Characteristics Ford Explorer

Ford Specifications Explorer: Power, Fuel consumption 100 km, weight (mass), Road clearance (clearance), Radius of reversal, Type of transmission and brakes, body sizes and tires.

Explorer Characteristics since 2010

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (weight), kg
3.5 AT (294)/6500 12.4 -

Explorer characteristics since 2005

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (weight), kg
4 154(299)/5100 2014
4.6 215(292)/5750 2055

Explorer 2001 Characteristics - 2005

Modification Power, kW (hp) / about Fuel consumption (medium), l / 100 km Weight (weight), kg
4 154(299)/5250 12.7 1857
4.6 177(241)/4750 13.7 1860

Ford Explorer (Ford Explorer) is the mid-sized SUV from Ford, who debuted in 1990 and became the most-selling brand SUV for 15 years, saving a circulation of 5.5 million copies. In 2005, a new generation of Explorer appeared with more powerful, environmentally friendly engines and advanced security systems. In 2000, an Explorer Sport Trac version appeared, positioned as a separate model, with an open body on the site of the traditional luggage compartment.