and the suspension is highly reliable (which, in general, is uncharacteristic for modern European cars) - not a single weak place, all the parts of the suspension are able to withstand up to 100,000 km of mileage even in Russian conditions.

Cars of early release series differed fragility of stabilizer racks (some of them did not even withstand 35,000 km). But this deficiency was very quickly eliminated, and in the future the rack of the new Ford Fusion did not give up earlier than the car was held 100,000 km. If you buy a car with mileage above this mark, know that you will probably have to immediately do the replacement of shock absorbers, hub bearings, as well as racks and bushings of stabilizers. Ford Fusion brake mechanisms are worn and with a proper manner of driving are able to stretch for quite a long time (brake discs - up to 90,000 km, front pads - up to 45,000 km, rear drum pads - up to 100,000 km). Very much!

salon Ford Fusion

What engine to choose?

Most often in the secondary market, you can find a version with an engine with a volume of 1.4 liters, the power of which completely covers the needs of a small car (if they use the driver mainly), and the mechanical gearbox or the "robot". For the transport of passengers, it is better to choose Ford Fusion with an engine volume of 1.6 liters. The mini-version of the motor - the volume of 1.2 liters - also exists in nature, but this is the option only for novice car enthusiasts. Diesel motors in Russia are extremely rare.

It should be noted that all versions of Ford Fusion gasoline engines have proven themselves as extremely unpretentious and inconspicuous to the quality of gasoline. So that they began to capricious, you need to not pay attention to them at all. The only weak link is ignition candles: after 15,000-20,000 km, they may require replacement. The ignition coils may also fail pretty quickly, but it is rather particular than a mass phenomenon.

Seeing the Check Engine signal, first check the nozzles and the gas station mesh for clogging. The fuel pump usually change assembly, the timing belt is only in the corporate auto service (due to some features of the design of the belt replacement in the garage conditions, without special equipment is very problematic).

Mechanics, automatic or robotic gearbox?

Ford Fusion gearbox can be three types - mechanics, "mechanical robot" or "automatic", and all options are quite reliable. If there is a question of choosing a gearbox, it is better to stop on the mechanics or "automatic", since the "robot" can be capricious in automatic mode. It is worth paying attention to the helm hydraulic hose (in cars that have come down from the conveyor for the first years of the model release, it can leak).


The cost of Ford Fusion on the secondary market is from 200,000 rubles. A good choice for the buyer, looking for nothing noticeable, but at the same time economical, comfortable, practical, undemanding machine.